I had this weird kind of depression all day today. Maybe it is because I was making a web based skin cancer viewer and I unfortunately used real picsture of skin cancer off google to test it out all day. I think I can tell a cancerous mole from a non-cancerous one now. It's kind of ironic because all I wanted to do was go outside and sit in the sun.
The viewer is supposed to be able to pull up patient charts and allow the doctor to zoom, change saturation, brightness, contrast and sharpeness. Luckily flash can do all that in its more modern incarnation. Then they get to tag and annotate the images. So kind of like a mini flickr for cancer.
I generally hate working with flash though. Everytime I feel like I am excited about it a new version of actionscript comes out and everythign changes. With Actionscript 3 just around the corner I am just not as motivated to btoher with version 2.
There are so many things going on with the internet that I want to program and it is all moving to fast. Sometimes, i just get overwhelmed with it all.
Paul's Journal
My Podcast Link
03/29/2006 20:09 #32549
Strange DayCategory: web
03/28/2006 18:53 #32548
To Whom it may concernCategory: irritation
To Whom it may concern - I can see the potential and need of this web site. Although there are some essential issue which I believe need addressing ASAP, from a design point of view. 1st- this being a no brainer, color, white type on a green background happens to be one of the worst choices possible, next to blue type on a red back ground. Please for all those concerned think design, legibility, etc.
Also: how do I retrieve images?
Fuck you I am confident that light green with white text is fine, if you can't handle it, try one of the 16 other themes that are avaiable to you on this free site. If that still is not good enough find anpother site because I have no interest in your opinion until you are established participant in this community. Even then, I probably will not care.
kara - 03/28/06 19:50
You have just said all the things I've thought when dealing with inane commentary from wannabe web experts. I salute you.
You have just said all the things I've thought when dealing with inane commentary from wannabe web experts. I salute you.
03/27/2006 23:56 #32547
MortgageCategory: housing
One company offered us the money. So it may be a mansion in my future after all. The real test is when we go to the bank tomorrow to see about refinancing the other property. It would honestly be so nice to be able to walk one block to work. I don't think it could get more ecofriendly than that. If I retired at Roswell I would never need to own my own car.
I updated the codebase for loudfeeder and picfeeder. The new version allow syou to make changes to previously posted feeds. I will probably release it tomrorow night after I meet with (e:jim).
I updated the codebase for loudfeeder and picfeeder. The new version allow syou to make changes to previously posted feeds. I will probably release it tomrorow night after I meet with (e:jim).
metalpeter - 03/28/06 19:50
I admit I'm a little Confuessed I thought that one house you owned meaning no Morage. I wish you luck. But Before you get a loan out I would reserch that house and find out about how much it costs to Heat it and Airconditon it that alone is one big fucking expsense. I wish you the best of luck with it.
I admit I'm a little Confuessed I thought that one house you owned meaning no Morage. I wish you luck. But Before you get a loan out I would reserch that house and find out about how much it costs to Heat it and Airconditon it that alone is one big fucking expsense. I wish you the best of luck with it.
joshua - 03/28/06 17:36
Great news man. Have fun with those heat bills though!
Great news man. Have fun with those heat bills though!
leetee - 03/28/06 00:03
Cool that you wouldn't need to own a car. Where is the wonderful and potentially your new mansion?
Cool that you wouldn't need to own a car. Where is the wonderful and potentially your new mansion?
03/27/2006 10:31 #32546
Hope this wasn't a huge mistakeCategory: work
After careful consideration, I have decided not to pursue another career right now as I really enjoy my job at Roswell. I appologize for taking so long to get back to you.
Thank you for your time.
Best of luck,
Paul Visco
After careful consideration, I have decided not to pursue another career right now as I really enjoy my job at Roswell. I appologize for taking so long to get back to you.
Thank you for your time.
Best of luck,
Paul Visco
03/26/2006 23:52 #32545
The mansion that will some day be homeCategory: housing
Here is the kitchen

Here is the possible amazing garden

Here is the main room when you come in, foyer?

Here is the possible amazing garden

Here is the main room when you come in, foyer?

kara - 03/27/06 08:25
The kitchen has purple walls. Buy it now.
The kitchen has purple walls. Buy it now.
dude, you're on track...real time
(((( Paul ))))