There was a firmware for my phone that came out and it was reported to fix the video cam problem, maybe tehre will be more video on my journal. The problem is that updating it wipe dout all of my programs. This made me spend the entire night updating my phone which required that I reboot it a millions times. It was so frustrating bt everything is back to normal and google maps work better than ever. I just watched like four episodes of start trek while it "updated." Unfortunately, becase the ocmputer was tied up with the update, I didn't get to finish the new site updates I had planned for today. Soon yo will each get yor own custom theme so yo can pick ot yor own colors sing a fancy schamcy color slider thing I built.
On a totally separate note does anyone know what this building on North Johnson Park (MAP TO: 20%20N%20JOHNSON%20PARK) used to be. It is in total disrepair now but looks like it was something fancy.

Now we are one of the home owners on the tour. Oh the irony. You can take as many pictures as you want at our house.
I only remember that building on N. Johnson as a crack hotel. People used to be hanging out in front asking for money as we stumbled up the street to the Underground.
The owner of the Mayflower (the building we used to live in) on the corner of Summer and Linwood is a pretentious wanker. He is so proud of those damn lion statues out front. Claims people will want to have their photos taken with them...
The building on Johnson Park was supposedly the first building in the US with a concrete facade.
It was being renovated and turned into apartments, but a couple years ago there was a collapse inside that injured (killed?) a construction worker, and I'm not sure if that delayed or ended the remodel plans. There hasn't been much visible progress lately, that's for sure.
It's such a great looking building, but weirdly hidden on that street. Perpetually in shadows....
I'm not surprised on the pretentious folks while walking Linwood. I used to park on Linwood when I worked at CHOB and always felt like I was intruding. Pretty houses, though.
'Yay' on the custom themes...