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11/03/2006 13:39 #32809

Fish, Dogs and Key West?
Category: travel
In reference to (e:ajay,527) Did anyone think he wasn't gay?

Just look at his face - he looks like he belongs in Key West.

We drove to the Aquarium yesterday in Monterey Bay Aquarium which was pretty cool after seeing a coupel weeks back on PBS. The only problem is that we got there at 5:40 PM and it closed at 6:00PM. (e:twisted) finagled our way in for free. We got to see the big tanks near the entrance and a bunch of sea anenomes.

I finally saw a skate in the big tank. It would have been better on my dinner plate. I wondered if the different tanks should instead be classfied by flavor combinations. There was definately a lemon garlic butter in addition to a panko encrusted and cocktail sauce tank.

I guess in light of the news I should probably stop eating so much seafood. Luckily, eating calamari is not bad for the environment as co pared to many other fish because the farming, collection process is very non-destructive. Apparently, they swim up to lights on the fishing boats and then they just scoop them up. Unlike other fish they dredge for.

WASHINGTON -- An international group of ecologists and economists warned yesterday that the world will run out of seafood by 2048 if steep declines in marine species continue at current rates, based on a four-year study of catch data and the effects of fisheries collapses.

We got to pet bat rays. They felt so soft and almost furry. (e:iriesara) turned to the woman next to us and said, "oh, these would make nice coats."

I love (e:twisted) 's dog pooky. So does (e:iriesara) . (e:twisted) is so lucky to have such a good pet.



mike - 01/03/10 19:11
wow i read that as kanye west and was like why does that preacher belong in kanye west? totally different story
tinypliny - 10/04/09 13:45
Is Pooky in town? :)
paul - 10/04/09 12:04
This was one of the best nights of my life.
southernyankee - 11/04/06 07:23
wait-no eyes!?! It's the perfect animal for me!
if it doesn't potty, double points!
jenks - 11/04/06 00:24
oh wait. It's the dog-pillow, isn't it.
jenks - 11/04/06 00:23
Paul! you're not only in the same house as a dog, but holding it and smiling?! Is it a real dog?! Yay!
imk2 - 11/03/06 14:07
does pooky have any eyes?

11/01/2006 20:18 #32808

I miss matt and terry
Category: love
Imagine missing your lover and then mutliply that feeling times two.
robin - 11/02/06 22:32
Hey, I can understand that! different situation though.
jason - 11/02/06 16:46
Aww, getting all sentimental on us.

11/01/2006 18:28 #32807

I love twisted but not vendor products
Category: california
She found my phone in her car and brought it to me on break. Then we went to Sonoma Chicken which was one of the tastiest eateries I have ever eaten at. Where else do you get orchids on your salad.

The streaming media conference here is more intersting. One of the interviewers in the hall just asked a macromedia tech if youtube could even exist without macromedia. I have one word for that - ebaumsworld

I do love flash video though just because it makes dealing with cross platform that much easier.

As for the knowledge management conference it keeps getting lamer. The last session was about how to choose a vendor search solution.

It seems like everything is geared for managers and purchasing directors.

Let me give you a sample of a talk.

'Flexibility and User Experience'

At first glance sounds good like I could apply it to my work. Then you read the description, 'This session discusses the journey of several clients to solve their search needs within a portal environment. (still sounds good) It illustrates with concrete examples how SharePoint intergrated with eneterprise seach technology increases the findability of enterprise content, enhances the capabilities of a portal, and improves the user experience.'

The problem with this is that it is an infomercial for microsoft SharePoint. I am not using that, I have no purchasing power even if I wanted it, and I hate microsoft products. I can't even figure out how to search the body of emails in my inbox using microsoft outlook web client. Why would anyone ever want their search product. They can't even manage their own MSN search very well.

P.S. The people at the streaming media conference are more attractive. Is that just freak cooincidence or what. Maybe I just am more attracted to artists.
mrdeadlier - 11/03/06 14:54
i hope you didn't get too terribly discouraged at the convention; remember the point was to see what others (meaning vendors, too) are doing in the field and then come back and build off what you saw...
jenks - 11/01/06 19:35
Here's a microsoft story. Since I have a mac, I have MS Office for mac. Which put me on some MS mac mailing list like 5 years ago. Well today I decided to unsubscribe from like 100 mailing lists. But to UNSUBSCRIBE from the MS list I had to click a link, go to their site, sign up for some NEW account- then wait for the email to verify my new account, etc-> In the end it took a whole new account and 4 extra emails just to get off a freaking mailing list. Yeah... that's efficient.

11/01/2006 18:17 #32806

I love twisted but not vendor products
Category: california
She found my phone in her car and brought it to me on break. Then we went to Sonoma Chicken which was one of the tastiest eateries I have ever eaten at. Where else do you get orchids on your salad.

The streaming media conference here is more intersting. One of the interviewers in the hall just asked a macromedia tech if youtube could even exist without macromedia. I have one word for that - ebaumsworld

I do love flash video though just because it makes dealing with cross platform that much easier.

As for the knowledge management conference it keeps getting lamer. The last session was about how to choose a vendor search solution.

It seems like everything is geared for managers and purchasing directors.

Let me give you a sample of a talk.

'Flexibility and User Experience'

At first glance sounds good like I could apply it to my work. Then you read the description, 'This session discusses the journey of several clients to solve their search needs within a portal environment. (still sounds good) It illustrates with concrete examples how SharePoint intergrated with eneterprise seach technology increases the findability of enterprise content, enhances the capabilities of a portal, and improves the user experience.'

The problem with this is that it is an infomercial for microsoft SharePoint. I am not using that, I have no purchasing power even if I wanted it, and I hate microsoft products. I can't even figure out how to search the body of emails in my inbox using microsoft outlook web client. Why would anyone ever want their search product. They can't even manage their own MSN search very well.

P.S. The people at the streaming media conference are more attractive. Is that just freak cooincidence or what. Maybe I just am more attracted to artists.



imk2 - 11/02/06 09:10
OMG that food looks absolutely delicious!!

11/01/2006 13:55 #32805

Life Without Technology
Category: california
Not only did I not bring my laptop with me. I have now left my phone in (e:twisted)'s car which is returning to San Francisco. I cannot believe it is going to be a virtually technology free day. I suppose I can watch televison tonight or just go drinking.
jenks - 11/01/06 19:33
A friend wrote back to an email today, apologizing for not writing back yesterday, and said "sorry... didn't check email yesterday." And I thought "wow... a whole day without email? I wonder what that is like."
enknot - 11/01/06 17:14
You are in a tundra of reality which I wish never to visit. Be brave, I'm sure some kind soul will save you from you purgetory soon.