So yeah.
I just paid a $655 "parking tax" as I'm now calling it. Plus another $20 to get from Elmwood to City Hall and back.
I am beginning to hate this city more and more every day. Larsons need to do the prudent thing and get the fuck out of dodge. Its tragic that I love this place so much, yet despise how the city is run and how punitive and draconic a place it is to live.
Now the police are looking into legal recouse to find out if it is possible to strike because they haven't gotten their pay increase. You know what BPD? FUCK YOU. Welcome to the real world, where people aren't necessarily guaranteed pay increases every year regardless of performance. Any guesses on how the public rate you guys? Try F minus. You fucking guys and gals are the epitome of what is wrong with the region. I'm okay with police officers getting paid. What I'm not okay with is that you demand *from the hard working public* that you should get your % increase every year. You work for us. Remember that the next time you shit where you eat. You don't get any sympathy from me, you never will, and I'm fairly confident in saying that most Buffalonians feel how I feel. Do your fucking job - which by the way, is catching criminals and dealing with the 50+ homicides thus far this year, rather than setting up stings on convenience stores to see if they sell cigarettes to minors. You are fucking terrible, BPD. Everybody hates you right about now.
Joshua's Journal
My Podcast Link
10/11/2006 13:50 #24680
My Day10/07/2006 23:46 #24679
HaYou know its strange and ironic that I would be the one that would be telling people to relax, chill out and drop the drama. Ultimately, regardless of the issue, in the long run its completely meaningless.
I'm tired of not being sociable. So we went to Mother's. I got my Oban 14 yr. single malt, hung out with some friends and mutual friends... and got to meet (e:southernyankee) in an impromptu meeting! There is nothing Yank about you - you are a sweetheart. Don't let the grimy shit in Washington spoil you!
We got a new neighbor, and she is FUCKING GOREGOUS!!! She seems really nice as well. I think things around here will be mellow for a change, and that is definitely welcome.
(e:decoyisryan) - your fatal mistake is getting mixed in with the female drama that surrounds you. Understand that the two females you live with are like drama magnets - I think even both of them would agree with that particular sentiment. I love them both - hubba hubba pant pant pant - but just remember that female drama is like a vacuum black hole that is purposely meant to suck in any non-suspecting male incidental participants straight to a drama-filled hell.
Good night now!
I'm tired of not being sociable. So we went to Mother's. I got my Oban 14 yr. single malt, hung out with some friends and mutual friends... and got to meet (e:southernyankee) in an impromptu meeting! There is nothing Yank about you - you are a sweetheart. Don't let the grimy shit in Washington spoil you!
We got a new neighbor, and she is FUCKING GOREGOUS!!! She seems really nice as well. I think things around here will be mellow for a change, and that is definitely welcome.
(e:decoyisryan) - your fatal mistake is getting mixed in with the female drama that surrounds you. Understand that the two females you live with are like drama magnets - I think even both of them would agree with that particular sentiment. I love them both - hubba hubba pant pant pant - but just remember that female drama is like a vacuum black hole that is purposely meant to suck in any non-suspecting male incidental participants straight to a drama-filled hell.
Good night now!
lilho - 10/08/06 19:22
mary j. said no more drama. i listened.
mary j. said no more drama. i listened.
metalpeter - 10/08/06 11:31
Since I'm sure neither you nor Jason want to date someone or have a fling with a neighboor you could give her My number it is right on my Profile :) HA!! Or seriously maybe some day she will join the site. Glad you got to have a good time and also meet southernyankee. I'm glad I had nothing to do with the drama, but you are right about it being a vaccum that sucks guys in. I think that Ryan and all us guys need to stay aware of that.
Since I'm sure neither you nor Jason want to date someone or have a fling with a neighboor you could give her My number it is right on my Profile :) HA!! Or seriously maybe some day she will join the site. Glad you got to have a good time and also meet southernyankee. I'm glad I had nothing to do with the drama, but you are right about it being a vaccum that sucks guys in. I think that Ryan and all us guys need to stay aware of that.
10/03/2006 11:02 #24678
GluttonyI think I want to throw up.

Ladies and gentlemen, the Krispy Kreme Cheeseburger. No, I didn't eat this or find it locally.

Ladies and gentlemen, the Krispy Kreme Cheeseburger. No, I didn't eat this or find it locally.
pyrcedgrrl - 10/03/06 20:54
Helloooo coronary!
Helloooo coronary!
mrmike - 10/03/06 15:29
There was an episode of "The Boondocks" where the Granddad opened a restaurant based on the same sandwich. He served them in bed because a coma was what guests would have for the dessert.
There was an episode of "The Boondocks" where the Granddad opened a restaurant based on the same sandwich. He served them in bed because a coma was what guests would have for the dessert.
jenks - 10/03/06 13:22
There's a little diner in New Haven- the Yankee Doodle. Popular campus dive. Annual burger eating contest and all that. And they have "donut" on the menu. Didn't think twice about it- til I saw someone order said donut. They take a glazed donut. Slice it in half. Slather it with BUTTER, and fry it on the grill.
There's a little diner in New Haven- the Yankee Doodle. Popular campus dive. Annual burger eating contest and all that. And they have "donut" on the menu. Didn't think twice about it- til I saw someone order said donut. They take a glazed donut. Slice it in half. Slather it with BUTTER, and fry it on the grill.
09/29/2006 16:45 #24677
A movie I actually want to seeOk - some of you may have heard of the recent stunt Sacha Baron Cohen pulled at the White House, in character as Borat ->
Not only is this a brilliant bit of hype for his movie that he got out of this, but the title is absolutely great - "Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan."
Cohen is one of the best comedians out there right now, if you ask me. Ali G is hilarious. For once, I cannot wait for a movie to come out!
Not only is this a brilliant bit of hype for his movie that he got out of this, but the title is absolutely great - "Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan."
Cohen is one of the best comedians out there right now, if you ask me. Ali G is hilarious. For once, I cannot wait for a movie to come out!
mike - 09/29/06 19:11
he his hilarious...even more hilarious when you are in the middle of a crowded movie theater lobby and your friend without thinking starts quoting one of his routines and singing about throwing certain ethnicities down the well the top of her lungs of course
he his hilarious...even more hilarious when you are in the middle of a crowded movie theater lobby and your friend without thinking starts quoting one of his routines and singing about throwing certain ethnicities down the well the top of her lungs of course
terry - 09/29/06 19:03
I heartily aagree! Borat is one of the funniest things I've seen in years...serious rollin on the floor gut-bustin laughs.
You remind me of-a my wife
Oh that's nice...
She dead.
Here is picture of my sister
We ahve great fun together...
And of course...
Throw the *** down the well...
I heartily aagree! Borat is one of the funniest things I've seen in years...serious rollin on the floor gut-bustin laughs.
You remind me of-a my wife
Oh that's nice...
She dead.
Here is picture of my sister
We ahve great fun together...
And of course...
Throw the *** down the well...
09/26/2006 08:38 #24676
Unbelievable!I'm rarely shocked over news stories anymore, and frankly this is barely newsworthy, but extremely hilarious. Oprah pumps her own gas for the first time since 1983... which isn't too terribly surprising since a lot of megarich people don't pump their own gas. The kicker for me was who, as they say in the biz, showed her up!

Last night I had a "Honky Tonk BBQ Pork Burger" at Red Robin when we finally got near our hotel in Kansas City. I rarely eat burgers but I couldn't resist one with a name like that - damn you marketing people!
Gas here is so cheap that if NYers saw this they'd be filling every available container around the house. $2.04 per gallon - thats the "lazy bastard last minute on airport property" price so I wonder what it will be like 20 miles east of here.

Last night I had a "Honky Tonk BBQ Pork Burger" at Red Robin when we finally got near our hotel in Kansas City. I rarely eat burgers but I couldn't resist one with a name like that - damn you marketing people!
Gas here is so cheap that if NYers saw this they'd be filling every available container around the house. $2.04 per gallon - thats the "lazy bastard last minute on airport property" price so I wonder what it will be like 20 miles east of here.
paul - 09/26/06 09:32
When I lived in Rock Hill, SC in 1996 I actually saw gas and cigarettes, both for under one dollar. I believe gas was $0.75 out in the country.
When I lived in Rock Hill, SC in 1996 I actually saw gas and cigarettes, both for under one dollar. I believe gas was $0.75 out in the country.
Actually my solution to the parking problem here would be to do exactly what communities with parking problems do - pay like $60 for a yearly parking permit and in Elmwood Village have certain streets be residential parking only. Free parking isn't "so important to me" but lets be a little fair here - during the evenings and weekends when people are parked on both sides of Cleveland, when people constantly are double parking on the street, etc. - how often are these people being ticketed compared to the people who actually live here?
It is against NYS law for the officers to strike, like Peter was saying. Their basis for possibly striking is that the pay freeze constitutes a breach of their contract iwith the city. They are looking into it is still illegal to strike as a result of that "breach" - unforunately because it was implemented by the control board I doubt they have any legal recourse whatsoever, let alone the MAJOR public relations disaster it would be for the police if they even attempted it.
You could have taken the Elmwood bus to City Hall and back for a lot less than 20 dollars.
I bet that you could have found friends or (e:peeps) to drive you there and back for a lot less money - maybe just a kind word and smile.
I've lived in NYC in the 80s when Parking Enforcement towed cars with people in the cars and would ticket ticket cars parked at expired 30 minute meters every 30 minutes for days so I have real trouble understanding why Buffalo is evil about parking.
In Toronto, to park overnight in many neighborhoods you need to pay for a parking permit or your car will be towed.
But on the other hand, if free parking so important to you, I don't blame you for wanting to leave Buffalo.
(e:leetee) and I lived in the Mayflower at Linwood and Summer for over 6 months and I never got a parking ticket. But the experience made me realize that we needed a house with a driveway.
Good Luck with your move.
It is illegal for them to stirke. But I guess their is a legal issue because they where granted a raise and the control board after the fact said that there is a freeze on their pay raise. Generaly for the police or Firefights to strike is illegal I think it is federal and not state law but I could be wrong.
I thought it was against NYS law for police officers and firefighters to strike?
Here's an issue we entirely agree on. We just had this whole discussion last night about how the po are the personification of everything bad about this country (we were speaking w/Annika, our neww roomie from GB). Those fucking stickers on the fucking police cars that WE paid for make me want to scream like Jenks. They've never done anything for me including after being attacked by knife-wielding thugs who slashed our tires, and after blowing a tire in front of the fucking police station. Let's put the raise to a referendum and see who gets a raise.
dont even get me started. im sure my accumulated "parking tax" is way more. from now on we fight dirty. pay your ticket online and leave the ticket on your winshield when you park. (e:zobar) taught me that.
yah. i just dropped $135 on two tickets on got on the same day at bloody canisius.
Every time I see those "pay the police like your life depends on it" bumper stickers I want to scream. Because, um, the police have never done one thing to save/help my life that I know of. Pay your nurses/doctors/EMT's/teachers/etc/etc like your life depends on it- ok. But not the BPD. it's more like "pay the police like their hair plugs and free cosmetic surgery coverage depends on it".