The worst part of this all is that Fitzgerald KNEW who leaked the identity for a very long time, and that Valerie Plame's identity was actually in a State Department memo at the time (so much for her "supposed" covert status behind that desk at Langley). Hey, but whats to stop the facts from a GREAT fairy tale and the ensuing hatchet job that unscrupulous liberals everywhere laughably attempted on Rove, on Cheney, on the President himself. I could have told you that this was going to be the case, but hey... when you are a liberal and you like what you hear regardless of its validity (Rathergate is another prime example) its really interesting to me how all of the sudden the ENDLESS QUEST FOR "TRUTH" is cast away and the demolition equipment gets brought instead. I'd laugh if it wasn't so sad.
My favorite Democrat, Bill Clinton, apparently has a legacy so wafer thin that when a movie that *doesn't* make Clinton look like Rambo with a 14" gold plated dick gets released, all of his shameful and self-serving cabinet members (thanks for North Korea, assholes!) have to come out of the woodwork and attempt what is known in Washington circles as "damage control" and ask for the series to be withdrawn. You know, these same people who are actively proposing outright censorship of a TV series never seemed to mind when that series about Reagan came out. This is what happens when you don't actually try to achieve anything during your presidency but instead choose to base whether your terms were successful or not depending on whether or not the press likes you. In any case, I doubt ABC will lift a finger to appease these extremely narcissistic former public servants. Hey assholes, the feature ISN'T ABOUT YOU. Its not called "The Path To Clinton And Friends Fucking The Terrorism Thing Up in The 1990's" although admittedly this wouldn't be completely false.
UPDATE: Well well... the Democrats in '03 slammed CBS and were critical because they pulled the Reagan docudrama.

Don't give up, (e:libertad). These guys would love to hide the truth, just like they would love to take away womens' rights and send them off in burkas.
Armitage says he thinks he leaked her identity. But read his statement: "I think she works there". Works where? State Department? Local Pizza Hut??
It was Libby who told Nowak that Plame was a CIA agent.
As a party which wants to "defend America aginst dem terrurists", you people sure don't care about the lives of people who really _are_ doing something about it, people like Valerie Plame. You guys should be ashamed that you destroyed the career of a woman who risked her life every day for decades. But, to you she's just another woman, right? Somehow, beneath you? Disposable??
I really don't know why I bother. The biggest "partisan hackery" I know of comes straight out of these comments. I really don't want to be a part of it.
About the "docudrama", or whatever term is being used to describe this mess - if it were moved to Showtime like the disgusting Reagan hit piece would it be enough to satisfy the moaning, wailing masses?
Accusations are more important than the truth!
Armitage admitted he was the leaker! LOL! Apparently the truth ain't the truth unless it comes from a bona fide leftist.
By the way, that burka comment was hilarious, but doesn't lend much credibility to whatever your point was.
This is so funny. You are going through more contortions than a North Korean gymnast.
1. Read the article. Artmitage says he just said "his wife works there". That alone is not enough for anyone to conclude that Plame worked at the CIA, or that she was a NOC.
2. Fitzgerald is a Republican.
3. If you people got offended at Janet Jackson's boob (heck, I'm surprised you didn't complain about the fact that she was not in a burka) and Reagan's documentary, why shouldn't the Democrats be offended at something that distorts history? The producer of this "documentary" has already admitted that he bended facts a little to make them more entertaining.
Your Republicans would prefer that the truth, like women under the Taliban, be hidden from sight.
Oh, about the docudrama. Joshy, you've already mentioned that the precedent for this has been set, and that the Democrats want it both ways.
TV shows like this are an absolute waste of time, and the motivations for the Democrats and Republicans to do this are the same. The political class is failing us, using us to attain and maintain power.
"Karl Rove may not be charged criminally, but nevertheless he is not without guilt as you suggest. There is more to the story here."
David, the truth came out! Armitage is the leaker, thus causing the hit job on Rove to be null and void, and further proving Wilson to be a lying sack (which I have known for months, but hey nobody wants to listen). Notice how Wilson and Plame aren't willing to actually sue the guy who was the real leaker - they aren't adding Armitage to their civil case (he happens to agree with Wilson about Iraq), and trudging on with their fraudulent claims about Rove and Libby. Doesn't this absolutely stink to you?
Rove is a shady political operative, that much is true. He also skunks Democrats at every opportunity, which is the real reason why they want him to go away, other than to attempt to discredit the administration at every chance. People want so badly for Rove to be criminally guilty they are willing to ignore basic facts that have come out.
About David Corn, and this is something you should know, he has a new book out detailing the fraudulent case against Rove, amongst other things, and he is desperate to save his reputation and sell books. He has egg all over his face and body at this point. If he could be so wrong about this, no doubt he could be 100% wrong about many other things in his book. Again, doesn't this stink to you? It is partisan hackery of the lowest order.
David what the "liberal attack crap" is about, if you were aware of what the media did at the time and continued to do, is assail the White House and the administration, and most importantly... people who had nothing to do with it! This is symptomatic of a very, very sick group of individuals who simply wanted the guy who engineered the election in '04 to be smeared. It deals DIRECTLY with the story.
Where are the criminal charges if Karl Rove was guilty of something? For that matter, the guy who admitted guilt, Mr. Armitage... the prosecutor knew that he was the leak for years and yet even HE didn't press charges and still has yet to. Now... did administration officials technically stay within the law but do something to smear the people that were trying to smear them? I think the answer to that is yes, but its important to understand that practically every administration in the past 25 years had attempted things like that, or worse. I'm not saying its right, but its not unusual.
I will address your other post in dcoffee's journal later - gotta get to work!
I'm not sure we will ever know the whole truth about this unfortunate drama. I'm also not sure what all this constant liberal attack crap is all the time, but I don't think it has anything to do with the story. Karl Rove may not be charged criminally, but nevertheless he is not without guilt as you suggest. There is more to the story here.
p.s. I directed a comment to you on (e:dcoffee)'s journal :::link:::
Just wanted to make sure that you saw it in case you wanted to respond.