I spent most of the day documenting new code libraries I have written at Roswell. Those of you that know me well know that I hate this more than anything in the world.
I have been thinking. I am going to try and finish my thesis in the next two weeks although it no longer has any real affect on my life. I just need closure. (e:shawnr) was right that I am just avoiding it because I have an emotional block from the whole not being a professor drama. This became very clear to me when I heard someone that sounded like someone from Canisius the other day and my bodies first response was a fight or flight response.
On another front I am gettign tougher everyday, although yesterday wasn't very indicative as i was exhausted after lifting. We were able to leg press 370lbs which is an insane amount of weight for me.
Whatever these are I really want one.

Speaking of nicknames (e:sbrugger,36) - I used to be called pinocinose because my nose was the same size as it is now, but I had a little kid head. They even used to tease my that my trombone case was my nose case.
I want to look have this guys body shape so bad. That is my ideal size and then I will quit, I have no interest in getting bigger than that.

Okay which is cuter the guy or this?

Definately, not this (GOOGLE - aye aye)

Yay for Hot Guy.
I havent seen an Aye Aye picture in so long. I recall a Comparative Psych class I took in undergrad... those funky creatures came up in discussion. This is a great pictureof one. Too funny.
only paul could fit a quater up his nose!
the babies are cute - the hotty is hotter - but most importantly do you remember when you got that quarter stuck up your nose? what was that, like 7th grade, I think? That was hysterical! Oh, and you never called me this weekend you bastard!
Any baby glider buns in any ovens at your place yet?
I wish you lots of luck with your thesis, Paul. I think it will help you get over the whole situation once it is done. Then, you can close that chapter of your life.
Ok, folks... no more going to the beach and kicking sand at Paul!!
Those babies do look cute. Not sure how many babies they have but maybe soon you will have a tribe of litte animals. Hey don't let the not being a professor upset you. Oh bye the way I went to Canisius and in some ways they suck. Rigt after I left there was a big scanel about a building they went to buy that had broken windows and was across from forest lawn, turned out they owend it for years and no one knew.