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04/09/2006 01:07 #32564

Coldstone Cremery
Category: food
Today we headed over to the fish store to buy new stuff for (e:matthew)'s tank and to the sprint store to finaly fix (e:terry)'s phone after a month of it not working. While we were driving we saw that they have a coldstone cremery here now on Deleware near Kenmore Ave (MAP TO: 2655%20DELAWARE%20AVE). I used to go there all the time when I lived in flasgtaff. I have a feeling they are from Arizona because they were all over there.

The ice cream is so good but it's always too much even when I order the freaking small. Apparently, they do a dance and song thing when you tip them. I tried to recor dit on my phoen but I missed it. We tried retipping but apparently they only do one singing per visit. I would hate working at a store like that. When I was younger I worked at a local icecream store called parfait that was near Niagara Falls Blvd and Sheridan. It is now a cingular store.

It was kind of expensive. Three of us had icecream for $15.74.






I worked on the site outside while (e:terry) was at the sprint store.


joshua - 04/11/06 11:36
I first had Coldstone in Los Angeles - I just noticed two weeks ago that we have a Coldstone in Buffalo now! Good stuff but yes, its expensive.
theecarey - 04/09/06 01:25
oh icecream.. I want! I want! I want!

04/07/2006 19:48 #32563

Day in the life of a uebergeek
Category: geektalk
Went with (e:kara) over to artvoice to meet with Jamie Moses and (e:zobar) about some upcomming collaborations and stuff. It was fun geek talking it up with (e:zobar) as usual. It reminds me of talking with (e:jesse) but with much more clarity - and that's a good thing.

I am so borrowing his idea about putting content on an ipod to take it with you idea. Soon you will be able to download your entire journal and put it on your ipod. I think that would be a fun way to read it for some people. Of course, sans imagery. Maybe with the nano?

04/06/2006 23:13 #32562

washington market
Category: food
Today (e:enknot) and I headed over to wahington market We talked the nerdy talk and ate the delicious food. I had another chicken tuscan procuito, artichoke heart extravaganza.

The prices are so good in the butcher shop, you could get a new york strip steak for less than $4.oo.

Afterward I walked out and tried to open a jaguar. It looked the same as (e:enknot)'s car to me.

I want to rule a top level domain with a silicon fist.

I fixed all that surebert to be new and fantastic. Time to get drunk.

It was light out when I got out of work at 8PM, check the timestamp.




04/05/2006 23:11 #32561

Getting Buff Buying Olive Oil
Category: food
Olive oil is getting so freakin expensive. What is up with that?

The ministry announced earlier that the 2005 olive oil crop is down by about 35 per cent, or 350,000 tons, after little rain and severe cold spells and snow hurt Spain's olive trees last winter.

Spain is the world's biggest olive oil producer, accounting for a third of global supply.

Here is more information than you could ever want to know about olive oil. Here is even more details about what the waste is used for. Who would have ever thought one thing could make herbacide, fuel, and work breeding material.

Apparently, this happend befoe May 1996 and then afterwards we live in a period of low prices. I rememeber buying a gallon for only $8.

The shelves that used to be full of it at Wegman's are now full of nasty crisco liquid in detergent bottles.


Who thought that poeple would want their oil in detergent bottles. To me it makes it even more disgusting.


But Olive oil is really $22/gallon. I guess I can't use it for "everything" anymore. Look how tiny the olive oil section is.


On another front, Tom's Of Maine is now owned by Colgate. They test on animals, but Tom's of Maine doesn't so is that a conflict or what?

I am getting so much stronger but now I am addicted to being stronger. I want to be really strong and then start fighting.





On another front, surebert reached version 1.0 today. It eats forms really nice now.

iriesara - 04/06/06 11:56
I told you working out was fun, Paul, but you never believed used to look at Terry and I like we were crazy doing yoga in the river - well, maybe we are a little crazy; but as soon as you discover/develop new muscles, you just seriously want to use them!

Miss you, love you!

I can't wait til you have little baby sugar gliders!!!

you still haven't called me either...
scott - 04/06/06 10:03
Stop shopping at Wegmans. I was a loyal Wegmans shopper until a month ago, when noticed that all the old folks go to Quality. There's almost no old ladies at Wegmans.

If you want to cut costs, follow senior citizens. Anywhere they shop/eat/go, there's a discount.

They've led me to "Quality Markets". It turns out that Quality has all the same stuff at about 1/2 the price. Now I can afford the expensive olive oil, no problemo.

Wegmans is a bit nicer inside,they have sushi, they have a better deli, and a slightly nicer bakery. This is true. But for cooking supplies... just go to Quality. You'll be able to cook healthy on a budget.


kara - 04/06/06 08:26
I've read that grapeseed oil is another alternative to olive oil. I'm going to try that when our current gigantic bottle of EVOO is empty.
mrdt - 04/06/06 01:35
I like to cook in all sorts of fats because sometimes i don't like the way olive oil imparts its flavor on something and i usually prefer something with a higher smoke point like clarified butter or peanut oil. sometimes i cook with infused oils and sometimes i use infused oils to finish a dish. but i would never cook in an oil infused with a delicate herb like basil.

I agree, lifting weights is addictive. taking pictures is good to cause it'll keep you motivated...speaking of which where's my camera.

04/04/2006 00:33 #32560

A friend of Holly Johnson with a few que
Category: email
Today I got the weirdest email

Hi Paul,
My name is Theresa Chambers, my brother is Matt, Holly Johnson's boyfriend. I'm taking a Women Studies class at UB and for a project I need to interview an active feminist,so Holly gave me your name. She told me that your pro-life and very active in Women's rights, so I was just wondering if I would be at all able to ask you a few questions. Also I'm pro-choice, so I thought it would be interesting talking to you.

If you wouldn't mind doing an interview I could just e-mail you the questions or however you would prefer, if you don't have time to do it that's not a problem either. Just let me know!

Thank you so much for your time,

The thing is I am not a women's rights scenester and I am definately not pro-life either. In fact I really don't care about the issue because it doesn't effect me very much. How did this mixup happen. I need to talk to (e:holly) about this.

Here is what I am thinking for a response.

Dear Theresa,
That was so last year. Now I am into Animal Rights. Sorry about the confusion but you know how it is with social trends, they move so quick.

No seriously, I don't know how to respond to this one because I don't want to say I am not "into" women's rights but really I was never very "active."
kara - 04/04/06 18:35
I should have been clearer.
Prolifers are generally concerned with controlling women and restricting access to lifesaving medical procedures, contraception and abortions, not necessarily enhancing their rights or showing them respect.

The beliefs of the prolife movement are their own. The day I see the prolife crew outside the clinic on main street passing out condoms and birth control pills will be the day I start to respect their behavior.

joshua - 04/04/06 16:54
Kara, thats absolute horseshit, but you are entitled to your opinion.

Anyhow Paul, the best way for you to handle this is to email her back with a response along these lines -

"Hello Theresa - I'm not a women's rights scenester, and I am definitely not pro-life either. Its not that I don't respect the pro-life thing, its just that I have other things that I advocate.

Sorry for the confusion - here is the name of somebody that can help you <insert hardcore feminist friend that might be interested's name here>."

Or, if you don't know any hardcore feminists, alter the last paragraph this way -

"Sorry for the confusion - if I come across a person that may be of interest to you I will let you know."

Boom - you haven't offended anybody and you haven't necessarily committed your friends to something they may not care about.
kara - 04/04/06 08:14
IMHO, prolifers do not respect women, so to be "prolife" and pro-women's rights isn't possible.