1. How did you find out about/why did you become of estrip?
I became friends with
(e:drchlorine) who has since disappeared and we all know why. Anyhow, he told me about this site and paul and said I should check it out. So I did for about a month, then decided to join.
2. How "out" are you about having a publicly accessible online journal. Do your friends know? Does your family know? Do your co-workers know? Does your boss know? Do you use your real name? Do you use your real photo?
Most people know. Though in my field it is a battle star galactica wars over online profiles, so I don't tell my employers. Seriously, it's like a high profile court case the way our arguments go over student rights/freedoms. Where do you draw the line on snooping on people? Don't post anything illegal, no problem; however I find it insulting and illegal to fire someone or not hire someone because they had pink hair or lead an exciting life outside the office/classroom.
3. How many epeeps have you met real life?
Well, if they post regularly, or even semi-regularly and live in b-lo I've probably met them. Even a few that don't live in b-lo.
4. How has estrip changed the way that you meet people, on and/or off line?
Offline, no different. Online, eh I think it's rather the same? Except that since many estrip members are involved in each other's lives you hear/see/read more about them than if it was just one person on some other site?
5. How has estrip affected you love life?
I haven't had a love life in several years.
6. How many of your friends have joined estrip because of your influence?
(e:pyrcedgrl)... I think that's it for now.
7. Are you from Buffalo/do you live in Buffalo?
Born in b-lo. Lived in Cheektovegas then Youngstown, moved away for 10 years, now I'm back.
1. What type of hardware or software purchases have you made as a result of using estrip?
2. Have you used the mobile version of estrip? Why or why not?
No. I don't have service on my phone.
1. In what way has estrip changed your Internet surfings habits? Describe the amount of time you spend on estrip, when you use it and about how long?
It gave me people to talk to when I couldn't sleep, so perhaps a few more hours than my previous usage? But my life is changing, so that habit has evolved.
1a. How many journals do you usually read per day?
I dunno. Could be 10 if it's all the people I read. Might only be 2.
2. In what ways has estrip changed the way you perceive your local community?
It has given me a sense of community that I was not able to experience on my own, until now. Although estrip itself is an online community, and I think that refelcts in the way that we support one another or bicker like a little family.
3. How has journaling about your life affected the way you spend your free time?
I suppose I've met more people to do more/new things with.
4. Has estrip changed your living situation in any way?
Why yes it has. I now live with
(e:nejifer), who I met at work at Hilbert, and
(e:decoyisryan), who I met here. I have to say, they are the best roommies I've had :)
5. Do you find that you mediate/document more of your experiences now that you share them with others?
Probably. In terms of gatherings etc, I wouldn't bother to write that in my private journal, or send e-mails to people about it.
6. Has publishing on estrip affected the way that write?
I love that I can add media!
7. Do you have other online journals? If so, with what service and has estrip affected your usage of that journal?
I don't really count myspace as a journal. I hardly ever post anything there. So really just here, and I joined myspace after estrip anway.
8. Have you ever gotten in trouble for using estrip at work?
9. If you have stopped using estrip, why?
Nope, still here.
I love it, I love it, I love it! *right leg kicking in air*
5 weeks too early for us, i'm afraid, but i dig the Three's Company thing....nice!
sorry, looks like I have to miss another one, I'll be in NYC for the weekend.