Every fucking year I feel compelled to have to write in a disclaimer for all the new people to read around here.
I, Joshua, reserve the right to challenge and degrade political ideology that I disagree with on my own journal. People around here need to remember that I'm not writing for you, but for me. This is my journal, and if there is something that you dislike you are more than welcome to skip right along to the next person, or feel free to address me through a comment. While in general I'm a kind and considerate person, if you do not like the fact that I say what I say - to you, dear people, feel free to go play in traffic. Grow up. I don't particularly care that you dislike what I'm saying. This is my space and not yours.
Secondly, I'd like to address that anonymous e-mailer who wrote to
(e:jenks). Unless you are Heidi Klum and Mother Theresa rolled up into one package, chances are that you don't have a prayer in fucking hell of matching up to Jenks in intelligence, looks, wit or charm... and therefore you can feel free to shut the fuck up - got it? Only chickenshits who are afraid of being judged themselves write anonymous messages. Its funny to me how jealousy and spite brings this kind of thing up. Tell you what, anon user - come clean and reveal your identity and then we'll have a little contest. Who do the (straight) guys around here prefer, her or you? Seeing as Ms. Jenks has a Yale degree, an MD, her own money and a trail of success that few in America even aspire to let alone get an opportunity to take, I'm fairly confident in saying that you have a LONG way to go. Oh, anon user, you better not have an OUNCE of fat on you and no blemishes of any kind if you want to take a swipe at somebodys looks. Oh, and on the off chance that a guy actually wrote that - to you, sir, you are no man by any stretch. Period.
(e:libertad) - I can only presume that you were referring to what I said about the posters in Cuba, since you were not specific. I do believe that you've been there, so *gasp* it shouldn't be a surprise to you that Communist countries spring propaganda up like that on a continual basis. It would be naive to suggest that regular folks in Cuba, who are dirt ass poor, are organizing dollars that they don't have and are getting permission to post large and expensive anti-Bush posters on the sides of buildings throughout Cuba.
Its interesting that I'm being accused of creating a political divide on
(e:strip). That is straight up BULLSHIT, LT. Nobody, and I mean NOBODY, has come to my defense when someone like
(e:ajay) creates a post in his own journal disputing something I wrote. Apparently this "divide" is being created when the exact opposite happens and I counter what someone else wrote. What is good for Ajay is not good for me, apparently. There is no way I'm going to accept that.
I am also going to address something that you and I will simply never agree on - labels and their appropriateness. Calling someone a liberal is NOT being divisive - its quite simply a way of attaching context to political discussion. If you (the rhetorical "you," to be clear) love abortion, hate wars, etc. guess what? They might be "LT's" opinions, but you will never separate yourself from the fact that those are traditionally left-wing viewpoints. You cannot have a political opinion without being labeled left, right, center, or a mix. People are NOT the same... we have different views and preferences and the correct and appropriate and adult thing to do is acknowledge it. Anybody that understands politics knows that you cannot hold political opinions without being slotted somewhere by somebody. You may feel that its stupid, but its a fact of political life that cannot be escaped or ignored. This is also one of the reasons why people avoid politics altogether - they are uncomfortable being "called" something. If that is an uncomfortable situation for anybody out there, then my advice would be to avoid politics because its an ugly business.
The fact of the matter is that I am a center-right leaning person (yeah, I'm a moderate but unfortunately nobody asks me about social issues) and 99.99999% of the people that read and participate on this site disagree with me. If you want to acknowledge a divide its because for once someone around here isn't preaching to the choir and therefore my loud-mouthed participation ALONE somehow must constitute a political divide. See, if I just stop talking politics, everybody is going to agree again and peace is at hand! I will not be stopping my participation anytime soon, and if somebody says something that I believe is astronomically wrong I'm going to challenge that viewpoint... possibly with a tinge of cynicism. You cannot expect to live in a political bubble and not have it popped. I've never been safe around here as far as that goes, and therefore nobody else will be either. I will NOT be supressed because I'm a loud-mouthed voice of disagreement and dissent here.
When I lived in Rock Hill, SC in 1996 I actually saw gas and cigarettes, both for under one dollar. I believe gas was $0.75 out in the country.