Olive oil is getting so freakin expensive. What is up with that?
The ministry announced earlier that the 2005 olive oil crop is down by about 35 per cent, or 350,000 tons, after little rain and severe cold spells and snow hurt Spain's olive trees last winter.
Spain is the world's biggest olive oil producer, accounting for a third of global supply.

is more information than you could ever want to know about olive oil. Here is even more details about what the waste is used for. Who would have ever thought one thing could make herbacide, fuel, and work breeding material.
Apparently, this happend befoe May 1996

and then afterwards we live in a period of low prices. I rememeber buying a gallon for only $8.
The shelves that used to be full of it at Wegman's are now full of nasty crisco liquid in detergent bottles.
Who thought that poeple would want their oil in detergent bottles. To me it makes it even more disgusting.
But Olive oil is really $22/gallon. I guess I can't use it for "everything" anymore. Look how tiny the olive oil section is.
On another front, Tom's Of Maine is now owned by Colgate. They test on animals, but Tom's of Maine doesn't so is that a conflict or what?
I am getting so much stronger but now I am addicted to being stronger. I want to be really strong and then start fighting.
On another front, surebert reached version 1.0 today. It eats forms really nice now.
stray to far away from the cafeteria and you could end up being a member of the gym for life!
yea, fast food does that to me too.
Of the fast food places I think burger king tastes the best. But Wendy's has the best dollar menu and some great items that the others don't like baked Potatoes and Frosties.
I usually carry a lunchbox with me to school and try to stuff three meals into it. The other day in the middle of class I pulled out a sandwich and a bottle of water and this girl turns around to give me a funny look. and I was like gotta handle my business then i gave her a ticket to the gun show.