On our trip down Haight Asbury yesterday we saw signs for Salvia Divinorum. It is a legal yet hallucinogenic mint plant. Here

is tons of info. I had tried smoking the leaves with
(e:terry) and
(e:mattew) before and it was very mild and kind of fun. We had ordered the dried leaves online back in 2003.
The thing about it is the experience only lasts around a half hour. Compared with other non-legal hallucinogens that is a very short trip.
In the shop here we got 25x extract, they didn't even sell leaves. No large amount leaves to smoke like in my past experience. In fact I think that is what limited the effects previously. It is basically just a tiny bit of crunched up leaves soaked in extract. They sell it lots of places online like
It was very intense and we all were talking nonsense.
(E:iriesara) kinda freaked out . I think she may have had a bad reaction as she turned all red and got all crazy. She was really freaked out by the carpet.
(e:twisted) ended up falling backwards and ending up in another universe that was deconstructing and reconstructing.
They can probably describe it a lot better.
It did make everything look quite insane. Lots of concentric geometric patterns constructed from a view of the environment we were in. Strangely, I remember saying that everything was pointed and prickley, which I think I remember commenting about in previous experiences.
I think I wasn't very freaked out because of my previous experience with it.
I definitely would not suggest trying it if you are not confortable being totally freakin' out of control.
I really have no idea how it can be legal but it is.
SF really doesn't have to be so high intensity. It's just I was trying to show you everything while the weather was cooperating and you weren't at that pesky conference, haha. Ok, just kidding about that last part.
p.s. -- I keep meaning to talk to Carl, but he's still pretty stressed out about knocking up his ex-girlfriend. Oops! Did I actually say that?
you were stolen by jews, or ju-ju-bees, or whatever they are? either way, thats messed up.
The posterior must have grown as the day went on; the rip definitely wasn't that big when you came in, lol.
How old is the christopher columbus statue? It would be cool if someone cut off his head like when bart simpson did it to that statue of Jebediah Springfield.
my coworkers pants were ripped down the thing today too. Random
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