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11/23/2006 02:36 #32825

Headaches and Heaters
Category: life
I just woke up after passing out at 7 from a horrible headache. I am so hungry because it hurt so bad I couldn't eat dinner before. I have had two of these headaches in the last week resulting in me going to bed as soon as I get home from work, weird. I never really had them before but they are the most terrible pain it makes you to throw up.

I think part of it is stress and the other part is that my new office is barely warm and my neck gets tense when it is cold. Today I just wore my scarf. I think my cubicle gets coldest because it is near a window.

The guys on the other side of the building have very warm cubicles that get sun. I am jealous. I just might buy a freakin space heater for in my cube.


The picture of the computer on the floor is (e:enknot)'s old one at work. Doesn't it look sad thrown on the floor and all naked.

My heater finally came for my home office. It makes the room really warm but it still smells a little weird.


I am so glad tomorrow will be a feast. Oh shit, I forgot to make cranberry sauce. I better get up early.

11/20/2006 21:56 #32824

What Am I Doing At Work Still
Category: programming
I had this idea which will make stuff easier in the future but it requires some retrofitting. I hope my heater is at home when I get there.

des - 11/21/06 13:49
is that a cisco phone? I didnt know they even made phones.

11/19/2006 21:57 #32823

Graduation, Vents, Tea and Brownies
Category: school
After reading the omgblog I started to think that maybe my blog was too boring for pop culture loving americans. I guess that is okay with me. I wish I had more freetime to write like back when I was a student and was busy communting around a lot. I think commuting is the best time to blog, although it is potentially life threatening.

Well, it took long enough but today was graduation day celebration with my family and it was great. We went back to marotto's It is a delicious restaurant in Buffalo. I had lobster tail. I haven't had it in years and it was exceptionally delicious.

I am determined to eat more of them which I know is cruel or something. I want to order them from this online store in Maine They have jumbo 2.5 Lb ones for $26 and I have some graduation money to use up but the problem is deciding to have them shipped dead or alive. If they come dead I have no guarantee how fresh they are. If they are shipped live it is cruel.

I updated the surebert site. I decided to start making demos. I a thinking about writing a book on javascript programming? I really have so many other things I could do with my time, but I figure it may be good and then I could promote surebert.


There is a furnace vent in our bedroom that basically opens up into a chimney. You can see the sky. It is so weird. I cannot imagine the original purpose of it. Here is a pic from it

Looking Down

Looking Up

Betty Crocker makes these Warm Delights that allow you to "bake a cake in your microwave." They require a lot of work and make a lot of waste. The bowl they "bake" in is basically a Tupperware quality piece of plastic. I would never buy one but my mother had like 5 flavors she got on sale so I figured why not try it. It did taste good.









::Download Flash Video::

I got a graduation card from (e:mike) and my parents but there was one more envelope. It turned out to be a graduation card form Nonna that she put together before she died because I was suppose to graduate when mike did. Remember, that she had the stroke on his graduation day. It was sad to think it will be the last card I ever get from him although it was nice to have an extra one.


(e:mike) bought me goldschlager and enough lottery tickets that I got tired of scratching htem and had him do the last one as an additional gife. I actually won a $1 on a coupel of them and one an additional take 5 that I need to go get. I love lottery tickets but not the ones that you have to think about.

The might leaf tea company makes this really awesome tea. My father got some for my mother in California and then they found it at bluemountain on elmwood at 509 Elmwood Avenue


My mother also had these tea blossoms that (e:mike) in Boston.

The other day one of our server freaked out at work. I hate windows.

I a down to 145 pounds. That means I lost half the weight I had gained at the gym before buying the house. It is time to go back to the gym. I really need to commit to that.

des - 11/21/06 13:53
I thought you were supposed to put the chocolate icing on after nuking it?
mrdeadlier - 11/20/06 09:38
yeah dude, you should totally write a js book.
jenks - 11/19/06 22:53
Yay, congrats. :) I think the nonna-from-the-grave card is fantastic/sweet/sad/creepy all at the same time. Pretty cool.

11/17/2006 15:52 #32822

I am so freakin' happy
Category: family
First of all my system at work is coming along great. Secondly, at lunch today (e:terry) finally expressed an interest in something career wise. He will be happy and we will be rich. He and (e:mike) are going to go to pharmacy school together. Considering they are the two of the smartest people I know, I am sure they will enjoy it and then there will be two doctors of pharmacy in the family - which means I should never die without an inhaler when there is a cat around.
uncutsaniflush - 11/17/06 20:26
Congrats to (e:mike) and (e:terry) for figuring out what they want to when they grow up.

I'm a bit older than they are, and I still haven't figured out what I want to do when I grow up. <g>

Unless being an idiot-savant linux geek is a career path, of course. <g>

11/16/2006 00:11 #32821

Fireplaces and Cold
Category: heat
Does anyone know anyone/a company that can update fireplaces with lining and vented inserts? I need to get an estimate ASAP. (e:matthew) heard it is not healthy to use the ventless ones.

Ironically, when I type (GOOGLE - line a fireplace buffalo, ny) line a fireplace buffalo, ny into google it gives me my journal from last week.

The full size I found on the net was better


mrdeadlier - 11/16/06 11:55
My buddy's brother owns Heritage Fireplaces (I think that's what it's called). I would think they're in the phone book...