I am never going to goodbar again. Walked their or (e:jenks)'s birthday they refused me entrance because my license is expired. What the hell is that about?
It's so fucking retarded because I used to go there with chalked ID when I was like 17, so what is the deal now that I am six months short of 30.
I see no reason why an expired license should even matter. I am obviously the person on the card and I am not trying driving.
This is one thing I really hate about america.
Paul's Journal
My Podcast Link
05/05/2006 22:31 #32593
rejected at goodbarCategory: bars
05/04/2006 19:35 #32592
The inside was disgustingCategory: house
All hope is lost, the inside of the mansion at 23 North was disgusting even for $149,000. I would probably cost like 1.3 million to remodel it and would require cranes, something I refuse to need. I went and took a look at it during my break with (e:matthew) and the guy from Holcbery, the realtor. It was a fuckign disaster. Everything was not original, everything was tacky and broken. Honestly, the radio tower, outerbrick wall and parking lot was all it had going for it. In one area someone had shit on the wall I think.

All it had was this one pretty thing left.

I honestly smell like the side smell of the interior and it won't come off my clothing. I think even (e:matthew) is over it.

If it was an empty burned out shell of the brick wall it would have been better but I can't imagine halling out and tearing out the thousands of layers of nastiness, not to mention it was so moldy that there were actually mushrooms growing inside, which means you can't just cover stuff over.

All it had was this one pretty thing left.

I honestly smell like the side smell of the interior and it won't come off my clothing. I think even (e:matthew) is over it.

If it was an empty burned out shell of the brick wall it would have been better but I can't imagine halling out and tearing out the thousands of layers of nastiness, not to mention it was so moldy that there were actually mushrooms growing inside, which means you can't just cover stuff over.
05/03/2006 22:12 #32591
Mansion Paradise With a Radio TowerCategory: house
Oh my freakin god, give me a radio tower. This is my dream come true. a giant mansion at 23 North Street with commercial space, a parking lot and a fucking radio tower near my work. It would mean rental income, and estrip headquarters, a daycare - 11,000 freakin square feet.
I want a radio tower so bad you have no idea. Can you imagine all the applications? Can you imagine the photos?

Thats a view of the old mansion from behind it.

I want a radio tower so bad you have no idea. Can you imagine all the applications? Can you imagine the photos?

Thats a view of the old mansion from behind it.

paul - 07/20/07 18:02
What the fuck was I thinking. That god life didn't take me down that path.
What the fuck was I thinking. That god life didn't take me down that path.
scott - 05/04/06 07:49
makes sense. commerical radio is full of whores.
makes sense. commerical radio is full of whores.
paul - 05/03/06 23:51
It was WEBR from 1935 to 1993 accoridng to :::link::: One of the comments mentions that at some point it may have been a brothel?!
It was WEBR from 1935 to 1993 accoridng to :::link::: One of the comments mentions that at some point it may have been a brothel?!
mrmike - 05/03/06 22:54
Looks like the old WNED studio building on North
Looks like the old WNED studio building on North
05/03/2006 16:29 #32590
Cancer Viewer ApplicationCategory: programming
My dermatology viewer application is coming along great. Today I had a meeting with the doctor who requested it and he seemed genuinely impressed. It allows for zoom ,hue, saturation, brightness, contrast, sharpen and position changes which are all logged via surebert to a database so that the image maintains state between uses. Anytime someone switches images, saves, or leaves the site - the current images data is saved to the database. To remain compliant with HIPAA
compliant it also keep an annotated log of what it is doing and who is using it and can report what it is doing using HL7 
Doctors and clinicians can also add their own annotations.
It feels good to make things that have some purpose other than social networking. The app isn't blurry, I just blurred out everything you could identify.

I know its weird but I though skin tones was an appropriate color scheme. When testing some out in ther derm clinic today, I thought about how werid it would be to some day be a patient image inside my own application. I just hope that never happens.

Doctors and clinicians can also add their own annotations.
It feels good to make things that have some purpose other than social networking. The app isn't blurry, I just blurred out everything you could identify.

I know its weird but I though skin tones was an appropriate color scheme. When testing some out in ther derm clinic today, I thought about how werid it would be to some day be a patient image inside my own application. I just hope that never happens.
05/02/2006 10:13 #32589
super market sweepCategory: food
We went to the grocery store last night after the gym. I was tired and really hungary. I swear the extra five more pounds (now at 155lbs) I gained is hungrier than the other pounds I previously had.
So it was like 11pm and I had no list, no coordinated effect with (e:matthew) or (e:terry) and decided to just do it supermarket sweep style.
I seriously just through everything I wanted in the cart and the trick was (e:terry) had the cart so I had to grab as much stuff as I could hold and then run to the cart somewhere in the store to drop it off so I could get more.

$500 laters I have food again. This is what we get for going grocery shopping only once a month for three people.
I didn't buy this sushi because it was too expensive $11.75, although I do love octopus and squid but not for that price for nighttime, grocery store grade susge.

I also bought some weight gainer mix that could be
3100 calories per drink. I drank half that and thought I was gonna puke. It felt like that episode of southpark when cartman becomes beefcake.
Glad I don't live in california. Apparently, it sucks there according the wegmans.

Yum stooper waffles. They are my mana.

So it was like 11pm and I had no list, no coordinated effect with (e:matthew) or (e:terry) and decided to just do it supermarket sweep style.
I seriously just through everything I wanted in the cart and the trick was (e:terry) had the cart so I had to grab as much stuff as I could hold and then run to the cart somewhere in the store to drop it off so I could get more.

$500 laters I have food again. This is what we get for going grocery shopping only once a month for three people.
I didn't buy this sushi because it was too expensive $11.75, although I do love octopus and squid but not for that price for nighttime, grocery store grade susge.

I also bought some weight gainer mix that could be
3100 calories per drink. I drank half that and thought I was gonna puke. It felt like that episode of southpark when cartman becomes beefcake.
Glad I don't live in california. Apparently, it sucks there according the wegmans.

Yum stooper waffles. They are my mana.

iriesara - 05/02/06 16:04
yeah, it really sucks out here in Southern California - I'd much rather deal with Buffalo weather for sure!
(can you sense my sarcasm?)
yeah, it really sucks out here in Southern California - I'd much rather deal with Buffalo weather for sure!
(can you sense my sarcasm?)
jenks - 05/02/06 11:34
Paul I would love to run into you out taking pix of everything. I was in a store yesterday and there was this awesome tshirt- less awesome when I saw that it was $58. For a weathered (i.e. with holes in it) cotton tshirt. Point is I wanted to take a picture but I felt too weird and conspicuous taking a pic with everyone in the store looking. Hmm maybe goes back to the whole shy thing.
Paul I would love to run into you out taking pix of everything. I was in a store yesterday and there was this awesome tshirt- less awesome when I saw that it was $58. For a weathered (i.e. with holes in it) cotton tshirt. Point is I wanted to take a picture but I felt too weird and conspicuous taking a pic with everyone in the store looking. Hmm maybe goes back to the whole shy thing.
twisted - 05/02/06 11:13
that just means we're keeping all the good stuff for ourselves, haha.
that just means we're keeping all the good stuff for ourselves, haha.
That sucks. Never been there I guess with Cinco De Mayo they Id everyone before you go in. I had that same problem at Cozumel a few years ago but the guy let me in, but he almost didn't. Not sure why an expired lincanse makes the chances of it being a fake higher but I do some places they check that and some places they don't. Hope you at least where able to salvage the night.
omg! I can't believe you said you hate America! hehehe
If you want you can borrow my non-dl and old glasses..it doesn't expire until nov, 06. I bet they'd take that!