On our trip down Haight Asbury yesterday we saw signs for Salvia Divinorum. It is a legal yet hallucinogenic mint plant. Here

is tons of info. I had tried smoking the leaves with
(e:terry) and
(e:mattew) before and it was very mild and kind of fun. We had ordered the dried leaves online back in 2003.
The thing about it is the experience only lasts around a half hour. Compared with other non-legal hallucinogens that is a very short trip.
In the shop here we got 25x extract, they didn't even sell leaves. No large amount leaves to smoke like in my past experience. In fact I think that is what limited the effects previously. It is basically just a tiny bit of crunched up leaves soaked in extract. They sell it lots of places online like
It was very intense and we all were talking nonsense.
(E:iriesara) kinda freaked out . I think she may have had a bad reaction as she turned all red and got all crazy. She was really freaked out by the carpet.
(e:twisted) ended up falling backwards and ending up in another universe that was deconstructing and reconstructing.
They can probably describe it a lot better.
It did make everything look quite insane. Lots of concentric geometric patterns constructed from a view of the environment we were in. Strangely, I remember saying that everything was pointed and prickley, which I think I remember commenting about in previous experiences.
I think I wasn't very freaked out because of my previous experience with it.
I definitely would not suggest trying it if you are not confortable being totally freakin' out of control.
I really have no idea how it can be legal but it is.
OMG, that was so crazy. I think it's really the only time I ever totally lost my cool. I still get kinda twitchy seeing that f'ing carpet again. Good times. :)
I think about this day very often.
Oops that was supposed to be :::link:::
At least she didn't eat my face :::link::: Strangely, someone else once tried to. I think I will just steer away from such things.
agreed, even stone cold sober that rug freaks me out a little.
you are so lucky! every time i've tried salvia, including the more potent extracts, i've had that "are we tripping?" feeling. maybe i just have too high of a drug tolerance. like, for example, at a rave way back when (i think we were teenagers), you, me and (e:hodown) split 5 tabs of acid. i think i ate 2-1/2 tabs and barely tripped at all, while you both were tripping balls. i was super jealous.
no one should ever trip near that carpet again. you're just asking for trouble.
oh, and salvia is legal because it's sold as an incense, not as a hallucinagenic. it used to be sold at reflections on hertel, but i don't know if it is anymore.
Bring some back!!!!!