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05/09/2006 22:36 #32599

I'm not fat and my dick isn't small
Category: spam
I also have a college degree and am not interested in a mortgage from an offshore bank or a casino account.

I open my mailbox and bam: your dick is your weak issue because it is so small.

I feel bad for all the guys out there with little dicks that get the same spam mail I get. I must make them feel really bad. Sometime I get like 5 a day, I mean they end up in the junkmail box, but they exist - what a waste of digital space. Same for diet spam.

I wonder who the people are that make spam mail a profitable business. I mean who believe there is a "creme" that would make your dick bigger. Unless they are meaning some sort of temporary bigger, like with lube ;)

"I was originally amazed that the first two pills I took of Hoodia 920+, almost immediately took my cravings away. Now 4 weeks later, 3 belt holes later, I have become an advocate for this awesomely powerful, natural supplement!"

Victoria K., New York

If those people really knew me, they would know that I would die if I lost 3 belt loops.

On another note, my father calls me at work today desperate to install some work program for his business. He tells me th new computer I bought him doesn't use the kind of floppy disk he has. I tell him I got them a usb floppy drive and he can use that. He says, "I tried but the disk doesn't fit."

Wasn't a 3 1/2 incher- called a floppy but not floppy at all

I think to myself. OMG, this cannot be a 5 1/4 inch disk, a disk that actually was floppy. Anyone else remember the hole punch to make them double sided?


So I ask him to get out a ruler and measure it. I think, what the hell can this be. Maybe this ancient piece of crap?


He tells me it is about 4.75 inches. I think, "Some sort of proprietary disk from the past that I never witnessed?" So then he tells me our old computer had a drive for it and I think. Alright dad, "I don't believe there is this other kind of floppy disk. What does it look like?" He says, "it's shinny!" It was a freakin' CD. I told him to press the button on the front of the computer to open up the drive and that worked. I have true respect for all the poeple that work at technical help desks. I think it would dirve me crazy.

It was simply a CD, I guess it is just as floppy as a 3 1/2 incher.
metalpeter - 05/10/06 18:10
The cream stuff isn't really about being small. It is about adding size to it. Just like some girls with good sized breasts still want them bigger. A lot of avarage guys would still like a few more inches if they could have it. I think the real aim of those ads are for people who have erictile problems or whos penis gets hard but dosn't completely fill with blood. I think spam is still no whare as bad yet as Junk Mail. I rent and get stuff saying i can now get a loan to lower my house payments, I get car insurance stuff and don't own and never owned a car.
lilho - 05/10/06 16:28
stories about your dad, are seriously the funniest ever. on the other hand, my friends dad did just burn down half of their neighbors house yesterday. julie got home, and her whole family was on the couch crying. even her teenage brother.
scott - 05/10/06 08:12

Ragarding your spam issues, there are people out there who recycle spam, turning it into poetry...

Part of my job involves customer support (it's a small company, so part of my job involves anything...). I get people worse off than your dad...

The worst: I had a customer complain that our software broke her computer. She insisted that it was the last program she'd ran. (Since our software's shite, I wasn't suprised. Still, I'd never seen it actually fry a machine.) So, I have her check a few things. Nothing worked. Eventually, the truth was revealed... The power in her building was shut off for the day. She was on her cell phone. She had threatened to have me sued, fired, and at one point even threatened physical harm...

Best part... this woman is a dean at a health care professional school. It's prestigious and in Boston, and rhymes with "Marvard".
mike - 05/10/06 00:10
I just read that story out loud to dad, he was laughing hysterically. But you don't know the first part of the story, they called me at work first....asked if we have a disk drive...I was like "are you sure it isn't a cd" and he insisted it wasn't...I told him the disk drive was on top of the computer...he first insisted it wasn't there then hung up (I guess he didn't believe me) and then called you...where the hilarity ensued
kara - 05/09/06 23:48
At least he didn't tell you "that's not a disk drive, it's a cup holder!"

twisted - 05/09/06 23:21
OMG. You had me going there. The hole punch was just to make them write-enabled. You could then write on both sides if they were double-density. Holy christ! How old am I? lol.
theecarey - 05/09/06 23:06
hehehe cute story about your dad... I remember that style of floppy. I much prefer the circular ones, haha.
mrdt - 05/09/06 23:01
you mean this stuff doesn't work...damn fooled again

05/09/2006 09:47 #32598

house paint
Category: renting
No wonder it will cost $5400 to paint this house. Seems like the winter was really hard on the remaining paint. The front looks extra crappy because I actually hung out the window and scapped it in the fall thinking I was going to paint it.

I hope people don't think I'm a slum lord. I guess it will be fixed soon enough.


05/08/2006 23:55 #32597

Geiger Counter
Category: science
Does anyone know anything about a (WIKIPEDIA - Geiger counter)? I really need one for a mapping site of radioactive places in buffalo. I am just so damn curious where it is radioactive and where it isn't and moblogging seems like the way to do this right now. I figure I will use an interface based on the interface seeing as no one is using it. This is defiantely a hint to click on the rememberbuffalo link right below the gather link on the right.

Seems useful and scary yet exciting. Unfortunately, I don't know anything about geiger counters other than I want one that is digital.


This nice USB one that works with mac and PC comes with a glow in the dark radioactive glass bead.


What freaks me out is that most of them come with a radioactive glass bead to test with. Just where or where do you store that? In a lead box. It is seriously the stuff kryptoniite is made of. Maybe this is a bad idea?

Vaseline Glass Test Source
Need a safe way to test out your geiger counter? Try our Vaseline glass bead. Vaseline glass is a type of glass with a small amount of uranium oxide added, which makes it glow under ultraviolet light (also called depression glass). This also makes it slightly radioactive. With the GM-10, we get about 200 CPM with the bead directly in front of the detector window, or about 0.2 mR/hr.


The bead is available for just $9.99, and may be ordered online or you can order by mail We're having a special right now, you can get 5 beads for just $39.99!

libertad - 05/09/06 00:22
I want a geiger counter too. It would be really cool if I could borrow one somehow. I want to go back to the LOOW in Lewiston where I stood and felt sicker than I ever felt before. There is another place I would want to check too. I'll post the photos soon.

05/08/2006 20:47 #32596

Congratulations Buffalo Punditit
Category: artvoice
But why the casino ads? I posted about the artvoice best of buffalo award on (e:news,835) . When I got home I went to checkout buffalopundit's site to see what he wrote about winning the artvoice award. Holy crap, giant casino advertisements. I never got pop up ads visiting before. Casino pop up ads?

At first I though maybe I had a virus but no other site does it. Whenever I have no cookies and visit the site, I see full screen casino pop up ads.
The little pop in ad was okay and the banner flashing advertise here


but then came these. Maybe he is just trying to take advatage of winning the artvoice award.


paul - 05/09/06 08:26
I kinda figured it was them. One of the reasons I never joined their media network was their commitment to advertisements that I don't share.
buffalopundit - 05/09/06 06:38
thanks for the kudos, Paul.

I have no idea why the casino ads are coming up, except to say that the ad server that put up w/that banner ad is generating them. I never got them before, and I sure as hell am not getting a dime from them.

I use firefox, so I've actually never seen them, but I've increasingly been told they're crazy annoying. So, unless the banner ad script is changed, I'm going to take it down.

Thanks for the congrats. Congrats to you for the nomination.

Cheers, Alan

05/07/2006 15:03 #32595

Strawberry Shortcake,meet my little pony
Category: party
The world of scented plastic has a new united front. If you don't believe me check out Record you own strawbeery dance here.

::Download Flash SWF::

They have combined strawberry shortcake and my little pony into one sweet world of narcotically strong plastic fullfillment. I met a straweberry shortcake at the Salvation Army recently and she still smelled after living through the 80s and 90s. It makes me wonder what kind of toxic compounds make her have such an exceptional "half-life"


Last night at (e:robins) party I though there was this bowl of ashes in the food area. Turned out to be a bowl fill of zauberpilze. I ate a handfull figuring why not, it isn't often they have these kind of snacks materialize.

It ended up being the strangest evening. First of all never watch the Chuckie movie before such an adventure. I spent the entire night thinking about chuckie. At one point I convinced myself the only thing that could stop him was strawberry shortcakes sweet scented plastic smell. In my dream I would see evil chuckie and everything was lik black and red and burned. Then a my little pony would ride in with sparkle glitter and stars trailing behind her and a strawberry shortcake doll on her back. Her strawberry smell would cover everything and my dream would return to a natural green scheme which was much more calming.

Saw (e:enknot) for a bit and we taked about new rss like feeds that are pure javascript. We bored everyone but ourselves with out computer talk. Frankly, it was some of the most interesting conversation of the night. I bet you will see more javascript feeds.

There was tons of crazy teacher to student flirt action which was so bizarre considering it all started with a conversation about Mary Kay Letourneau (WIKIPEDIA - Mary_Kay_Letourneau), the teacher with the 13 year old boyfriend that ended up in jail and latter married him.

I had a someone confess their crush on me.

Hate me because I am white and middle class
On the way walking home from (e:robins) there was this increasingly large group of black people that was walking ahead of us. It started out with two guys double riding on a bike but they got off and went slow right next to us, then more and more of them gathered.

As more and more of them gathered I would have normally avoided it (any group of ten people - even hippies) by myself but (e:terry) and (e:matthew) just trudged through. Of course this caused a commotion. The people patted us down to scope and size us up, all in the guise of a hug for the sabres victory which I had no idea about.

I think the main dude was trying to show off in front of the ladies. I think they really wanted to beat up (e:terry) because of his overwhelming whiteness but I think the guy realized he wasn't a little guy when he patted him down. It was the first time in my life I would have been ready to fight, even though they still woud have taken me down. That felt good.

It is kind of ridiculous that I have to be threatended walking home just because I am white and not poor.

Usually, this kind of stuff doesn't happen to me so much alone because I am not so white. But mix (e:terry) and (e:matthew) in and it gets a lot crazier. It's like when I was in Mexico with (e:terry) - we were the target of every scam artist and prostitute.

It made me realize that is exactly why people live in the suburbs. I mean this (e:paul,692) kind of stuff doesn't happen in Kenmore but you do get stuff like this (e:zobar,44) that would drive me just as insane.

Stop hugging my in the name of intimidation
I am really sick of strangers trying to hug me to find out what i have on me. It is such a perversion of a peaceful move. It kind of makes me want a tazer. This one night some guy at the subway stop at Utica and Main put his arm around my neck and talked for like 10 minutes about how he wanted more money for beer but he didn't know where to get it, insinuating that I had it. Anytime I tried to move he would just tighten his arm a bit untill he finally realized I really didn't have anything but a subway token with me and let me go. That was before the gym. I think now it wouldn't happen so much because I would have just punched the drunk in the face. It is precisely why I will not live on Prospect though and why the houses on Normal Street cost about 12k and always will.

I just don't understand what makes people act that way. There is no way I would do the same thing to poor people walking through my neighborhood. But honestly, I can't just pretend like it is just a economic class thing, it is totally racist that they target us. We are totally targeted because we are white. I have noticed the same thing on elmwood. It used to be that poor people asked me for money. But now it often hapens that black guy's in nicer clothes than I have harass me for money and get angry when I say I don't have any. What the hell is up with that?
scott - 05/09/06 08:54
I'm sorry for your experiences. That doesn't sound like a fun situation at all. I don't think it's racist at all to avoid a mob of people you don't know on the street. It's not even racist to follow your gut and avoid a bad situation. That's survival. It's racist if you start extending those negative vibes to other interractions.

Next time, travel with (e:enknot) b/c he has a +2 vorpal sword with an extended crtitical threat range, and a volkswagon, too. (Oh yeah, I can drop some nerd science.)
jason - 05/08/06 15:11
Damn damn damn, dude, you get into a fight phone my ass, I'll bring something nasty for em.
enknot - 05/08/06 02:26
Woah... that's intense, and it really sucks. I'm glad you guys are alright. Kinda makes me feel bad that I left the party early. Hearing shit like that about my neighborhood makes me embarssed to invite people. Yeah, I won't live here forever, but my rent is cheap for now.

Nothing like that has ever happend to me, any place. It's usually the other way around, where someone thinks I'd attack them rather than get home to play more World of Warcraft, don't they understand I don't get XP for those kinds of kills? Yeah, I've been the subject of some racist intent before, but never phyically asaulted or approached to be patted down...that's just effed up and weird.

I guess I don't apppear to be the huggable stranger type. Though if you really knew me maybe your opinon would change, but then I woudln't be a stranger. Yeah. I've been told that on a dark street I look like a vicious customer, or at least not someone who can be approached without caution, and I thank my genes for that since I'd hate to have to deal with something like being targeted for a mugging or anything like that. That, and I park my car in a pretty shady part of buffalo when I'm working late. I could never do that if I didn't look like I do without worrying a lot more, and that's a sad fact.
jenks - 05/07/06 20:30
Paul what is that song? it's funny :) "the schroedinger equation collapses perfectly" hehe
metalpeter - 05/07/06 16:22
First of all I'm glad you guys are Ok, that really sounds crepy. Getting hugged by someone you don't know is freaky enough. Its not like it is someone you know and you do the fists or the handshake pull each other in kind of hug, that must look strange from a far. It is things like what happend to you that make people racist (not all People), who warn't before. Naturally your mind will want to protect your self so you will start thinking (when you see a group of black people) I better be ready to kick some ass or run. It is to bad that what happend to you happend to you, but at least it wasn't worse and you warn't alone. It is good to know that racism isn't only whites on blacks that it happens the other way around some times.
libertad - 05/07/06 15:46
Wow. There is a lot here, but I think I'll just comment on your pat down situation.

Reading your journal makes me think about my own previous experiences. This one time, When I lived on Main and Amherst St,I was really quite naive. I lived there for years without a car and was used to getting on "subway" and also going by foot. There was this time I was walking home from the Quality in Central Park Plaza and had a run in with two black guys. They were walking towards me on the same side of the street. I felt like I should go to the other side, but I didn't. Maybe it was because I was too afraid to think that maybe I was racist if I moved to the other side of the street. They ended up jumping me on Amherst St in broad day light with cars passing by. They knocked me down and I hit my head, but long story short, they didn't get anything except a pair of socks and I didn't get too badly hurt. (another story) I think cause I was too determined not to appear racist, that I went against my intuition. Now, I am much more likely to follow my gut reactions. Anyways, I'm glad that you all appeared so tough and manly that they didn't do something worse.