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11/26/2006 12:34 #32830

Squirting a Song - The zunesquirt
Category: technology
You will never believe that Microsoft chose to name the act of sharing a song with Zune over wifi - "squirting." Yes squirting. If you type squirt (GOOGLE - squirt) or squirting (GOOGLE - squirting) into google you can see there are a multitude of other meaning that all deal with sex or shitting. I wonder if those sites will be sad when wireless music sharing comes up first. Why did they not call it "zuning" which would have tied in better with the name of the product?


How funny would it be if you got a virus from unprotected squirting?

Quoted from newsweek

Nov. 27, 2006 issue - Have you squirted a song yet? That's the question Microsoft hopes your friends will ask you as you ponder which digital music player to acquire. Although you are more likely to buy an iPod this season-something even Microsoft admits-the software giant from Redmond is running a huge marketing campaign that it hopes will plant some seeds of doubt. After all, iPods don't squirt songs. And Microsoft's new player, Zune, does.

The catch is that the squirt is fast-drying-in three days it goes away. Or, if the recipient plays it three times within that period, it evaporates after the third spin. This is because Microsoft cut a lousy deal with the record labels, which still regard innovative digital schemes as potential piracy threats, as opposed to potential sales boosters. My guess is that people will be turned off that the songs expire so quickly.

Here is an article that someone has written on roughly drafted about the zune.
pyrcedgrrl - 11/26/06 21:28
So if you share a song w/ a brown one is it considered "Hershey Squirting"?

Their choice of name is rivaled only by the "Wii".
jenks - 11/26/06 16:22
I don't get the zune. I went to the website to try to find out about it, but couldn't even find much info there. Granted I didn't look for long since I didn't like the site. Just seems like such an ipod ripoff. Ok, sharing songs is cool, but they only last 3 days? lame. I'm sure Apple will add that feature soon enough, and implement it even better. ;P (Ok ok, so I just hate MS).
vycious - 11/26/06 16:17
i love my zune. i cant wait till ms lifts that three day/three play "squirting" limitation in some future firmware upgrade. you know its coming. c'mon, you know it is. right? right?

  • crosses fingers*

11/25/2006 14:35 #32829

Home Depot Textures
Category: shopping
I was so bored with my trip to home depot today. We are adding new gas pipes for on of the fireplaces. Honestly, since the vacuum stage is over, I finad that store less and less appealing.










11/25/2006 02:57 #32828

Fun Kind Of Programming Day
Category: programming
I had a much better day programming today. At work I met with the Human Resources guy who I am working for and we were able to clarify a lot of questions I had about the employee evaluation system. I still had to wait to make some changes because the database guy had the day off today and I do not have privileges to change anything.

Almost no one was at work today. It felt weird being there alone in the evening but it was pretty productive. I got a lot of programming done and the system seems promising after all.

I also came home and added a whole lot of new features to surebert including multi file upload via the mini surebert flash file but exposed as a javascript service. I wish I had bothered doing that before. I should be done with the new version this weekend and then I will add it to estrip. Soon you will no longer need to upload one file at a time, thank god.

I am also excited because tomorrow I am getting my new Wifi camera that will speak to my journal. It is the Nikon s7c I love the idea of high resolution wifi communication between my new fancy camera and my journal.

metalpeter - 11/25/06 12:18
I followed the link that looks like one really cool camara.

11/24/2006 17:26 #32827

brain cancer sucks - help dance it off?
Category: health
Quotes from

It's the day after Thanksgiving and you're sick of turkey...join Knowmatic Tirbe for another helping of...


featuring the infamous KNOWMATIC TRIBE SOUNDSYSTEM...

Christ Sinister a.k.a. Mr. Ass, God Morgen, Marcos, Xotec...with assorted special guests, perverts, deviants, farm animals and sociopaths.

ALL DOOR PROCEEDS to benefit the GOOD TIME KID FUND (Mr Ass' mounting medical expenses due to his ongoing battle with brain cancer).

Chris came thru his surgery surprisingly well, however only time will tell what effect the chemo and radiation will have on the remainder of the tumor still in his skull...the doctors could not remove the entire tumor, because it would have adversely affected his speech and comprehenson skills. Chris is tolerating the chemo very well (not surprising given all the chemicals he injested over the years...heh heh)...Average life expectancy for his agressive cancer is usually 18-36 months, however his doctors are optimistic about his chances to survive and thrive. We continue to keep hope alive!

One scary fact I learned the other chemo pill costs over $200 dollars! Chris needs many in order to beat this....Medicaid has been helpful, but it doesn't cover it all and does not begin to cover all the costs for the specialists that Chris has on his side.

So please, come join us for a night of high wierdness and the future funk that only the Knowmatic Tribe can provide...

suggested "donation" is only $5....the flyer is done and about town tonight.

I wonder if he is treated by the group over at

11/23/2006 12:30 #32826

Cranberry and Pandora
Category: kitchen
I have been cleaning the kitchen this morning while making cranberry sauce. I love to make cranberry sauce - it tastes so good. I often question why it is we only eat it one time a year.

I always make it with oranges and ginger. I think it tastes best that way. Best of all cranberry sauce is very easy to make. Some cranberry's in a saucepan with some water/orange juice. Cook till they are mushy add sugar and orange zest to taste. Lots of sugar in my case. Then I generally take some of the seeds off the top when they float up, although I don't think this is quite necessary.





The lime video

::Download Flash Video::

There is also this mouse living in the cabinet in the kitchen. I think his name is rupert. He has horded so much food it is insane. It actually smells like mouse in the cupboard which is digusting. I want to clean it up really bad with the vacuum. In fact my super vacuum would make the task a breeze but (e:matthew) insists that if we clean it up he is going to go into the other food. I don't think this is a very effective way of combating the mouse. He wants to catch him and set him free. I want to smash him. I guess we are just different like that. I feel like at this point he has invaded my space and forfeited his right to niceness that say a mouse outside my house would get.




While I was waiting I decided to clean up the kitchen. I was listening to my pandora station as I mostly do when listening to music. They had an add for a new device that plays pandora stations. I think I want one of those for christmas.


Pandora is often very good at picking music for me but sometimes it starts to mutate my taste sin a really fucked up way. For example my kimya station. I like kimya. Pandora thinks that means I like girl indie rock so it starts to give me lots of girl band music. There is lots of lesbian rock music in it. Now I would not really think of Kiya as lesbian rock music but she is a female indie artist so that isthe connection. Sometimes girl rock like Indigo Girls or Melissa Etehridge gets in there which are kind of like country music. Because I don't give those the thumb down (either I am busy prograing or cooking in this case) it continues on along this horrible path. It assume that mellisa etheridge is kind of like country music so it starts to add country music which inevitably leads to a song about jesus, defiantely girl rock music about jesus is not my thing but I let it go once again because I am busy. I think it starts to get an attitute at this point. It thinks, "So you like jesus girl music and country." Lets go ahead and try gospel and that's where no matter what I am doing I put my foot down. It's the craziest mutation of my like for Kimya as she is definately not gospel music.

I also realized it wa sthis sick blend of girl bands that is bringing me down. On Friday I am switching back to techno.
metalpeter - 11/25/06 12:15
I hate mice, it would be nice if you guys could catch him and get him out of your house. You don't want to take the chance of getting more mice. On a side note somepeople have cranberry sauce at thanksgiving and christmas but if it is good I wonder why most people only have it once a year?
joshua - 11/23/06 21:52
I bought the "chef developed" cranberry orange sauce at Weg - I think maybe next year I'll try your method.
matthew - 11/23/06 18:48
I'm pretty sure the mouse was living in this house before we even bought it! so who's invading who? anyways, if we clear his stash of food he is just going to hide in a new place, and in a house as big as ours it could take a year before i locate him again, and by then he would probably have 3,000 babies!