My dermatology viewer application is coming along great. Today I had a meeting with the doctor who requested it and he seemed genuinely impressed. It allows for zoom ,hue, saturation, brightness, contrast, sharpen and position changes which are all logged via surebert to a database so that the image maintains state between uses. Anytime someone switches images, saves, or leaves the site - the current images data is saved to the database. To remain compliant with HIPAA compliant it also keep an annotated log of what it is doing and who is using it and can report what it is doing using HL7
Doctors and clinicians can also add their own annotations.
It feels good to make things that have some purpose other than social networking. The app isn't blurry, I just blurred out everything you could identify.
I know its weird but I though skin tones was an appropriate color scheme. When testing some out in ther derm clinic today, I thought about how werid it would be to some day be a patient image inside my own application. I just hope that never happens.
Paul's Journal
My Podcast Link
05/03/2006 16:29 #32590
Cancer Viewer ApplicationCategory: programming
05/02/2006 10:13 #32589
super market sweepCategory: food
We went to the grocery store last night after the gym. I was tired and really hungary. I swear the extra five more pounds (now at 155lbs) I gained is hungrier than the other pounds I previously had.
So it was like 11pm and I had no list, no coordinated effect with (e:matthew) or (e:terry) and decided to just do it supermarket sweep style.
I seriously just through everything I wanted in the cart and the trick was (e:terry) had the cart so I had to grab as much stuff as I could hold and then run to the cart somewhere in the store to drop it off so I could get more.
$500 laters I have food again. This is what we get for going grocery shopping only once a month for three people.
I didn't buy this sushi because it was too expensive $11.75, although I do love octopus and squid but not for that price for nighttime, grocery store grade susge.
I also bought some weight gainer mix that could be
3100 calories per drink. I drank half that and thought I was gonna puke. It felt like that episode of southpark when cartman becomes beefcake.
Glad I don't live in california. Apparently, it sucks there according the wegmans.
Yum stooper waffles. They are my mana.
So it was like 11pm and I had no list, no coordinated effect with (e:matthew) or (e:terry) and decided to just do it supermarket sweep style.
I seriously just through everything I wanted in the cart and the trick was (e:terry) had the cart so I had to grab as much stuff as I could hold and then run to the cart somewhere in the store to drop it off so I could get more.
$500 laters I have food again. This is what we get for going grocery shopping only once a month for three people.
I didn't buy this sushi because it was too expensive $11.75, although I do love octopus and squid but not for that price for nighttime, grocery store grade susge.
I also bought some weight gainer mix that could be
3100 calories per drink. I drank half that and thought I was gonna puke. It felt like that episode of southpark when cartman becomes beefcake.
Glad I don't live in california. Apparently, it sucks there according the wegmans.
Yum stooper waffles. They are my mana.
05/01/2006 14:54 #32588
new server falls in my lapCategory: servers
Work was giving away an old server. It isn't the latest, greatest but it does have a solid steel, nearly bullet proof case and a raid setup with 4 drives at 10k speed.
I am going to set it up as the estrip backup server. In case anything happens, this backup can be set to go until the other one is fixed. Plus it gives me a test server to play with, and true data redundancy at an offsite storage facilty should anything ever happen to artvoice's basement. e.g. a flood or something.
I am going to set it up as the estrip backup server. In case anything happens, this backup can be set to go until the other one is fixed. Plus it gives me a test server to play with, and true data redundancy at an offsite storage facilty should anything ever happen to artvoice's basement. e.g. a flood or something.
05/01/2006 01:58 #32587
The Linwood TourCategory: buffalo
The houses are really fancy, the people are reallly pretentious. I don't have any pics accept for this one of us on the street. The atmosphere felt non-condusive to taking photos.
There was a firmware for my phone that came out and it was reported to fix the video cam problem, maybe tehre will be more video on my journal. The problem is that updating it wipe dout all of my programs. This made me spend the entire night updating my phone which required that I reboot it a millions times. It was so frustrating bt everything is back to normal and google maps work better than ever. I just watched like four episodes of start trek while it "updated." Unfortunately, becase the ocmputer was tied up with the update, I didn't get to finish the new site updates I had planned for today. Soon yo will each get yor own custom theme so yo can pick ot yor own colors sing a fancy schamcy color slider thing I built.
On a totally separate note does anyone know what this building on North Johnson Park (MAP TO: 20%20N%20JOHNSON%20PARK) used to be. It is in total disrepair now but looks like it was something fancy.
There was a firmware for my phone that came out and it was reported to fix the video cam problem, maybe tehre will be more video on my journal. The problem is that updating it wipe dout all of my programs. This made me spend the entire night updating my phone which required that I reboot it a millions times. It was so frustrating bt everything is back to normal and google maps work better than ever. I just watched like four episodes of start trek while it "updated." Unfortunately, becase the ocmputer was tied up with the update, I didn't get to finish the new site updates I had planned for today. Soon yo will each get yor own custom theme so yo can pick ot yor own colors sing a fancy schamcy color slider thing I built.
On a totally separate note does anyone know what this building on North Johnson Park (MAP TO: 20%20N%20JOHNSON%20PARK) used to be. It is in total disrepair now but looks like it was something fancy.
paul - 03/26/08 21:43
Now we are one of the home owners on the tour. Oh the irony. You can take as many pictures as you want at our house.
Now we are one of the home owners on the tour. Oh the irony. You can take as many pictures as you want at our house.
pyrcedgrrl - 05/07/06 13:53
I only remember that building on N. Johnson as a crack hotel. People used to be hanging out in front asking for money as we stumbled up the street to the Underground.
I only remember that building on N. Johnson as a crack hotel. People used to be hanging out in front asking for money as we stumbled up the street to the Underground.
leetee - 05/01/06 16:31
The owner of the Mayflower (the building we used to live in) on the corner of Summer and Linwood is a pretentious wanker. He is so proud of those damn lion statues out front. Claims people will want to have their photos taken with them...
The owner of the Mayflower (the building we used to live in) on the corner of Summer and Linwood is a pretentious wanker. He is so proud of those damn lion statues out front. Claims people will want to have their photos taken with them...
jim - 05/01/06 16:03
The building on Johnson Park was supposedly the first building in the US with a concrete facade.
It was being renovated and turned into apartments, but a couple years ago there was a collapse inside that injured (killed?) a construction worker, and I'm not sure if that delayed or ended the remodel plans. There hasn't been much visible progress lately, that's for sure.
It's such a great looking building, but weirdly hidden on that street. Perpetually in shadows....
The building on Johnson Park was supposedly the first building in the US with a concrete facade.
It was being renovated and turned into apartments, but a couple years ago there was a collapse inside that injured (killed?) a construction worker, and I'm not sure if that delayed or ended the remodel plans. There hasn't been much visible progress lately, that's for sure.
It's such a great looking building, but weirdly hidden on that street. Perpetually in shadows....
scott - 05/01/06 09:11
I'm not surprised on the pretentious folks while walking Linwood. I used to park on Linwood when I worked at CHOB and always felt like I was intruding. Pretty houses, though.
'Yay' on the custom themes...
I'm not surprised on the pretentious folks while walking Linwood. I used to park on Linwood when I worked at CHOB and always felt like I was intruding. Pretty houses, though.
'Yay' on the custom themes...
04/29/2006 22:32 #32586
Oh say can you seeCategory: lyrics
in reference to (e:libertad,21) I wrote this poem in reference to the national anthem thing.
Those of you that speak javascript might find it funny.
<script type="text/javascript">
illegalAlienYearningForLivingWage = function(name){
var t=this; name;
t.languageSpoken = 'english';
illegalAlienYearningForLivingWage.prototype.see = function(condition){
this.lyricsSung = condition;' sang '+this.lyricsSung);
case "by the dawn's early light":
case "a la luz de la aurora":
illegalAlienYearningForLivingWage.prototype.becomesAmerican = function(){
this.chanceForLivingWage = true;
this.illegalStatus=0; ='blue';
alert('congratulations '' you sang in english you can be american')
illegalAlienYearningForLivingWage.prototype.removeFromCountry = function(){"pablo was send back to mexico");
if( > 0){
if(this.englishCompetency < 80){
this.chanceAtLivingWage = false;
} else {
this.see("by the dawn's early light");
} else { ='red';
alert(' died at a cattle ranch getting shot by neonazis. Game over');;
illegalAlienYearningForLivingWage.prototype.tryAndLearnEnglishWorking70HoursInAFieldPickingStrawberries = function(){
var english_learned = Math.floor(Math.random()*20);' learned '+english_learned+'% more english working 70 hours a week picking strawberries in a field');
return this.englishCompetency += english_learned;
illegalAlienYearningForLivingWage.prototype.tryAndReturnByCrossingTheBorderForALivingWage = function(){
health_lost = Math.floor(Math.random()*20); 'lost '+health_lost+'% health on the journey'); -=health_lost;
illegalAlienYearningForLivingWage.prototype.toHTML = function(){
var t=this;
t.story = document.createElement('div');
btn = document.createElement('button');
btn.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Try and sing in english'));
dat = document.createElement('div');
statsLyrics =document.createElement('p');
statsLyrics.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Lyrics Sung: '));
t.statsLyricsSung = document.createElement('span');
statsEnglishCompetency =document.createElement('p');
statsEnglishCompetency.appendChild(document.createTextNode('English Competetcy: '));
t.statsEnglishCompetencyPercent = document.createElement('span');
statsHealth =document.createElement('p');
statsHealth.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Heath: '));
t.statsHealthPercent = document.createElement('span');
btn.onclick = function(){
t.story.innerHTML ='';
t.see("a la luz de la aurora");
illegalAlienYearningForLivingWage.prototype.updateStats = function(){ = this.lyricsSung; =; = this.englishCompetency;
}; = function(info){
this.story.innerHTML += '<br />'+info;
pablo = new illegalAlienYearningForLivingWage('pablo');
Those of you that speak javascript might find it funny.
<script type="text/javascript">
illegalAlienYearningForLivingWage = function(name){
var t=this; name;
t.languageSpoken = 'english';
illegalAlienYearningForLivingWage.prototype.see = function(condition){
this.lyricsSung = condition;' sang '+this.lyricsSung);
case "by the dawn's early light":
case "a la luz de la aurora":
illegalAlienYearningForLivingWage.prototype.becomesAmerican = function(){
this.chanceForLivingWage = true;
this.illegalStatus=0; ='blue';
alert('congratulations '' you sang in english you can be american')
illegalAlienYearningForLivingWage.prototype.removeFromCountry = function(){"pablo was send back to mexico");
if( > 0){
if(this.englishCompetency < 80){
this.chanceAtLivingWage = false;
} else {
this.see("by the dawn's early light");
} else { ='red';
alert(' died at a cattle ranch getting shot by neonazis. Game over');;
illegalAlienYearningForLivingWage.prototype.tryAndLearnEnglishWorking70HoursInAFieldPickingStrawberries = function(){
var english_learned = Math.floor(Math.random()*20);' learned '+english_learned+'% more english working 70 hours a week picking strawberries in a field');
return this.englishCompetency += english_learned;
illegalAlienYearningForLivingWage.prototype.tryAndReturnByCrossingTheBorderForALivingWage = function(){
health_lost = Math.floor(Math.random()*20); 'lost '+health_lost+'% health on the journey'); -=health_lost;
illegalAlienYearningForLivingWage.prototype.toHTML = function(){
var t=this;
t.story = document.createElement('div');
btn = document.createElement('button');
btn.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Try and sing in english'));
dat = document.createElement('div');
statsLyrics =document.createElement('p');
statsLyrics.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Lyrics Sung: '));
t.statsLyricsSung = document.createElement('span');
statsEnglishCompetency =document.createElement('p');
statsEnglishCompetency.appendChild(document.createTextNode('English Competetcy: '));
t.statsEnglishCompetencyPercent = document.createElement('span');
statsHealth =document.createElement('p');
statsHealth.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Heath: '));
t.statsHealthPercent = document.createElement('span');
btn.onclick = function(){
t.story.innerHTML ='';
t.see("a la luz de la aurora");
illegalAlienYearningForLivingWage.prototype.updateStats = function(){ = this.lyricsSung; =; = this.englishCompetency;
}; = function(info){
this.story.innerHTML += '<br />'+info;
pablo = new illegalAlienYearningForLivingWage('pablo');
paul - 05/02/06 10:53
And its still better than many of the other border towns like nogales or juarez
And its still better than many of the other border towns like nogales or juarez
enknot - 05/02/06 10:48 I had to camp out at Jenny's sisters house in North Hollywood so that I wouldn't miss my flight because of the immigration rally in LA, so this JavaScript poem really touched me....sigh. (I'm serious).
The poem's sweet dude. I love it how Pablo looses life to learn English. It's kinda sad and true, we steal life from these people, and when we've had our fill we say..."uh stay in your dirty little country until I want to go on vacation or screw the poor people here again." America: The life-pire.
If you ever get a chance go to TJ just across the border. It's the most depressing adventure you'll ever go on. You'll get trailed for yards by starving babies that are cuter than buttons, and then you'll come home an enjoy a big mac and smile again. I had to camp out at Jenny's sisters house in North Hollywood so that I wouldn't miss my flight because of the immigration rally in LA, so this JavaScript poem really touched me....sigh. (I'm serious).
The poem's sweet dude. I love it how Pablo looses life to learn English. It's kinda sad and true, we steal life from these people, and when we've had our fill we say..."uh stay in your dirty little country until I want to go on vacation or screw the poor people here again." America: The life-pire.
If you ever get a chance go to TJ just across the border. It's the most depressing adventure you'll ever go on. You'll get trailed for yards by starving babies that are cuter than buttons, and then you'll come home an enjoy a big mac and smile again.
jason - 04/30/06 16:40
Very interesting lol!
Very interesting lol!
libertad - 04/29/06 22:39
damnit! If i only knew javascript!
damnit! If i only knew javascript!
yeah, it really sucks out here in Southern California - I'd much rather deal with Buffalo weather for sure!
(can you sense my sarcasm?)
Paul I would love to run into you out taking pix of everything. I was in a store yesterday and there was this awesome tshirt- less awesome when I saw that it was $58. For a weathered (i.e. with holes in it) cotton tshirt. Point is I wanted to take a picture but I felt too weird and conspicuous taking a pic with everyone in the store looking. Hmm maybe goes back to the whole shy thing.
that just means we're keeping all the good stuff for ourselves, haha.