I have been wanting to go to this Sushi place in Williamsville for so long but I could never remember where it was located. Finally, I remembered who I went with lasttime and contacted them (e:rzoo) about the directions. Turns out it is on maple road. They have this really cool wooden furniture when you walk in. The last time I went a squirrel came in from outside and it was all crazy. I find it hard to believe it didn't get on my journal but I think it was around this time paul,3245
Does anyone want to go tomorrow night?
Fuji Grill (MAP TO: 736%20MAPLE%20RD)
736 Maple Rd
Williamsville, NY 14221
My usersound is this cheesy techno song by Scooter, an english DJ that was popular in Germany circa 1996. I love it when he says super muschi and the way he laughs. He kind of reminds me of (e:terry).
Paul's Journal
My Podcast Link
04/24/2006 21:43 #32578
Sushi PlaceCategory: food
04/23/2006 16:30 #32577
ipod to restCategory: music
My ipod got washed and dried today. While it is now a shinner white than ever but dead. I remember how happy I was the day I got it (e:paul,3148)
Wow soon I will be able to refer to everything as a journal entry in the past.
Here you can see it's ghost rising from it's body.

I have to go buy a new one right away because otherwsie cardio at the gym is not happening. Thank god it was only a shuffle.
Wow soon I will be able to refer to everything as a journal entry in the past.
Here you can see it's ghost rising from it's body.

I have to go buy a new one right away because otherwsie cardio at the gym is not happening. Thank god it was only a shuffle.
scott - 04/25/06 09:43
For future reference, you can get waterproof iPod cases...
Might save you from a repeat tragedy in the future.
For future reference, you can get waterproof iPod cases...
Might save you from a repeat tragedy in the future.
enknot - 04/24/06 22:48
Dude! Don't be crazy. Put the broken one in the fixed one's packaging and take it back to the store....NOW! As long as you didn't get it at the apple store they will belive you. (those apple people are sticklers and they check the friggin' serial number)
Dude! Don't be crazy. Put the broken one in the fixed one's packaging and take it back to the store....NOW! As long as you didn't get it at the apple store they will belive you. (those apple people are sticklers and they check the friggin' serial number)
kara - 04/24/06 22:31
Last summer I washed, and dried, J's cell phone. I was all proud of myself for doing the laundry, and as we'd just gotten them a few weeks before I was so made at myself.
A little rubbing alcohol (to help evaporate the water) and a few hours in front of the fan, and the thing is as good as new.
Last summer I washed, and dried, J's cell phone. I was all proud of myself for doing the laundry, and as we'd just gotten them a few weeks before I was so made at myself.
A little rubbing alcohol (to help evaporate the water) and a few hours in front of the fan, and the thing is as good as new.
southernyankee - 04/24/06 12:58
Paul, You know that I know how you feel about the demise of your IPOD buddy. Remember my Post#168 & 171...
Vacuum Cleaners, Washing Machines, etc... They just don't seem to take to kind to the Mr. Apple Ipod.
Oh well, my condolences anyhow.
Paul, You know that I know how you feel about the demise of your IPOD buddy. Remember my Post#168 & 171...
Vacuum Cleaners, Washing Machines, etc... They just don't seem to take to kind to the Mr. Apple Ipod.
Oh well, my condolences anyhow.
jason - 04/24/06 12:35
Haha, I got a kick out of the anthropomorphic view of the iPod. =D
Haha, I got a kick out of the anthropomorphic view of the iPod. =D
decoyisryan - 04/23/06 23:15
hey paul, hopefully the new ipod worked out well at the gym today. sorry i couldn't really say hello today at target but it was crazy busy
hey paul, hopefully the new ipod worked out well at the gym today. sorry i couldn't really say hello today at target but it was crazy busy
theecarey - 04/23/06 23:09
lets all take a moment of silence..
lets all take a moment of silence..
mrmike - 04/23/06 16:55
My condolences on the death of the Ipod, mine does yeoman's work making up for the poor quality of buffalo radio
My condolences on the death of the Ipod, mine does yeoman's work making up for the poor quality of buffalo radio
paul - 04/23/06 16:44
journal ID# and number of journals is not the same. A journal id is a unique identifier for a journal entry that remains "Taken" even after a jorunal has been deleted. Say you had 18,19,20 and deleted 19. Your total would be two. But your latest entry would be #20 because you cannot move it down to 19 without risking messing up any link to it.
journal ID# and number of journals is not the same. A journal id is a unique identifier for a journal entry that remains "Taken" even after a jorunal has been deleted. Say you had 18,19,20 and deleted 19. Your total would be two. But your latest entry would be #20 because you cannot move it down to 19 without risking messing up any link to it.
jenks - 04/23/06 16:37
Sorry about the ipod... may it rest in peace. I would be sad if mine died. But paul how come it says this is journal 4306 for you, but up top it says you have 2029?
Sorry about the ipod... may it rest in peace. I would be sad if mine died. But paul how come it says this is journal 4306 for you, but up top it says you have 2029?
04/22/2006 23:52 #32576
Happy Earth DayCategory: deleware park
I went with (e:matthew) and (e:terry) on an (e:matthew,725) photo hunting adventures. I hadn't been to deleware park yet this year and what better a day for explorer city nature than earth day. I have to say, just as (e:libertad,17) had mentioned there were lots of dead fish. In fact I don't think anything can live in that lake anymore. It seriously needs to be dredged. It is so sad that a waterway can be so totally damaged.

The river runs though it - Scajacquada Creek

At least the surrounding park is beautiful.

As everyone is talking about, the businesses seem realy sad about the hotel. You all know how I feel about it. If not just search my journal for hotel.

What is the key to these tree tags?

I haven't been on elmwood in a long time apparently, as I did not notice this place before or maybe tehy just didn't have the flasg before?

This tulip was so bright that the red sensors on my camera could not deal with it.

On another note, I am going to be way hot be beach time.

My butt is getting so buff.

The river runs though it - Scajacquada Creek

At least the surrounding park is beautiful.

As everyone is talking about, the businesses seem realy sad about the hotel. You all know how I feel about it. If not just search my journal for hotel.

What is the key to these tree tags?

I haven't been on elmwood in a long time apparently, as I did not notice this place before or maybe tehy just didn't have the flasg before?

This tulip was so bright that the red sensors on my camera could not deal with it.

On another note, I am going to be way hot be beach time.

My butt is getting so buff.

libertad - 04/24/06 08:46
maybe the fish need some suppliments. Obviously there immune system is too low. I suggest we each go get a bottle of Ecanatia and Zinc lozenges and dump them in the lake. Hmmm maybe they need Creatine too? We don't want any scrawny fish around.
maybe the fish need some suppliments. Obviously there immune system is too low. I suggest we each go get a bottle of Ecanatia and Zinc lozenges and dump them in the lake. Hmmm maybe they need Creatine too? We don't want any scrawny fish around.
mrdt - 04/23/06 18:03
I think those people get saggy cause the skin lose's its elasticity over time and the muscle breaks over time.
I was just suggesting, I think creatine is pretty cheap - $16 for about 4#'s of Optimum Nutritions preload w/ transport, which lasts for two cycles.
I think those people get saggy cause the skin lose's its elasticity over time and the muscle breaks over time.
I was just suggesting, I think creatine is pretty cheap - $16 for about 4#'s of Optimum Nutritions preload w/ transport, which lasts for two cycles.
jenks - 04/23/06 17:28
hey i heard that... my point is not to pick you apart, but just to prevent the propagation of misinformation.
hey i heard that... my point is not to pick you apart, but just to prevent the propagation of misinformation.
paul - 04/23/06 16:24
Wow, this is really funy because this jorunal was really about the dead fish but . . .
I took creatine before when I used to work at feelrite (for about 2 years 1994-1996) I guarantee that it does work. On the other hand, I am over it. I don't need anything else that costs money at this point. If the body can't do it with increased food and my three time a week workout, then I don't need it. I seriously have no interest in being mega buff, just svelt and not dependent of health food store supplies. I have already been there before and it is like a drug addiction. At least it was when I worked there. I can't tell you how many "supplements" I ended up on and frnakly I feel just as healthy now-adays on my eat healthy well balanced meals and workout plan.
The money I save in supplements I can re-invest in better food.
What I am most afraid of is pushing my body to some unnatural level of buff because I see what happens to those people when they are old and that is they have flabby hanging skin that used to cover their huge muscles. There are so many of those people at the gym. I figure if I don't stretch it too far I won't have to worry.
Wow, this is really funy because this jorunal was really about the dead fish but . . .
I took creatine before when I used to work at feelrite (for about 2 years 1994-1996) I guarantee that it does work. On the other hand, I am over it. I don't need anything else that costs money at this point. If the body can't do it with increased food and my three time a week workout, then I don't need it. I seriously have no interest in being mega buff, just svelt and not dependent of health food store supplies. I have already been there before and it is like a drug addiction. At least it was when I worked there. I can't tell you how many "supplements" I ended up on and frnakly I feel just as healthy now-adays on my eat healthy well balanced meals and workout plan.
The money I save in supplements I can re-invest in better food.
What I am most afraid of is pushing my body to some unnatural level of buff because I see what happens to those people when they are old and that is they have flabby hanging skin that used to cover their huge muscles. There are so many of those people at the gym. I figure if I don't stretch it too far I won't have to worry.
mrdt - 04/23/06 16:14
I only recommend 3 things:
multivitamin, whey protein high in bcaa, and creatine. everything else can be achieved through diet unless you're restricting calories.
libertad, creatine is naturally found in your body and in the foods you eat (especially beef). by takin creatine you are mainly giving it a vehicle to be transported through your body while increasing the amount found in your tissue. all it rely does is force your body to retain water, which brings on the bloating, but more importantly...actually I'm not going into the science of it for fear that the doctor will pick me apart. you can google it. but I can tell you it is extremly affective when administered properly.
I only recommend 3 things:
multivitamin, whey protein high in bcaa, and creatine. everything else can be achieved through diet unless you're restricting calories.
libertad, creatine is naturally found in your body and in the foods you eat (especially beef). by takin creatine you are mainly giving it a vehicle to be transported through your body while increasing the amount found in your tissue. all it rely does is force your body to retain water, which brings on the bloating, but more importantly...actually I'm not going into the science of it for fear that the doctor will pick me apart. you can google it. but I can tell you it is extremly affective when administered properly.
libertad - 04/23/06 12:58
I say whatever. You are obviously getting results without all that bullshit they sell, so just go with it. My friend takes all that stuff and I don't see how it could be good for him. And hey thanks for posting pics of lake. I didn't have my camera while I was counting dead fish.
I say whatever. You are obviously getting results without all that bullshit they sell, so just go with it. My friend takes all that stuff and I don't see how it could be good for him. And hey thanks for posting pics of lake. I didn't have my camera while I was counting dead fish.
boxerboi - 04/23/06 10:21
H O T! Paul!
H O T! Paul!
mrdt - 04/23/06 00:21
wow, nice seperation and peek. for an even bigger pump try loading creatine.
wow, nice seperation and peek. for an even bigger pump try loading creatine.
04/21/2006 16:47 #32575
Silent Hill InspirationCategory: movies
Today, I went to go see Silent Hill with my boss and co-worker. It was a pretty lame storyline but got me curious if it was based on any sort of real town. Turns out it is and that town is called Centralia, PA (WIKIPEDIA - Centralia%2C_Pennsylvania) and has been on fire for years.

you can see it here on gogle maps

you can see it here on gogle maps

in 1981, 12-year-old Todd Domboski fell into a sinkhole that suddenly opened beneath his feet. He was saved after a relative pulled him out of the hole, which was estimated to be hundreds of feet deep. The incident brought national attention to Centralia, and in 1984, Congress allocated more than $40 million for relocation efforts. Most of the residents accepted the buy-out offers and moved to nearby Mount Carmel and Ashland.
jenks - 04/22/06 21:25
I remember that game... it was pretty scary.
I remember that game... it was pretty scary.
mike - 04/21/06 23:53
that is crazy that 18 people still live in the town. They took away their zip code for god's sake. I think that is a big ole sign you should move. Especially when they offer you money to do it and you no longer have a town....crazy
that is crazy that 18 people still live in the town. They took away their zip code for god's sake. I think that is a big ole sign you should move. Especially when they offer you money to do it and you no longer have a town....crazy
libertad - 04/21/06 22:24
That is so interesting. I never heard of that. They are probably the closest town to hell. I found some more pics. :::link:::
That is so interesting. I never heard of that. They are probably the closest town to hell. I found some more pics. :::link:::
ladycroft - 04/21/06 19:18
did it suck?!? it's based on a video game ya know...
did it suck?!? it's based on a video game ya know...
04/15/2006 19:10 #32574
Robot or DatelineCategory: web
So (e:hodown) was visiting and as everyday for the last week I recevie an IM from this random internet user which I think is a robot because they once mentioned smarterchild 
I asked them what their favorite person in American Idol was and they said Kelly Pickler, then they said they wanted to have sex with me. I signed off figuring it was just some internet stalker. It's hard being a celebrity.
So anyways then today I was sitting here with (e:hodown) and the person Imed me again. I have blocked them multiuple tiems but they just chaneg screen names. This was (e:hodown) and tehir conversation today. Is it a robot? Is it dateline trying to entrap us in some child internet sex conversation? What the fuck is it?
Start of lzberry32 buffer: Sat Apr 15 18:09:02 2006
[18:00] lzberry32: hey
[18:00] paulsidekick: yo punk, whats going on?
[18:00] lzberry32: what
[18:00] lzberry32: ???
[18:01] paulsidekick: i mean whats going on?
[18:01] lzberry32: i'm sad
[18:01] paulsidekick: oh no why?
[18:01] lzberry32: bc my brothers best friend died in a carr accident
[18:01] paulsidekick: oh my god, im so sorry.
[18:01] lzberry32: thanx
[18:01] lzberry32: 4 the support
[18:01] paulsidekick: howd that happen?
[18:02] paulsidekick: the car accident?
[18:02] lzberry32: um can i ask u somthin
[18:02] paulsidekick: sure
[18:02] lzberry32: um speed
[18:02] lzberry32: whats ur real name
[18:02] paulsidekick: paulo
[18:02] lzberry32: the car was goin to fast and he hit a tree
[18:02] paulsidekick: thats a shame
[18:02] lzberry32: i no
[18:02] lzberry32: :'(
[18:03] paulsidekick: so whats your plan for tonight?
[18:03] lzberry32: mike was goin to meet him at the movies he didn't show up so adam went in by himself after he was done he got a call from adam K. and he said sorry dude mike was in an accicedent and he didn't make ................... i was in ohio at the time when my brother called my mom my mom said to me jesse and my little sis pack your things we got to go back mike potter adam's best friend has been in a car accedent and was killed i cryed on the way home i didn't no him well but i felt bad 4 my bro the pain and missory he has to face evey day now..............................
[18:04] paulsidekick: wait im confused- how do we know each other again?
[18:04] lzberry32: i'm still crying
[18:04] lzberry32: um i got your s/n from the internet
[18:04] paulsidekick: how?
[18:04] lzberry32: but i no u aren't a robot
[18:04] paulsidekick: from where
[18:05] lzberry32: google under aol robot's
[18:05] paulsidekick: oh
[18:05] paulsidekick: im not a bot
[18:05] lzberry32: i n
[18:05] lzberry32: no***
[18:05] lzberry32: so where do u live i k,ean what state
[18:05] paulsidekick: in new york city
[18:06] lzberry32: i live in oklahoma
[18:06] lzberry32: so r we pals now
[18:06] paulsidekick: ohh thats a scary plACE
[18:06] paulsidekick: yeah i don't really think so
[18:06] lzberry32: y
[18:06] lzberry32: ???
[18:06] lzberry32: how old r u
[18:06] lzberry32: ???
[18:06] paulsidekick: because you are a random internet person and my only friends are real [people i know in real life
[18:07] paulsidekick: im 29
[18:07] lzberry32: really i'm 13
[18:07] paulsidekick: youre 13?
[18:07] lzberry32: yeah
[18:07] paulsidekick: maybe your parents should be monitoring your internet use
[18:07] lzberry32: my b- day was in Jan.
[18:08] lzberry32: ..................
[18:08] lzberry32: g2g2
[18:08] *** "lzberry32" signed off at Sat Apr 15 18:08:11 2006.
End of lzberry32 buffer: Sat Apr 15 18:09:02 2006

I asked them what their favorite person in American Idol was and they said Kelly Pickler, then they said they wanted to have sex with me. I signed off figuring it was just some internet stalker. It's hard being a celebrity.
So anyways then today I was sitting here with (e:hodown) and the person Imed me again. I have blocked them multiuple tiems but they just chaneg screen names. This was (e:hodown) and tehir conversation today. Is it a robot? Is it dateline trying to entrap us in some child internet sex conversation? What the fuck is it?
Start of lzberry32 buffer: Sat Apr 15 18:09:02 2006
[18:00] lzberry32: hey
[18:00] paulsidekick: yo punk, whats going on?
[18:00] lzberry32: what
[18:00] lzberry32: ???
[18:01] paulsidekick: i mean whats going on?
[18:01] lzberry32: i'm sad
[18:01] paulsidekick: oh no why?
[18:01] lzberry32: bc my brothers best friend died in a carr accident
[18:01] paulsidekick: oh my god, im so sorry.
[18:01] lzberry32: thanx
[18:01] lzberry32: 4 the support
[18:01] paulsidekick: howd that happen?
[18:02] paulsidekick: the car accident?
[18:02] lzberry32: um can i ask u somthin
[18:02] paulsidekick: sure
[18:02] lzberry32: um speed
[18:02] lzberry32: whats ur real name
[18:02] paulsidekick: paulo
[18:02] lzberry32: the car was goin to fast and he hit a tree
[18:02] paulsidekick: thats a shame
[18:02] lzberry32: i no
[18:02] lzberry32: :'(
[18:03] paulsidekick: so whats your plan for tonight?
[18:03] lzberry32: mike was goin to meet him at the movies he didn't show up so adam went in by himself after he was done he got a call from adam K. and he said sorry dude mike was in an accicedent and he didn't make ................... i was in ohio at the time when my brother called my mom my mom said to me jesse and my little sis pack your things we got to go back mike potter adam's best friend has been in a car accedent and was killed i cryed on the way home i didn't no him well but i felt bad 4 my bro the pain and missory he has to face evey day now..............................
[18:04] paulsidekick: wait im confused- how do we know each other again?
[18:04] lzberry32: i'm still crying
[18:04] lzberry32: um i got your s/n from the internet
[18:04] paulsidekick: how?
[18:04] lzberry32: but i no u aren't a robot
[18:04] paulsidekick: from where
[18:05] lzberry32: google under aol robot's
[18:05] paulsidekick: oh
[18:05] paulsidekick: im not a bot
[18:05] lzberry32: i n
[18:05] lzberry32: no***
[18:05] lzberry32: so where do u live i k,ean what state
[18:05] paulsidekick: in new york city
[18:06] lzberry32: i live in oklahoma
[18:06] lzberry32: so r we pals now
[18:06] paulsidekick: ohh thats a scary plACE
[18:06] paulsidekick: yeah i don't really think so
[18:06] lzberry32: y
[18:06] lzberry32: ???
[18:06] lzberry32: how old r u
[18:06] lzberry32: ???
[18:06] paulsidekick: because you are a random internet person and my only friends are real [people i know in real life
[18:07] paulsidekick: im 29
[18:07] lzberry32: really i'm 13
[18:07] paulsidekick: youre 13?
[18:07] lzberry32: yeah
[18:07] paulsidekick: maybe your parents should be monitoring your internet use
[18:07] lzberry32: my b- day was in Jan.
[18:08] lzberry32: ..................
[18:08] lzberry32: g2g2
[18:08] *** "lzberry32" signed off at Sat Apr 15 18:08:11 2006.
End of lzberry32 buffer: Sat Apr 15 18:09:02 2006
zobar - 04/15/06 23:18
That's kind of tragic. I mean, genetic algorithms aside, a computer program is what it is - and this poor misbegotten creature is doomed to forever be a recently bereved and lonely pubescent. What kind of a deranged individual would write something like that?
Or, more tragically, maybe it really is a real dude who thought you were Eliza :::link::: or something. Brr, that just gives me the heebie-jeebies.
- Z
That's kind of tragic. I mean, genetic algorithms aside, a computer program is what it is - and this poor misbegotten creature is doomed to forever be a recently bereved and lonely pubescent. What kind of a deranged individual would write something like that?
Or, more tragically, maybe it really is a real dude who thought you were Eliza :::link::: or something. Brr, that just gives me the heebie-jeebies.
- Z
Hm, i get out of work at 7 but I have to figure a way there. Otherwise I can go at 8 when terry gets out. I will update when I get some more details. It should be yummy.
about what time..? mmmm..Sushi is always a good break away from school work!