!!! Don't forget about the fiesta manana !!!
disclaimer: this is long, but more photos at the end.
Now for the adventures of your favorite stalking duo, imk2 and ladycroft! We were at it again last Sunday when they played an acoustic set at the grand opening of the new f.y.e. in Hamburg. Up close and personal, so lovely. Nejifer joined us for that showing. The three of us were hands down the most beautiful women in 5 square miles. Seriously, I was standing in a pit of skanky 15 year olds and someone was stinking of piss.
Anyhow, here are few photos from the afternoon.
When it was over we wrote a card, complete with map and phone number, inviting them over for a home cooked meal. I'm sure they would have come if it weren't for the last minute photo shoot they had to do. Hmpf.
In the midst of 'waiting' for their call the alcohol consumption was great. Yvonne and Jen started dancing along with the Dirty Dancing on tv. I made a few video clips but in my haste didn't download them. I'll try to post them later. I decided I needed a mohawk and the ladies tried to do one up. However, my hair is too thick and heavy so I ended up with 3 pig tails and some chopsticks in my hair. Next thing I know, we're all wearing rediculous outfits with silly hair and running down Elmwood to find Ryan at Spot. Before we embark on our journey, a shot on the sofa:
Next day, Edge Fest!
(e:mrmike) managed to snag some comp tickets for Yvonne, her daugther Faben and myself. Not only comps, but VIP passes to the Heineken Green Room as well! We made it just in time to grab a beer and head up for 30 Seconds to Mars to play their set. We were close to the stage, as always, but to the side in order to protect Faben from the mosh pit....or so we thought. As it were, a young man next to me was trippin daisies or some shit. He held up this big stupid sign so I asked him to take it down because he was blocking everyone's view behind him. He pulled it down for a moment, then gave me a little hmpf and put it back up.
I turned to the girl behind me like "i'm sorry" but she was some super duper ultra mega platinum first-class white trailer trash, and she wasn't having it. She leaped into the air and ripped his sign in half. He gave a whimpy retaliation and tried to maintain the remaining half, but it was pathetic and someone else ripped it out of his hands.
Now the music is pumpin, we're trying to rock out, have a good time, admire the beautiful men on stage...when here comes a crowd surfer. I nearly missed getting clocked in the head by his shoe, didn't see it coming from the side. That kid got dropped by the way. Now our dear skunking friend gets out of control with his dancing.
He can't stand up straight and just keeps leaning into me. I stick out my elbow to try to protect Faben. The girls behind me were tiny, so they appreciate my efforts, but I was getting sick of his shit. Plus he was fat and smelly with the worst case of drooping eyeliner I've ever seen on a guy. I wanted to take the tie around his neck and choke him. I gave him a gentle shove because he kept landing on my foot. Then the mother fucker actually pushed me.
Red light. Hold on brotha, did you actually just PUSH me? So, I gave him a much more harty check and sent him plowing into some others creating a lovely shock wave. I also uttered something along the lines of 'I'll punch you in the kneck and take your ass to the ground if you touch me again'. Normally I wouldn't give much of a shit, but I was really looking out for Faben.
Things go well for a few songs, then he's at it again. This time the white trash and I are trying to plan a mutual attack. Suddenly this 300 pounder comes plowing through from behind and picks the kid up by his collar. Honestly, he was head and shoulders above the crowd and his face was like a tomato. Then someone else punched THAT guy in the head, causing him to drop the kid, causing someone else to get bumped and punch someone else..next thing you know we're in the middle of a mini brawl! It was nuts.
All the while the shit for nothing rent-a-cops kept picking their butt fungus. Must have been 10 people approach them to ask them to get this kid out of there; they did nothing. The rest of the show goes on without further hoo-ha. We ran into
(e:metalpeter) on the way downstairs. Then we hung out in the VIP area a little more. Indulging in free Heinee we engaged in conversation with a man who turned out to be the regional manager for midwest Virigin Records. Holy fucking cool Batman! I learned some interesting tidbits about his career and it turns out, he's a Buffalo native!
Enjoy the pics:

tomo is dreamy

that's kevin
The was my lollipop.
I love your pics. I love the storytelling format, it really made them interesting!!! It perfectly captured the fun and debauchery of the party!
Wow!! Awesome pix. And some of that makes me say- where the hell was I when all that debauchery was going on?! I swear I was there....
Nice Pics I still have a couple more posts to look through. All I will say about Pudding wrestling is that is amazingly messy and if you think you place got trashed from this party that is nothing compared to pudding wrestling, from what I understand. :-) However I have never heard of Pudding Wrestling In Halloween costumes that would be verry differant glad everyone had fun.
Quite the time! Nice pics