I ate lunch at the Roswell Cafeteria with Tony and then stopped at (e:imk2)'s desk afterwards. It was so great to eat lunch in the cafeteria again. I really missed it. I also realized just how much I really missed hanging out with (e:enknot) while I was gone.
I have to say I thought (e:joshua) seemed to have a pretty rounded vote. I don't know why everyone is being so hard on him. I checked out the fox page it it seems pretty cool. Not like I would base my vote on it, but the interactive map is interesting to watch as the data pours in. According to Fox News:
President Bush Job Approval
Approve 39.0%
Disapprove 55.4%
Spread: -16.4%
Generic Congressional Vote
Republican 40.6%
Democrat 52.1%
Spread: -11.5%
I also did not vote for Hillary or Hevesi. As part of my tell all mobile fairy tale I took pictures of my votes. I am making one of the most secret events public. I think that it is great that we live in a country where we do not have to fear our lives because of who we vote on. I mean what is the point of having a secret ballot in modern america. Some people are really terrified that you will find out who they voted for. What is the deal with that? Are they party posers that pretend to vote for one party when talking with their friends and aquaintences and then vote on the opposite side once the curtain is pulled.
I mostly voted for Green and Democrat with two family party votes because the green were supporting them and I didn't know any of the candidates for those positions.

The day we close don the house I went to the Erie County Board of Elections to change my address and the worker told me I had missed the deadline. She said I should have come sooner. Ha, I wish I had gotten the house before. Anyways, she instructed us to go to the voting station across from our house but when we went there, they told us we could not vote there because we were not registered. We ended up having to go to our old station over a Lafayette High School. I have to say I think each one of the workers we dealt with had a slight to severe form of mental retardation.
Hell yea for the Green party, and I'm starting to trust the Working Families party too. I feel like my votes are especially significant because by voting only on 3rd party lines I'm actually speaking for what I believe in and protesting the inadequite 2 party system.
i am not to blame, jenks. they came to me, not me to them. i did not betray you!!!
People give Josh a hard time because he's different from them. He's not a committed leftist and that to some people may as well be criminal. Same kind of motivations that have made humans hate each other for thousands of years.
I feel so lunch cheated on!
I ate all alone, and no one would have coffee with me, either!