Don't step on lawn at Canisius High school the scumbags sprayed it but only have two little yellow flags that I didn't see till after I went through it.
I hope whoever made that choice dies of cancer.
Does anyone know more info about this?
This journal is about a lot of things. I kept meaning to post but I have been so freakin' busy and now I have a bunch of picture on my phone that need to go somewhere and I' in the car doin nothing so here it goes.
(e:terry) and I went to get the oil changed on Niagara Falls Blvd and had to waste an hour and a half. We decided to go shooping at the mall in order to buy some pants. I really only go there about once a year and let me tell you it changes a lot over time when you only see small time snippets of it each year. When I grew up it was mostly only white people with some black people at the mll. Today the mall has a huge cross section o all kinds of cultures. There were prob as many people from india and asia as there were black and whites. For a minute it seemed like a mall in toronto. I wonder if the population of these northern suburbs reflect that. I haven't lived or hung out around here since high school. When I went to high school I think there were one black person, one mulatto and maybe an asian person and a family of asianattos (irish and asian) and that was
(e:hodown) and
(e:lilho)'s family.
If the population has changed that much, I would say that the suburbs are more ethnically diverse than the city where it seems mostly black or white to me with the exception of the hispanic west side.
I know I am getting old now when all my clothing shopping needs can be met at Sears.
Who buys all these pre ripped in exact pattern jeans. It is sucha great idea for the company as they almost immediately require replacement.
I bought cyborg implant bluetooth headset at the wall so I don't have to touch my phone to my head.
Polish Water Ice - I wrote about it before never tried it till today. What we got was a cup filled italian lemon ice.
Frankly, I think the polish people that named this water-ice must have never tried lemon ice and thought they invented something new. Also, what the hell is up with that stupid name. Is ice not considered water in Poland?
Here is my theory. Polish people desperately wanted lemon ice but couldn't afford flavor so they told there kids it was a new yummy treat caled water ice.
Once in america they added flavoring agents and opened the stand in the mall. Here is their story:
Who are the people that make these animatronic setups. If it didn't seem so empty and meanginless I think I could enjoy that kind of job.
What is so weird is the televesion ont he side showing the event in real time. The even tyou are seeing in real time in full siz.e It makes no sense. According to
(e:hodown) Kristina Kling's family goes to see this display every year. Those people can make some mean parmasean chicken wings and clams casino.
maybe the fish need some suppliments. Obviously there immune system is too low. I suggest we each go get a bottle of Ecanatia and Zinc lozenges and dump them in the lake. Hmmm maybe they need Creatine too? We don't want any scrawny fish around.
I think those people get saggy cause the skin lose's its elasticity over time and the muscle breaks over time.
I was just suggesting, I think creatine is pretty cheap - $16 for about 4#'s of Optimum Nutritions preload w/ transport, which lasts for two cycles.
hey i heard that... my point is not to pick you apart, but just to prevent the propagation of misinformation.
Wow, this is really funy because this jorunal was really about the dead fish but . . .
I took creatine before when I used to work at feelrite (for about 2 years 1994-1996) I guarantee that it does work. On the other hand, I am over it. I don't need anything else that costs money at this point. If the body can't do it with increased food and my three time a week workout, then I don't need it. I seriously have no interest in being mega buff, just svelt and not dependent of health food store supplies. I have already been there before and it is like a drug addiction. At least it was when I worked there. I can't tell you how many "supplements" I ended up on and frnakly I feel just as healthy now-adays on my eat healthy well balanced meals and workout plan.
The money I save in supplements I can re-invest in better food.
What I am most afraid of is pushing my body to some unnatural level of buff because I see what happens to those people when they are old and that is they have flabby hanging skin that used to cover their huge muscles. There are so many of those people at the gym. I figure if I don't stretch it too far I won't have to worry.
I only recommend 3 things:
multivitamin, whey protein high in bcaa, and creatine. everything else can be achieved through diet unless you're restricting calories.
libertad, creatine is naturally found in your body and in the foods you eat (especially beef). by takin creatine you are mainly giving it a vehicle to be transported through your body while increasing the amount found in your tissue. all it rely does is force your body to retain water, which brings on the bloating, but more importantly...actually I'm not going into the science of it for fear that the doctor will pick me apart. you can google it. but I can tell you it is extremly affective when administered properly.
I say whatever. You are obviously getting results without all that bullshit they sell, so just go with it. My friend takes all that stuff and I don't see how it could be good for him. And hey thanks for posting pics of lake. I didn't have my camera while I was counting dead fish.
H O T! Paul!
wow, nice seperation and peek. for an even bigger pump try loading creatine.