To Whom it may concern - I can see the potential and need of this web site. Although there are some essential issue which I believe need addressing ASAP, from a design point of view. 1st- this being a no brainer, color, white type on a green background happens to be one of the worst choices possible, next to blue type on a red back ground. Please for all those concerned think design, legibility, etc.
Also: how do I retrieve images?
Fuck you I am confident that light green with white text is fine, if you can't handle it, try one of the 16 other themes that are avaiable to you on this free site. If that still is not good enough find anpother site because I have no interest in your opinion until you are established participant in this community. Even then, I probably will not care.
dude, you're on track...real time
(((( Paul ))))