Ok - some of you may have heard of the recent stunt Sacha Baron Cohen pulled at the White House, in character as Borat ->http://today.reuters.com/news/articlenews.aspx?type=domesticNews&storyid=2006-09-29T124641Z_01_N28213372_RTRUKOC_0_US-LIFE-BORAT.xml&src=rss&rpc=22
Not only is this a brilliant bit of hype for his movie that he got out of this, but the title is absolutely great - "Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan."
Cohen is one of the best comedians out there right now, if you ask me. Ali G is hilarious. For once, I cannot wait for a movie to come out!
Joshua's Journal
My Podcast Link
09/29/2006 16:45 #24677
A movie I actually want to see09/26/2006 08:38 #24676
Unbelievable!I'm rarely shocked over news stories anymore, and frankly this is barely newsworthy, but extremely hilarious. Oprah pumps her own gas for the first time since 1983... which isn't too terribly surprising since a lot of megarich people don't pump their own gas. The kicker for me was who, as they say in the biz, showed her up!

Last night I had a "Honky Tonk BBQ Pork Burger" at Red Robin when we finally got near our hotel in Kansas City. I rarely eat burgers but I couldn't resist one with a name like that - damn you marketing people!
Gas here is so cheap that if NYers saw this they'd be filling every available container around the house. $2.04 per gallon - thats the "lazy bastard last minute on airport property" price so I wonder what it will be like 20 miles east of here.

Last night I had a "Honky Tonk BBQ Pork Burger" at Red Robin when we finally got near our hotel in Kansas City. I rarely eat burgers but I couldn't resist one with a name like that - damn you marketing people!
Gas here is so cheap that if NYers saw this they'd be filling every available container around the house. $2.04 per gallon - thats the "lazy bastard last minute on airport property" price so I wonder what it will be like 20 miles east of here.
paul - 09/26/06 09:32
When I lived in Rock Hill, SC in 1996 I actually saw gas and cigarettes, both for under one dollar. I believe gas was $0.75 out in the country.
When I lived in Rock Hill, SC in 1996 I actually saw gas and cigarettes, both for under one dollar. I believe gas was $0.75 out in the country.
09/25/2006 00:51 #24675
To answer PaulPaul every answer you ever wanted about the stylizing of our neighborhood to "Elmwood Village" can be read in the latest publication by Forever Elmwood. As far as I'm concerned its their fault. According to them, "Strip" connotates bars, misbehaving, and frankly just isn't affluent enough sounding for these people. "Village" is far more posh sounding, attracts idiotic suburbanite types and their money, and is a better word to convey a sense of community.
I suppose we have our own little community here, but the entire topic about what to call this area is FUCKING STUPID. We have bars, we have misbehaving, we have homeless that are like vultures - no amount of sugar coating that with a nice little name like "Elmwood Village" is going to change that. I suppose also that someone could argue that we are copycats and ripping off "Greenwich Village" but we aren't half as cool or as affluent as they are there.
Honestly, this is an attempt to make the area more friendly to people who have money to spend in the stores that line Elmwood and nothing more. Forever Elmwood is an organization dedicated to helping our independant businesses thrive here, and I have no problem with that... lets just drop the marketing ploy, can we please? Our area is what it is, and no amount of idiotic nomenclature is going to change the desire that people have to come down here, bump around and spend money. They are going to do it (or not) regardless of what you call the area.
I'll be sleeping in Kansas City tomorrow night - I really wish I didn't break Jay's camera (by mistake!) - we'll be going to a famous BBQ joint and you HAVE to see what these sandwiches look like. 3" thick stack of meat between two slices of freakin' Wonder Bread. And they serve Bud on tap... and BBQ is the only possible lure to get me to drink that stuff.
I suppose we have our own little community here, but the entire topic about what to call this area is FUCKING STUPID. We have bars, we have misbehaving, we have homeless that are like vultures - no amount of sugar coating that with a nice little name like "Elmwood Village" is going to change that. I suppose also that someone could argue that we are copycats and ripping off "Greenwich Village" but we aren't half as cool or as affluent as they are there.
Honestly, this is an attempt to make the area more friendly to people who have money to spend in the stores that line Elmwood and nothing more. Forever Elmwood is an organization dedicated to helping our independant businesses thrive here, and I have no problem with that... lets just drop the marketing ploy, can we please? Our area is what it is, and no amount of idiotic nomenclature is going to change the desire that people have to come down here, bump around and spend money. They are going to do it (or not) regardless of what you call the area.
I'll be sleeping in Kansas City tomorrow night - I really wish I didn't break Jay's camera (by mistake!) - we'll be going to a famous BBQ joint and you HAVE to see what these sandwiches look like. 3" thick stack of meat between two slices of freakin' Wonder Bread. And they serve Bud on tap... and BBQ is the only possible lure to get me to drink that stuff.
metalpeter - 09/25/06 19:25
If I remember correctly there is a store named the Elmwood village. It used to be on elmwood and then moved to Main St. but I have no idea if it is still open or not. I don't like the term becuase elmwood is a lot longer then just the part they refer to as the Village.
If I remember correctly there is a store named the Elmwood village. It used to be on elmwood and then moved to Main St. but I have no idea if it is still open or not. I don't like the term becuase elmwood is a lot longer then just the part they refer to as the Village.
leetee - 09/25/06 08:57
You can always skip the Bud and go for a sweet souther ice tea. I hear that goes with BBQ quite well...
You can always skip the Bud and go for a sweet souther ice tea. I hear that goes with BBQ quite well...
09/18/2006 20:23 #24674
Scarlett is right!I love Scarlett Johansson. No really, I do. 
She has curves and she isn't ashamed of it. Hallelujah!
I'm a guy that likes curves on girls. I don't want some waif-like pathetic little chicken leg with no meat on it - I need a certified USDA choice curvy strip of love bacon. That is why I admire Scarlett for addressing her curvy nature in the way she does. Flaunt it, baby.
Seriously. In high school my friends used to say that I had a mystery element floating in my blood called "bigbootium." Fuck it, they were right and they still are. The truth is that I love all kinds of women... but its all about proportion. And Scarlett is PROPORTIONED. I think its so great that she is accepting of herself and doesn't really care that she isn't going to fit into some Hollywood mold when it comes to her looks. You've got a chest, big hips and a round ass? Do like Lil' Jon says.
A tribute to the women with curves!

She has curves and she isn't ashamed of it. Hallelujah!
I'm a guy that likes curves on girls. I don't want some waif-like pathetic little chicken leg with no meat on it - I need a certified USDA choice curvy strip of love bacon. That is why I admire Scarlett for addressing her curvy nature in the way she does. Flaunt it, baby.
Seriously. In high school my friends used to say that I had a mystery element floating in my blood called "bigbootium." Fuck it, they were right and they still are. The truth is that I love all kinds of women... but its all about proportion. And Scarlett is PROPORTIONED. I think its so great that she is accepting of herself and doesn't really care that she isn't going to fit into some Hollywood mold when it comes to her looks. You've got a chest, big hips and a round ass? Do like Lil' Jon says.
A tribute to the women with curves!
ladycroft - 09/20/06 11:30
I've got boobs, curves and booty - so I'm taking that compliment and runnin' with it. Thanks!
I've got boobs, curves and booty - so I'm taking that compliment and runnin' with it. Thanks!
metalpeter - 09/19/06 18:43
I think she is amazing my self. Is it just me or does she look like a bigger version of Charlize Theron (or how have you spell it) who I think is amazing but is bulit the opposite body type of her. Everbody has there own standard of beauty but I think even those who arn't into her body type would still have to admit she looks preaty good.
I think she is amazing my self. Is it just me or does she look like a bigger version of Charlize Theron (or how have you spell it) who I think is amazing but is bulit the opposite body type of her. Everbody has there own standard of beauty but I think even those who arn't into her body type would still have to admit she looks preaty good.
jenks - 09/18/06 21:35
Glad to hear it josh, but just to play devil's advocate-
Is there anyone that does NOT think she has a nice body? I've never heard her called "fat"... But then again, I'm way out of the loop on celebrity gossip.
Glad to hear it josh, but just to play devil's advocate-
Is there anyone that does NOT think she has a nice body? I've never heard her called "fat"... But then again, I'm way out of the loop on celebrity gossip.
jason - 09/18/06 20:47
She says she can "get things done in the Oval Office." HAW HAW! I bet!
She says she can "get things done in the Oval Office." HAW HAW! I bet!
09/17/2006 19:55 #24673
DisclaimersEvery fucking year I feel compelled to have to write in a disclaimer for all the new people to read around here.
I, Joshua, reserve the right to challenge and degrade political ideology that I disagree with on my own journal. People around here need to remember that I'm not writing for you, but for me. This is my journal, and if there is something that you dislike you are more than welcome to skip right along to the next person, or feel free to address me through a comment. While in general I'm a kind and considerate person, if you do not like the fact that I say what I say - to you, dear people, feel free to go play in traffic. Grow up. I don't particularly care that you dislike what I'm saying. This is my space and not yours.
Secondly, I'd like to address that anonymous e-mailer who wrote to (e:jenks). Unless you are Heidi Klum and Mother Theresa rolled up into one package, chances are that you don't have a prayer in fucking hell of matching up to Jenks in intelligence, looks, wit or charm... and therefore you can feel free to shut the fuck up - got it? Only chickenshits who are afraid of being judged themselves write anonymous messages. Its funny to me how jealousy and spite brings this kind of thing up. Tell you what, anon user - come clean and reveal your identity and then we'll have a little contest. Who do the (straight) guys around here prefer, her or you? Seeing as Ms. Jenks has a Yale degree, an MD, her own money and a trail of success that few in America even aspire to let alone get an opportunity to take, I'm fairly confident in saying that you have a LONG way to go. Oh, anon user, you better not have an OUNCE of fat on you and no blemishes of any kind if you want to take a swipe at somebodys looks. Oh, and on the off chance that a guy actually wrote that - to you, sir, you are no man by any stretch. Period.
(e:libertad) - I can only presume that you were referring to what I said about the posters in Cuba, since you were not specific. I do believe that you've been there, so *gasp* it shouldn't be a surprise to you that Communist countries spring propaganda up like that on a continual basis. It would be naive to suggest that regular folks in Cuba, who are dirt ass poor, are organizing dollars that they don't have and are getting permission to post large and expensive anti-Bush posters on the sides of buildings throughout Cuba.
Its interesting that I'm being accused of creating a political divide on (e:strip). That is straight up BULLSHIT, LT. Nobody, and I mean NOBODY, has come to my defense when someone like (e:ajay) creates a post in his own journal disputing something I wrote. Apparently this "divide" is being created when the exact opposite happens and I counter what someone else wrote. What is good for Ajay is not good for me, apparently. There is no way I'm going to accept that.
I am also going to address something that you and I will simply never agree on - labels and their appropriateness. Calling someone a liberal is NOT being divisive - its quite simply a way of attaching context to political discussion. If you (the rhetorical "you," to be clear) love abortion, hate wars, etc. guess what? They might be "LT's" opinions, but you will never separate yourself from the fact that those are traditionally left-wing viewpoints. You cannot have a political opinion without being labeled left, right, center, or a mix. People are NOT the same... we have different views and preferences and the correct and appropriate and adult thing to do is acknowledge it. Anybody that understands politics knows that you cannot hold political opinions without being slotted somewhere by somebody. You may feel that its stupid, but its a fact of political life that cannot be escaped or ignored. This is also one of the reasons why people avoid politics altogether - they are uncomfortable being "called" something. If that is an uncomfortable situation for anybody out there, then my advice would be to avoid politics because its an ugly business.
The fact of the matter is that I am a center-right leaning person (yeah, I'm a moderate but unfortunately nobody asks me about social issues) and 99.99999% of the people that read and participate on this site disagree with me. If you want to acknowledge a divide its because for once someone around here isn't preaching to the choir and therefore my loud-mouthed participation ALONE somehow must constitute a political divide. See, if I just stop talking politics, everybody is going to agree again and peace is at hand! I will not be stopping my participation anytime soon, and if somebody says something that I believe is astronomically wrong I'm going to challenge that viewpoint... possibly with a tinge of cynicism. You cannot expect to live in a political bubble and not have it popped. I've never been safe around here as far as that goes, and therefore nobody else will be either. I will NOT be supressed because I'm a loud-mouthed voice of disagreement and dissent here.
I, Joshua, reserve the right to challenge and degrade political ideology that I disagree with on my own journal. People around here need to remember that I'm not writing for you, but for me. This is my journal, and if there is something that you dislike you are more than welcome to skip right along to the next person, or feel free to address me through a comment. While in general I'm a kind and considerate person, if you do not like the fact that I say what I say - to you, dear people, feel free to go play in traffic. Grow up. I don't particularly care that you dislike what I'm saying. This is my space and not yours.
Secondly, I'd like to address that anonymous e-mailer who wrote to (e:jenks). Unless you are Heidi Klum and Mother Theresa rolled up into one package, chances are that you don't have a prayer in fucking hell of matching up to Jenks in intelligence, looks, wit or charm... and therefore you can feel free to shut the fuck up - got it? Only chickenshits who are afraid of being judged themselves write anonymous messages. Its funny to me how jealousy and spite brings this kind of thing up. Tell you what, anon user - come clean and reveal your identity and then we'll have a little contest. Who do the (straight) guys around here prefer, her or you? Seeing as Ms. Jenks has a Yale degree, an MD, her own money and a trail of success that few in America even aspire to let alone get an opportunity to take, I'm fairly confident in saying that you have a LONG way to go. Oh, anon user, you better not have an OUNCE of fat on you and no blemishes of any kind if you want to take a swipe at somebodys looks. Oh, and on the off chance that a guy actually wrote that - to you, sir, you are no man by any stretch. Period.
(e:libertad) - I can only presume that you were referring to what I said about the posters in Cuba, since you were not specific. I do believe that you've been there, so *gasp* it shouldn't be a surprise to you that Communist countries spring propaganda up like that on a continual basis. It would be naive to suggest that regular folks in Cuba, who are dirt ass poor, are organizing dollars that they don't have and are getting permission to post large and expensive anti-Bush posters on the sides of buildings throughout Cuba.
Its interesting that I'm being accused of creating a political divide on (e:strip). That is straight up BULLSHIT, LT. Nobody, and I mean NOBODY, has come to my defense when someone like (e:ajay) creates a post in his own journal disputing something I wrote. Apparently this "divide" is being created when the exact opposite happens and I counter what someone else wrote. What is good for Ajay is not good for me, apparently. There is no way I'm going to accept that.
I am also going to address something that you and I will simply never agree on - labels and their appropriateness. Calling someone a liberal is NOT being divisive - its quite simply a way of attaching context to political discussion. If you (the rhetorical "you," to be clear) love abortion, hate wars, etc. guess what? They might be "LT's" opinions, but you will never separate yourself from the fact that those are traditionally left-wing viewpoints. You cannot have a political opinion without being labeled left, right, center, or a mix. People are NOT the same... we have different views and preferences and the correct and appropriate and adult thing to do is acknowledge it. Anybody that understands politics knows that you cannot hold political opinions without being slotted somewhere by somebody. You may feel that its stupid, but its a fact of political life that cannot be escaped or ignored. This is also one of the reasons why people avoid politics altogether - they are uncomfortable being "called" something. If that is an uncomfortable situation for anybody out there, then my advice would be to avoid politics because its an ugly business.
The fact of the matter is that I am a center-right leaning person (yeah, I'm a moderate but unfortunately nobody asks me about social issues) and 99.99999% of the people that read and participate on this site disagree with me. If you want to acknowledge a divide its because for once someone around here isn't preaching to the choir and therefore my loud-mouthed participation ALONE somehow must constitute a political divide. See, if I just stop talking politics, everybody is going to agree again and peace is at hand! I will not be stopping my participation anytime soon, and if somebody says something that I believe is astronomically wrong I'm going to challenge that viewpoint... possibly with a tinge of cynicism. You cannot expect to live in a political bubble and not have it popped. I've never been safe around here as far as that goes, and therefore nobody else will be either. I will NOT be supressed because I'm a loud-mouthed voice of disagreement and dissent here.
ladycroft - 09/18/06 16:49
interesting, you and imk2 both insinuate it is a female that wrote the post-it to jenks. is it easier to assume that kind of talk from a jealous girl rather than some asshole of a guy? just a random thought.
interesting, you and imk2 both insinuate it is a female that wrote the post-it to jenks. is it easier to assume that kind of talk from a jealous girl rather than some asshole of a guy? just a random thought.
jenks - 09/18/06 10:55
Ok, I must admit that I have gone on hiatus from the politic-speak for a while b/c my little brain just can't handle it right now. But I definitely agree that it's fine and well to hear opposing viewpoints. It's good to challenge and be challenged and (god forbid) LEARN from each other. It's just emotional, baseless, name-calling and personal attacks based on labels that are NOT ok, in my book.
And as I said I haven't been paying attention in a while, but I think I tend to fall on your side Josh. At least on some things. So you're not totally alone there.
But the real reason I'm commenting is to say-
Awww. :) Thanks for having my back, Joshy.
Ok, I must admit that I have gone on hiatus from the politic-speak for a while b/c my little brain just can't handle it right now. But I definitely agree that it's fine and well to hear opposing viewpoints. It's good to challenge and be challenged and (god forbid) LEARN from each other. It's just emotional, baseless, name-calling and personal attacks based on labels that are NOT ok, in my book.
And as I said I haven't been paying attention in a while, but I think I tend to fall on your side Josh. At least on some things. So you're not totally alone there.
But the real reason I'm commenting is to say-
Awww. :) Thanks for having my back, Joshy.
uncutsaniflush - 09/17/06 23:16
the thought crosses my mind that there are at least four types of liberals extant:
political, cultural, economic, and social in the Western World.
And, if memory serves, some forms of each are mutually incompatible wth the others.
the thought crosses my mind that there are at least four types of liberals extant:
political, cultural, economic, and social in the Western World.
And, if memory serves, some forms of each are mutually incompatible wth the others.
jason - 09/17/06 22:55
Errr, I should say, not that the comments are "okay", but there is a disturbing silence compared to simply being called a "liberal".
Errr, I should say, not that the comments are "okay", but there is a disturbing silence compared to simply being called a "liberal".
joshua - 09/17/06 22:34
The answer UCSF is yes, I'm very well aware of what passes as liberal vs. conservative in our country depending on your location. Anywhere in the south, if you aren't conservative you are liberal. Actually, for that matter (and I am speaking strictly from experience) in our area if you aren't a liberal you are characterized as a conservative. I don't particularly think that it cheapens or taints these characterizations... the best course (IMO anyway) is to follow historical and well defined descriptions. Its more interesting (again, IMO) to look at what passes for liberal or conservative now compared to the 40's or the 60's.
The answer UCSF is yes, I'm very well aware of what passes as liberal vs. conservative in our country depending on your location. Anywhere in the south, if you aren't conservative you are liberal. Actually, for that matter (and I am speaking strictly from experience) in our area if you aren't a liberal you are characterized as a conservative. I don't particularly think that it cheapens or taints these characterizations... the best course (IMO anyway) is to follow historical and well defined descriptions. Its more interesting (again, IMO) to look at what passes for liberal or conservative now compared to the 40's or the 60's.
jason - 09/17/06 22:33
"Don't give up, ((e:libertad)). These guys would love to hide the truth, just like they would love to take away womens' rights and send them off in burkas.
Armitage says he thinks he leaked her identity. But read his statement: "I think she works there". Works where? State Department? Local Pizza Hut??
You guys should be ashamed that you destroyed the career of a woman who risked her life every day for decades. But, to you she's just another woman, right? Somehow, beneath you? Disposable??"
Look at these comments, Libertad. I'm sorry, but I don't see the same level of sensitivity when it comes to Joshua or myself, so you should be consistent.
Yep, we're anti-woman, racist, and many other things. Somehow these characterizations are okay to you, despite the fact that they are 100% bullshit. Why?
"Don't give up, ((e:libertad)). These guys would love to hide the truth, just like they would love to take away womens' rights and send them off in burkas.
Armitage says he thinks he leaked her identity. But read his statement: "I think she works there". Works where? State Department? Local Pizza Hut??
You guys should be ashamed that you destroyed the career of a woman who risked her life every day for decades. But, to you she's just another woman, right? Somehow, beneath you? Disposable??"
Look at these comments, Libertad. I'm sorry, but I don't see the same level of sensitivity when it comes to Joshua or myself, so you should be consistent.
Yep, we're anti-woman, racist, and many other things. Somehow these characterizations are okay to you, despite the fact that they are 100% bullshit. Why?
uncutsaniflush - 09/17/06 22:26
vis a vis using "liberal" as a descriptive term, (e:joshua) you do realize that some of my former neighbors in Tennessee would consider you a "liberal", don't you?
What passes for conservative in Western New York 'tain't necessarily the same thing as what passes for conservative in Eastern Tennessee.
vis a vis using "liberal" as a descriptive term, (e:joshua) you do realize that some of my former neighbors in Tennessee would consider you a "liberal", don't you?
What passes for conservative in Western New York 'tain't necessarily the same thing as what passes for conservative in Eastern Tennessee.
jason - 09/17/06 21:57
To be fair, you are quite abrasive Josh.
To be fair, you are quite abrasive Josh.
dcoffee - 09/17/06 21:30
I appreciate your dissenting opinions, and your comments in my journal.
I like to have a well rounded viewpoint, and dissenting views help me achieve that end. When people point out holes in political theories it helps me better understand things.
I appreciate your dissenting opinions, and your comments in my journal.
I like to have a well rounded viewpoint, and dissenting views help me achieve that end. When people point out holes in political theories it helps me better understand things.
he his hilarious...even more hilarious when you are in the middle of a crowded movie theater lobby and your friend without thinking starts quoting one of his routines and singing about throwing certain ethnicities down the well ....at the top of her lungs of course
I heartily aagree! Borat is one of the funniest things I've seen in years...serious rollin on the floor gut-bustin laughs.
You remind me of-a my wife
Oh that's nice...
She dead.
Here is picture of my sister
We ahve great fun together...
And of course...
Throw the *** down the well...