A sidenote: While
(e:matthew) and
(e:terry) went canooing today, I spent my whole day working on my thesis. I wrote a lot more the last couple of days. It should really be done within a week. I cannot wait to put this part of my life behind me so that I can go back to doing what I do best. Speaking of which did anyone visit

and make a gallery
On another side note:
One thing I noticed when writing my thesis is that by the end of the summer we should have about 16,000 journal entries under our belt. Add 14,000 images and a multitude of other media formats.
Why do I keep finding references to wnymedia.net as buffalo only blogging community. I think it is fair to say we beat them to that by a long shot and that our network of journal writers are much more of a comprehensive community then they have.
"Marc Odien... wnymedia.net Dude is responsible for creating Buffalo Blogger Central... In a lot of ways, his is responsible for turning or should I say taking the whole Buffalo blogworld to new heights...
So onto the main feature:
The youtube

: slogan is "broadcast yourself." I think it is a great slogan for a great conecpot but what I am seeing less and less of is peoples personal broadcasting content. There seems to be a tremendous amount of copyrighted television shows and other copyrighted media. This is deifnaetly going to endanger the entire youtube site. Ironically they were just sued by Robert Tur the guy who filmed the Reginald Denny for having the copyrighted video on the site. Instead of asking the to take it down, he sued demanding $150,000 for each of the 1,000+ viewings that occurred. Youtube then took down the video. AL the blogs refering to it now have a big gaping hole.
I am curious what is going to happen to all the blogs that refer to youtube if it goes away. I never want to make my blog dependent on some outside media server. In fact that is why you cannot link in any external media data on your elmwoodstrip.org journal as I want to maintain its long term storability integrity of the data as a historical document.
One day when youtube away and it will be so tragic to watch as all the blogs that reference those videos becoming meaningless, like pulling the threads out of a quilt. Does no one else think about this? It is like putting all your eggs in one basket. Or worse yet, it goes really corporate, and even though you wrote an entry refereing to a one free video, they then make the readers pay to see it.
Part of the beauty of digital media culture is the fact that data gets replicated and protected through sheer multiplication factor. If everyone posts their video content to youtube and then youtibe goes away, will everything go away.
I know the heart extends down the stem, but is there any other benefit to the long stemmed ones?
P.S. Nectarines are finally at a decent price (.99/lb this week @ Weggiemans). Now if blueberries would lower in price a bit I'd be a happy girlie! :)
you know i'm just saying i like fists and all :)
I like the fist for size comparison.
those are nice artichokes... but what's the benefit of a long stem??