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03/25/2006 23:46 #32541

Where are all the not white people
Category: estrip
So I was looking at the statistics of the site today and started to wonder where all the not white people are. I mean there are a couple non-white people but in general the site is like 99.9% white.

Do you think it is the name elmwoodstrip.or implies the neighborhood elmwoodstrip which is kind of segragated. I am wondering if maybe a new name would help. I am pretty atatched to the name though. If not what else can be done to reach out to other people. Maybe even some spanish speakers. It would be pretty easy to translate the interface if I had some help.

I am also curious why so many people have signed up recently but have not written. This week I totally redid the formerlly lame welcome letter and added the tutorial link at the top. (e:jim) was supposed to help me with setting up a newbie guide but I am not sure what happend with that as I never was able to get ahold of him. When that is complete it will help to.

What can we do to get new people that not only sign up, but join in and start writing? Any ideas?
metalpeter - 03/26/06 11:46
To be Honest I'm not sure how people hear about the site. But those that hear about it through Word of Mouth and decide to join because friends are on it you would think would post. But maybe they don't because they feal like they would be telling there friends online the same thing they say to them offline.

I admit other then that I'm not sure why people would join and not write. It would be interesting (not sure how you have the system set up and if you can tell this or not) if you had the site set up so you could tell who looked at whos post. I know you have the count of total views but I have no idea if you can tell who the viewers are. Maybe some people who joined are people who read the posts but don't say anything.

I don't know how big you want the site to get but maybe some type of signs Hanging around Buff State Might Help.
paul - 03/26/06 03:10
You and flacidness and southernyankee are out of about 300 people. That is my whole point.
enknot - 03/26/06 01:33
I'm pretty darn not white...

03/25/2006 02:06 #32540

Dancing that didn't happen
Category: dance
We went to OPM lounge but they wouldn't let us in because (e:terry) forgot his ID. So here I am programming again. That is the third time I haver been turned away from OPM lounge because one of the people I was with didn't have ID. It's so weird because we deifnately don't look young.

I want to go to this tomorrow night in Toronto but I doubt we will do that either as we can never organize anything.


ladycroft - 03/25/06 12:20
p.s. this looks AMAZING!!!!
ladycroft - 03/25/06 05:47
omg that sucks so bad! not only did i have my $50 bar tab...but the chick was like 'eh, i'm not even keeping track, drink what you want'!!!! it was flowing free ALL NIGHT LONG!!! so sad we missed you guys!!!

03/25/2006 00:24 #32539

Octopus makes man
Category: body
Eating octopus after the gym makes me grow stronger. Time to go dancing.

The trainer said I lost 2 lbs of fat and gained 6lbs of muscle. I am down to 9% fat.


ladycroft - 03/25/06 05:47
how could you lose any fat!!!!????

03/24/2006 22:32 #32538

Roswell food paradise/new tool
Category: food
I know I brag about the lunches at my work all the time but this one tops them all. A huge piece of salmon and veggies for $6.

We got new exercises at the gym, my arms are getting seriously buff but these are (e:terry)'s.
I am missing (e:matthew) while he is in Toronto. Who will I watch starek with.

On another note I am just about to release a really sweet foto rss feed maker for the non techy in ou. Simply title and comment on a photo attach it and poof, you have you very own rss feed with your latest photos, or other photos you want to write about.

It's another (e:strip) exclusive and should be released this weekend.


jason - 03/24/06 22:34
God DAMN, all that for $6 - I'm definitely going to lunch at Roswell!

03/24/2006 00:02 #32537

Buying a mansion
Category: housing
I want to buy a mansion. This one is in my price range and location requirements. Unfortunately, it is totally full nasty of cats. I guess it could be decontaminated but it would take about 6 months.

paul - 03/24/06 13:27
on linwood
flacidness - 03/24/06 10:31
where is it located?