The entry before this kind of explains what happend.
I tried to contact you today by phone but they said you were out of the office.
Last week we met with the seller of 24 Linwood and he agreed to closing on Aug 1st. Since then we have tried to contact him several times to check on the status of everything and he has avoided our calls. Today we stopped by the property and he gave us this new story about how it was now Aug 4th that he would start moving. Unfortunately, he could not guarantee that as a closing date either. He actually freaked out when we asked him to settle on an official date, and tried to blame the whole thing on us not doing everything in time, which has not been the case.
I have repeatedly asked him why he signed the contract with the July 11th closing date all the way back in early June if he was not going to be able to meet that deadline. He said in reality he had expected to close sometime in September and that the closing date of July 11th is meaningless. As everytime we have spoke he says, that if I was not so naive in the purchasing of houses, I would know the closing it is just an arbitrary date with no meaning.
I had finally persuaded our landlord to allow us to stay until the 15th. I cannot extend this further and I cannot risk that we move out the same day we move in as I am highly alergic to the house in its current state and we also need time to move. I want to take possesion of the property ASAP.
I would like to declare time is of the essence at this point. What does declaring Time is of The Essence require and what are the consequences of him failing to leave the property after that.
Is there any hope of getting in by Aug 1st?
Thank your for your time.
Paul Visco
Paul's Journal
My Podcast Link
07/25/2006 20:03 #32704
Letter to the LawyerCategory: housing
07/25/2006 19:39 #32703
The purchase of 24 LinwoodCategory: housing
After work today we tried to stop by the mansion to see what is up with the seller. He has been consistantly pushing our closing date back since July 11th, the date when it was supposed to happen.
This time he really freaked out. About halfway throught the conversation, after he told us the date is now possibly Aug 4th but no guarantee, he just yelled a bunch and went in the house.
I am so sick of him treating us as though we are somehow lesser in understanding than he is because of his age or wisdom. The other two guys would not believe me that he was a staller, draggin his fe3t unitl today. Everytime we met with him they would give him the benefit of the doubt. I thought he was a sketcher from the getgo.
I just need an answer. At least a firm date that he can agree on. Originally, our landlord wanted us out on July. I love how he told us he oredered a moving truck to take stuff from his house on the 4th (the earliest they could get one), but because he cannot give us a closing date, we are not afforded that luxury.
It kills me that everytime we talk about it. He tells me that I live in dreamworld that I actually believed we would close on the closing date of July 11th. He said that is just an arbitrary date they put in the paper. I have repeatedly asked him why he would have signed the contract a full month earlier on June 11th, stating a July11th closing date (with a time is of the essence clasue) if he could not handle it or had no place to live. It ias only two weeks ago that he even began finding a new place. Frankly, I have had it with him so much. I almost want to just pull out of the deal.
Tomorrow, i am calling the lawyer and telling her that time is of the freakin' essence, whatever good that will do. I wish i had just done it before because really there was just no point in working with him or being nice, as I had suspected.
This time he really freaked out. About halfway throught the conversation, after he told us the date is now possibly Aug 4th but no guarantee, he just yelled a bunch and went in the house.
I am so sick of him treating us as though we are somehow lesser in understanding than he is because of his age or wisdom. The other two guys would not believe me that he was a staller, draggin his fe3t unitl today. Everytime we met with him they would give him the benefit of the doubt. I thought he was a sketcher from the getgo.
I just need an answer. At least a firm date that he can agree on. Originally, our landlord wanted us out on July. I love how he told us he oredered a moving truck to take stuff from his house on the 4th (the earliest they could get one), but because he cannot give us a closing date, we are not afforded that luxury.
It kills me that everytime we talk about it. He tells me that I live in dreamworld that I actually believed we would close on the closing date of July 11th. He said that is just an arbitrary date they put in the paper. I have repeatedly asked him why he would have signed the contract a full month earlier on June 11th, stating a July11th closing date (with a time is of the essence clasue) if he could not handle it or had no place to live. It ias only two weeks ago that he even began finding a new place. Frankly, I have had it with him so much. I almost want to just pull out of the deal.
Tomorrow, i am calling the lawyer and telling her that time is of the freakin' essence, whatever good that will do. I wish i had just done it before because really there was just no point in working with him or being nice, as I had suspected.
uncutsaniflush - 07/25/06 19:55
I"m so sorry to hear that (e:paul)
I was hoping that no news was good news with your closing.
I agree the time to be nice is gone.
I"m so sorry to hear that (e:paul)
I was hoping that no news was good news with your closing.
I agree the time to be nice is gone.
07/24/2006 01:07 #32702
youtube, blog media and buffalo blogsCategory: web
A sidenote: While (e:matthew) and (e:terry) went canooing today, I spent my whole day working on my thesis. I wrote a lot more the last couple of days. It should really be done within a week. I cannot wait to put this part of my life behind me so that I can go back to doing what I do best. Speaking of which did anyone visit
and make a gallery
On another side note:
One thing I noticed when writing my thesis is that by the end of the summer we should have about 16,000 journal entries under our belt. Add 14,000 images and a multitude of other media formats.
Why do I keep finding references to as buffalo only blogging community. I think it is fair to say we beat them to that by a long shot and that our network of journal writers are much more of a comprehensive community then they have.
"Marc Odien... Dude is responsible for creating Buffalo Blogger Central... In a lot of ways, his is responsible for turning or should I say taking the whole Buffalo blogworld to new heights...
So onto the main feature:
The youtube
: slogan is "broadcast yourself." I think it is a great slogan for a great conecpot but what I am seeing less and less of is peoples personal broadcasting content. There seems to be a tremendous amount of copyrighted television shows and other copyrighted media. This is deifnaetly going to endanger the entire youtube site. Ironically they were just sued by Robert Tur the guy who filmed the Reginald Denny for having the copyrighted video on the site. Instead of asking the to take it down, he sued demanding $150,000 for each of the 1,000+ viewings that occurred. Youtube then took down the video. AL the blogs refering to it now have a big gaping hole.
I am curious what is going to happen to all the blogs that refer to youtube if it goes away. I never want to make my blog dependent on some outside media server. In fact that is why you cannot link in any external media data on your journal as I want to maintain its long term storability integrity of the data as a historical document.
One day when youtube away and it will be so tragic to watch as all the blogs that reference those videos becoming meaningless, like pulling the threads out of a quilt. Does no one else think about this? It is like putting all your eggs in one basket. Or worse yet, it goes really corporate, and even though you wrote an entry refereing to a one free video, they then make the readers pay to see it.
Part of the beauty of digital media culture is the fact that data gets replicated and protected through sheer multiplication factor. If everyone posts their video content to youtube and then youtibe goes away, will everything go away.

On another side note:
One thing I noticed when writing my thesis is that by the end of the summer we should have about 16,000 journal entries under our belt. Add 14,000 images and a multitude of other media formats.
Why do I keep finding references to as buffalo only blogging community. I think it is fair to say we beat them to that by a long shot and that our network of journal writers are much more of a comprehensive community then they have.
"Marc Odien... Dude is responsible for creating Buffalo Blogger Central... In a lot of ways, his is responsible for turning or should I say taking the whole Buffalo blogworld to new heights...

So onto the main feature:
The youtube

I am curious what is going to happen to all the blogs that refer to youtube if it goes away. I never want to make my blog dependent on some outside media server. In fact that is why you cannot link in any external media data on your journal as I want to maintain its long term storability integrity of the data as a historical document.
One day when youtube away and it will be so tragic to watch as all the blogs that reference those videos becoming meaningless, like pulling the threads out of a quilt. Does no one else think about this? It is like putting all your eggs in one basket. Or worse yet, it goes really corporate, and even though you wrote an entry refereing to a one free video, they then make the readers pay to see it.
Part of the beauty of digital media culture is the fact that data gets replicated and protected through sheer multiplication factor. If everyone posts their video content to youtube and then youtibe goes away, will everything go away.
indabuff - 08/03/06 18:34
You guys do deserve some pub to for what has been created with e-strip...
You guys do deserve some pub to for what has been created with e-strip...
joshua - 07/25/06 16:59
There is plenty of personal content on YouTube - I have several friends who post videos covering all kinds of things.
There is plenty of personal content on YouTube - I have several friends who post videos covering all kinds of things.
dragonlady7 - 07/24/06 11:15
Yeah, I think I learned pretty early on in blogging that I shouldn't hotlink to an image. Even if my traffic is negligible, you never know when the owner of that other server is going to move the file.
And I really, really, really hate bloggers that link with meaningless text. You know:
"This (link) has totally changed how I feel about N! Can you imagine? Oh my god!" And then two days later the link is either broken or refers to a news article that's gone behind the archived-for-pay wall.
Ugh. I've gotten to the point where I don't click the link if it's not immediately apparent what it is. And if i am linking to something, if I think it might go away or become unreadable after some time, I will put in a quote or summary to explain what I'm writing about. Just so that, in a week, the entry I just spent an hour writing and will probably refer back to, actually will mean something on its own.
I'm not that big a media person so mostly I'm referring to your standard-issue link rot, which has been a problem since the Internet was invented. But it's a major issue when dealing with a medium that is, by its very ease of use, very fluid: if you want to create something that is meaningful for longer than it takes you to write it, then you have to be aware that relying on someone else's content for context may very well leave your piece isolated and out of context within a relatively short period of time.
Yeah, I think I learned pretty early on in blogging that I shouldn't hotlink to an image. Even if my traffic is negligible, you never know when the owner of that other server is going to move the file.
And I really, really, really hate bloggers that link with meaningless text. You know:
"This (link) has totally changed how I feel about N! Can you imagine? Oh my god!" And then two days later the link is either broken or refers to a news article that's gone behind the archived-for-pay wall.
Ugh. I've gotten to the point where I don't click the link if it's not immediately apparent what it is. And if i am linking to something, if I think it might go away or become unreadable after some time, I will put in a quote or summary to explain what I'm writing about. Just so that, in a week, the entry I just spent an hour writing and will probably refer back to, actually will mean something on its own.
I'm not that big a media person so mostly I'm referring to your standard-issue link rot, which has been a problem since the Internet was invented. But it's a major issue when dealing with a medium that is, by its very ease of use, very fluid: if you want to create something that is meaningful for longer than it takes you to write it, then you have to be aware that relying on someone else's content for context may very well leave your piece isolated and out of context within a relatively short period of time.
07/22/2006 21:39 #32701
speedy mobile internetCategory: mobile
People ask me how fast the internet is on my phone and I never got around to checking till just now.
I get 605.7 kilobits per second Communications. That is freaking fast.
I get 605.7 kilobits per second Communications. That is freaking fast.
07/22/2006 17:06 #32700
A day in south east buffaloCategory: buffalo
The bees are dead, apparetnly they are stupid enough to swim into soapy water. The landlord later used chemicals even though most of the bees were gone at that point.

Started out with a trip to the Larking Building to see the Leonardo de Vinci exhibit.

When they say that Leonardo invented the helicopter, this is what they meant.

They also had this really nice Rocroft Table that would look sweet in our new dining room. Unfortunately, it is not for sale and says do not touch. Not that I could ever afford it.

Afterwards we stopped Uncle Sam's Army Navy Surplus. It is the largest army navy surplus store I ever saw although it smells extreemly moldy - they really do have everything - that is othe rthan geiger counters. I really want one so I asked. Does anyone know where I could get one in town?

They did have these totally transparent microwave radiation protection suits. I almost bought one.

Afterwards, we headed over to Tifft Farm. Nothing like a nature preserve build on a land fill.

Started out with a trip to the Larking Building to see the Leonardo de Vinci exhibit.

When they say that Leonardo invented the helicopter, this is what they meant.

They also had this really nice Rocroft Table that would look sweet in our new dining room. Unfortunately, it is not for sale and says do not touch. Not that I could ever afford it.

Afterwards we stopped Uncle Sam's Army Navy Surplus. It is the largest army navy surplus store I ever saw although it smells extreemly moldy - they really do have everything - that is othe rthan geiger counters. I really want one so I asked. Does anyone know where I could get one in town?

They did have these totally transparent microwave radiation protection suits. I almost bought one.

Afterwards, we headed over to Tifft Farm. Nothing like a nature preserve build on a land fill.

paul - 07/24/06 02:24
Anyone want to contribute to a portable geiger counter fund. I am dying to map out radioactivity readings in buffalo on web based maps. Looks liek the portable unit costs around $250.
Anyone want to contribute to a portable geiger counter fund. I am dying to map out radioactivity readings in buffalo on web based maps. Looks liek the portable unit costs around $250.
zobar - 07/22/06 21:10
I used to work for this place :::link::: - they don't usually sell to the public but I bet they'd totally hook you up if you could get some kind of official-looking P.O. from Roswell.
- Z
I used to work for this place :::link::: - they don't usually sell to the public but I bet they'd totally hook you up if you could get some kind of official-looking P.O. from Roswell.
- Z
Paul...please call my mother Kim at Polis Reality. Her number is 881-1200. She's been doing real estate for over 12 years and may be able to help you! Good luck!!!
I wish you luck. I hope the fealling I'm getting is wrong. I think the feet are dragging cause they are unsure of what they want to do. I have a fealing they may have changed there mind about selling the house, or don't want to move into an apartment and then into another house. I hope things don't get uglyier then they all ready are but I have a bad fealing about this.
good luck. I just wanted to let you know, we are all counting on you.
The problem is that it is technically not our house until we officially close and that is what he has been dragging his feet on. Hopefully the lawyer will shed some light on the tomorrow.
Enough is enough. Time to take the gloves off Paul. The person who you are dealing with is a fool and should be treated as such. I can't even believe that you tolerated him this long... I can only imagine how I would have treated this guy at this point.
Do whatever you need to do, but get that fucking idiot out of your house. This is absolutely ridiculous.
Damn dude, so much drama. Sorry!
I would be so mad right now. Did you already pay the money? And did the real estate transfer go through? I would just show up with a locksmith and start putting all their doll houses and other crap out on the sidewalk. It's your house now.
Whoever said possession is 9/10ths of the law didn't have me to contend with.
(e:paul),I was wondering why you were talking directly to the seller.
From what I understand of real estate law in lawyer states such as New York is that the buyer and the sellers are expected to communicate through their lawyers and there shouldn't be face to face meetings between the buyer and the seller unless both lawyers were present.
When I was clsoing in a lawyer state, I've never had a conversation with the buyer/seller (depending on if I was buying or selling) without attorneys present.
At any rate, i wish y'all the best of luck
I began to write that my mom knows everything-- seriously- haha-- she is knowledgable about almost anything I need to ask her about. So I thought of her in regards to your plight. She has house buying and selling experience, well, as a house buyer and seller. Not in relation to a profession. Anyway, so I gave her a call and she began to tell me A LOT.and in detail. I tried to type it out.. but got lost. So, I asked if she would talk to you, as she would be happy to. She remembers you from my party. uh oh! haha Let me know.. I can give you her number or give her yours. Even if for another perspective..
I wish I had a clue about this kind of stuff... all I can say is what a bunch of crap! Your seller sucks. What a jerk. Too bad me calling him a jerk doesn't help at all... Good luck kicking his ass!
A quick search of google found this article.
Aren't there any real estate (e:peeps)?