So it was like 11pm and I had no list, no coordinated effect with (e:matthew) or (e:terry) and decided to just do it supermarket sweep style.
I seriously just through everything I wanted in the cart and the trick was (e:terry) had the cart so I had to grab as much stuff as I could hold and then run to the cart somewhere in the store to drop it off so I could get more.

$500 laters I have food again. This is what we get for going grocery shopping only once a month for three people.
I didn't buy this sushi because it was too expensive $11.75, although I do love octopus and squid but not for that price for nighttime, grocery store grade susge.

I also bought some weight gainer mix that could be
3100 calories per drink. I drank half that and thought I was gonna puke. It felt like that episode of southpark when cartman becomes beefcake.
Glad I don't live in california. Apparently, it sucks there according the wegmans.

Yum stooper waffles. They are my mana.

yeah, it really sucks out here in Southern California - I'd much rather deal with Buffalo weather for sure!
(can you sense my sarcasm?)
Paul I would love to run into you out taking pix of everything. I was in a store yesterday and there was this awesome tshirt- less awesome when I saw that it was $58. For a weathered (i.e. with holes in it) cotton tshirt. Point is I wanted to take a picture but I felt too weird and conspicuous taking a pic with everyone in the store looking. Hmm maybe goes back to the whole shy thing.
that just means we're keeping all the good stuff for ourselves, haha.