There are some seriously sketchy looking people on this plane. I am fighting my native instant to exit.
I wish I could get pictures of it.
Paul's Journal
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11/05/2006 21:07 #32812
Sketchy PeopleCategory: travel
11/05/2006 20:22 #32811
I'm In DetroitCategory: travel
I am back from the sunny day. At least I made it this far. Hopefully, it will be over soon as I can't wait to see MT.
Thanks for everything (e:twisted) I had a wonderful time. And thanks (e:iriesara) for coming up to San Fran.

Thanks for everything (e:twisted) I had a wonderful time. And thanks (e:iriesara) for coming up to San Fran.

11/04/2006 14:56 #32810
Salvia DivinorumCategory: drugs
On our trip down Haight Asbury yesterday we saw signs for Salvia Divinorum. It is a legal yet hallucinogenic mint plant. Here
is tons of info. I had tried smoking the leaves with (e:terry) and (e:mattew) before and it was very mild and kind of fun. We had ordered the dried leaves online back in 2003.
The thing about it is the experience only lasts around a half hour. Compared with other non-legal hallucinogens that is a very short trip.

In the shop here we got 25x extract, they didn't even sell leaves. No large amount leaves to smoke like in my past experience. In fact I think that is what limited the effects previously. It is basically just a tiny bit of crunched up leaves soaked in extract. They sell it lots of places online like
It was very intense and we all were talking nonsense. (E:iriesara) kinda freaked out . I think she may have had a bad reaction as she turned all red and got all crazy. She was really freaked out by the carpet.

(e:twisted) ended up falling backwards and ending up in another universe that was deconstructing and reconstructing.
They can probably describe it a lot better.
It did make everything look quite insane. Lots of concentric geometric patterns constructed from a view of the environment we were in. Strangely, I remember saying that everything was pointed and prickley, which I think I remember commenting about in previous experiences.
I think I wasn't very freaked out because of my previous experience with it.
I definitely would not suggest trying it if you are not confortable being totally freakin' out of control.
I really have no idea how it can be legal but it is.

The thing about it is the experience only lasts around a half hour. Compared with other non-legal hallucinogens that is a very short trip.

In the shop here we got 25x extract, they didn't even sell leaves. No large amount leaves to smoke like in my past experience. In fact I think that is what limited the effects previously. It is basically just a tiny bit of crunched up leaves soaked in extract. They sell it lots of places online like

It was very intense and we all were talking nonsense. (E:iriesara) kinda freaked out . I think she may have had a bad reaction as she turned all red and got all crazy. She was really freaked out by the carpet.

(e:twisted) ended up falling backwards and ending up in another universe that was deconstructing and reconstructing.
They can probably describe it a lot better.
It did make everything look quite insane. Lots of concentric geometric patterns constructed from a view of the environment we were in. Strangely, I remember saying that everything was pointed and prickley, which I think I remember commenting about in previous experiences.
I think I wasn't very freaked out because of my previous experience with it.
I definitely would not suggest trying it if you are not confortable being totally freakin' out of control.
I really have no idea how it can be legal but it is.
iriesara - 12/16/13 19:07
OMG, that was so crazy. I think it's really the only time I ever totally lost my cool. I still get kinda twitchy seeing that f'ing carpet again. Good times. :)
OMG, that was so crazy. I think it's really the only time I ever totally lost my cool. I still get kinda twitchy seeing that f'ing carpet again. Good times. :)
paul - 12/15/13 16:03
I think about this day very often.
I think about this day very often.
paul - 06/01/12 21:46
At least she didn't eat my face :::link::: Strangely, someone else once tried to. I think I will just steer away from such things.
At least she didn't eat my face :::link::: Strangely, someone else once tried to. I think I will just steer away from such things.
jenks - 11/05/06 00:03
agreed, even stone cold sober that rug freaks me out a little.
agreed, even stone cold sober that rug freaks me out a little.
oda - 11/04/06 16:45
you are so lucky! every time i've tried salvia, including the more potent extracts, i've had that "are we tripping?" feeling. maybe i just have too high of a drug tolerance. like, for example, at a rave way back when (i think we were teenagers), you, me and (e:hodown) split 5 tabs of acid. i think i ate 2-1/2 tabs and barely tripped at all, while you both were tripping balls. i was super jealous.
no one should ever trip near that carpet again. you're just asking for trouble.
oh, and salvia is legal because it's sold as an incense, not as a hallucinagenic. it used to be sold at reflections on hertel, but i don't know if it is anymore.
you are so lucky! every time i've tried salvia, including the more potent extracts, i've had that "are we tripping?" feeling. maybe i just have too high of a drug tolerance. like, for example, at a rave way back when (i think we were teenagers), you, me and (e:hodown) split 5 tabs of acid. i think i ate 2-1/2 tabs and barely tripped at all, while you both were tripping balls. i was super jealous.
no one should ever trip near that carpet again. you're just asking for trouble.
oh, and salvia is legal because it's sold as an incense, not as a hallucinagenic. it used to be sold at reflections on hertel, but i don't know if it is anymore.
joshua - 11/04/06 15:39
Bring some back!!!!!
Bring some back!!!!!
11/03/2006 13:39 #32809
Fish, Dogs and Key West?Category: travel
In reference to (e:ajay,527) Did anyone think he wasn't gay?
Just look at his face - he looks like he belongs in Key West.

We drove to the Aquarium yesterday in Monterey Bay Aquarium
which was pretty cool after seeing
a coupel weeks back on PBS. The only problem is that we got there at 5:40 PM and it closed at 6:00PM. (e:twisted) finagled our way in for free. We got to see the big tanks near the entrance and a bunch of sea anenomes.
I finally saw a skate in the big tank. It would have been better on my dinner plate. I wondered if the different tanks should instead be classfied by flavor combinations. There was definately a lemon garlic butter in addition to a panko encrusted and cocktail sauce tank.
I guess in light of the news
I should probably stop eating so much seafood. Luckily, eating calamari is not bad for the environment as co pared to many other fish because the farming, collection process is very non-destructive. Apparently, they swim up to lights on the fishing boats and then they just scoop them up. Unlike other fish they dredge for.
We got to pet bat rays. They felt so soft and almost furry. (e:iriesara) turned to the woman next to us and said, "oh, these would make nice coats."
I love (e:twisted) 's dog pooky. So does (e:iriesara) . (e:twisted) is so lucky to have such a good pet.

Just look at his face - he looks like he belongs in Key West.

We drove to the Aquarium yesterday in Monterey Bay Aquarium

I finally saw a skate in the big tank. It would have been better on my dinner plate. I wondered if the different tanks should instead be classfied by flavor combinations. There was definately a lemon garlic butter in addition to a panko encrusted and cocktail sauce tank.
I guess in light of the news

WASHINGTON -- An international group of ecologists and economists warned yesterday that the world will run out of seafood by 2048 if steep declines in marine species continue at current rates, based on a four-year study of catch data and the effects of fisheries collapses.
We got to pet bat rays. They felt so soft and almost furry. (e:iriesara) turned to the woman next to us and said, "oh, these would make nice coats."
I love (e:twisted) 's dog pooky. So does (e:iriesara) . (e:twisted) is so lucky to have such a good pet.

mike - 01/03/10 19:11
wow i read that as kanye west and was like why does that preacher belong in kanye west? totally different story
wow i read that as kanye west and was like why does that preacher belong in kanye west? totally different story
tinypliny - 10/04/09 13:45
Is Pooky in town? :)
Is Pooky in town? :)
paul - 10/04/09 12:04
This was one of the best nights of my life.
This was one of the best nights of my life.
southernyankee - 11/04/06 07:23
wait-no eyes!?! It's the perfect animal for me!
if it doesn't potty, double points!
wait-no eyes!?! It's the perfect animal for me!
if it doesn't potty, double points!
jenks - 11/04/06 00:24
oh wait. It's the dog-pillow, isn't it.
oh wait. It's the dog-pillow, isn't it.
jenks - 11/04/06 00:23
Paul! you're not only in the same house as a dog, but holding it and smiling?! Is it a real dog?! Yay!
Paul! you're not only in the same house as a dog, but holding it and smiling?! Is it a real dog?! Yay!
imk2 - 11/03/06 14:07
does pooky have any eyes?
does pooky have any eyes?
i dont look sketchy, but i feel like i sorta am. ?
they were prolly thinking the same thing about you! tee hee
I made it, apparently, they weren't so sketchy.