We brought the squirrels outside for a little bit with the tortoise. He is so hungry for the hay in the backyard. The squirrels liked it to. When I pulled them out o fthe pouch, the boy squirrel had a boner. It was the weirest looking penis - really long and skinny. Skinny like only a couple millimeters across but like an inch long. I think that babies are soon to follow - I guess it is spring afterall. I cannot imagine how cute the babies will be.
We also went to the coop and bought a lot of vegtables. Elmwood was alive with people. In fact (e:terry) mentioned it was as bumping as a shopping plaza in phoenix.

These organic mini oranges are so flavor packed and only 10 cents each. Something must be wrong with them.

I decided to make mini Buffalo brugers and shrimp. Who would ever think that such diverse animals could taste so right together. Thank you oregano and garlic.

I think that the non-bag style natural salad is much crunchier than the bag one. I used to think the bag one was quicker but honestly, you have to wash it and dry it anyways so what the hell is the difference. I am done with the bags.

I still can't believe the house we were gonna buy on Linwood was already bought. They go so damn fast.
ok those things are the cutest ever. I must have one or ten.