I like to make robots that do random tedious tasks for me. to It's a great way to feel in control of your life. Sometime they are really complicated to build because of the security and protections that people create to make Mr. Robot have a hard time eating his web food. This one was really easy to make. In fact I included to source code minus the gallery URL so that you can see how it works.
This journal includes random male nudity provided by the internet, so just stop now if you are someone or somewhere that should not be/does not want to be involved in that.
Someone left 217 galleries (11,379 images) of mobile phone/candid pictures of men at frat hazing, in speedos, drunk out of their minds, at the lockeroom, at the nude beach, mooning, showing off, playing sports, camping, in a sauna, at mardi gras, peeing on the street, at stag parties, in amsterdam, etc available for Mr. FratBot to eat.
It's almost what you would consider "guys gone wild." But frankly, more it's also kind of "guys gone normal" because it is a lot more "normal" for guys to do get crazy than girls.
I decided to include Mr. robots guts here in case it helps anyone else out getting started building their own robots. Of course robots do not need to only eat scandalous picture, you can try applying this to some ordinary web tasks as well.
I a removing the actual URL of the gallery to prevent them from getting hit too many times. If you really need it, you could always email me.
I can translate the code for you a bit into english. It says, "Don't worry - I am someone using Internet Explorer not a robot. I a just going to loop through your overly simplex file structure and eat every image that you site has. Mr. Robot eats.
Don't scroll past the code box if you don't want to see a sample of the robots collection.
echo "starting...".date('m/d/y h:i:s')."n";
class eatFratBoys{
public $baseUrl = 'http://OMMITTED_FOR_THEIR_SAKE';
public $serial=0;
public $begin_gallery=1;
public $end_gallery=217;
public $current_image;
public $opts;
public $context;
public $debug =0;
public $directory ="pics0";
function __construct(){
$this->serial = count(glob($this->directory."/*.jpg"));
echo date('m/d/y h:i:s');
$this->time_start = microtime(true);
$this->opts = array(
'header'=>"Accept-language: enrn" .
"User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible;MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)rn"
$this->context = stream_context_create($this->opts);
echo $this->current_gallery;
function eatImages(){
$pic = $this->baseUrl.'/'.$this->current_gallery.'/pic/'.sprintf("%02d", $this->current_image).'.jpg';
if (($fp = fopen($pic, "r", false, $this->context))) {
$meta = stream_get_meta_data($fp);
if($meta['wrapper_data'][8] == "Content-Type: image/jpeg"){
} else {
echo "nError loading image:".$pic;
function savePic($pic){
file_put_contents($this->directory."/".$this->serial.".jpg", file_get_contents($pic));
$report = "n".$this->current_gallery.",".$this->current_image;
file_put_contents("report.txt", $report, FILE_APPEND);
echo $report;
function __destruct(){
echo "nending...".date('m/d/y h:i:s')."n";
$total_time = (microtime(true)-$this->time_start);
echo "nTook a total of ".$total_time.' seconds';
$grabImages = new eatFratBoys();
I'll add comentary for fun.
Who had the camera in this place whatever it is?
Artistic Takes
Of course there were hundreds of at the computer with web cam pics. I wonder if this guy even knew anyone was recording his web cam.
Lots of farting on drunk guys heads. I am glad I never get this drunk, but
(e:terry) does and I have an idea for next time now, lol.
Just when you think no one saw it.
Random crowd pics.
Random sporting feats.
Of course lots and lots of mardi gras.
Enough mooning pics to make a werewolf howl, lol. This one seems particularly and outrageously dangerous.
What do you think the story behind this one is?
Are they fighting or is it some frat initiation game.
Fuck waiting in line.
Now peeing in a line, thats another story. There are about 150 of those.
Even sadam gets peed on.
Is this what the pro lockeroom is like. I suppose those sportscaster ladies have it good.
Isn't that a foul of some sort?
What can this be about besides being drunk.
Go team, there are so many of these that I wonder if it is normal.
Lots of dorm room craziness
And lots of showing boners hidden behind clothes.
There were lots of automobile pics. I picked the silliest ones to share. But there were hundreds of just like random dude, proud of his car/body.
And from the nascar collection
Mac, making you hard, mile after mile, haha.
I think this one is the funiest of all. They look so scary and mean but then together they look like stuffed animals. Does the bulldozer do something for soeone, because there were lots of men on bulldozer pics?
You don't get to see any of the more hardcore ones, sorry.
haven't had this particular one, but i have had cayanne pepper in chocolate before. i like it. have you ever had chocolate chicken? it's either a spanish or mexican dish, and quite good.