What does "hypoallergenic" really mean?
To be hypoallergenic is to have a decreased tendency to cause allergies. Hypo means less, not none. Hypoallergenic dog breeds will still produce allergens, but because of their coat type, will typically produce less than others. People with severe allergies and asthma will still be affected by a hypoallergenic dog.
There is no such thing as a non-allergenic dog.
What coat-type makes the difference?
There are two coat types that produce a lesser amount of allergens: single-coated dogs, who do not have a thick undercoat, and hairless dogs. However even hairless dogs can produce enough dander to to affect a highly allergic person.
This is a Chinese Crested Dog (WIKIPEDIA - Chinese Crested Dog). If I could get a hiarless dog it would be this kind. (e:enknot) told me about them.

Speaking of crazy shit check of the

UPDATE: 03/12/2008 I received this message about the person claiming copyright on the image. Sadly, I didn't even take the image from their site. I took it from the hobbit cat site which had stolen the image from them.
The photograph of the hairless dwarf cat is copyright Helmi Flick and you have not provided a copyright credit. I also suspect that you have not got her permission. Please clarify the situation. On the face of it this is a copyright violation. You can be sued for damages.

I think I will just stick with tortoises and sugar gliders.
That cat in a dark house? I would be afraid the Devil would talk to me through it.
ew i think that cat is seriously disgusting looking. good call on the tortoises and sugar gliders. even though i am truly a dog lover...no dog or cat is better than a gross looking one.
Awwe!! The hairless cats are so neat! Their feet look like they're walking on little pillows. :)
Have you seen the hairless rats and guinea pigs they have now? lol