My dermatology viewer application is coming along great. Today I had a meeting with the doctor who requested it and he seemed genuinely impressed. It allows for zoom ,hue, saturation, brightness, contrast, sharpen and position changes which are all logged via surebert to a database so that the image maintains state between uses. Anytime someone switches images, saves, or leaves the site - the current images data is saved to the database. To remain compliant with HIPAA

compliant it also keep an annotated log of what it is doing and who is using it and can report what it is doing using HL7
Doctors and clinicians can also add their own annotations.
It feels good to make things that have some purpose other than social networking. The app isn't blurry, I just blurred out everything you could identify.
I know its weird but I though skin tones was an appropriate color scheme. When testing some out in ther derm clinic today, I thought about how werid it would be to some day be a patient image inside my own application. I just hope that never happens.
That sucks. Never been there I guess with Cinco De Mayo they Id everyone before you go in. I had that same problem at Cozumel a few years ago but the guy let me in, but he almost didn't. Not sure why an expired lincanse makes the chances of it being a fake higher but I do some places they check that and some places they don't. Hope you at least where able to salvage the night.
omg! I can't believe you said you hate America! hehehe
If you want you can borrow my non-dl and old doesn't expire until nov, 06. I bet they'd take that!