So, how do the British handle their violent criminals? They play Scrabble!

I wish I wasn't making this up. I'm listening to BBC now and they are talking about it. They feel that this allows violent criminals to learn how to act in civilized society and, golly gee, these guys really are going to reform only if we don't actually treat them with contempt and like the animals they are, and be NICE to them. Scrabble is part of this program because it encourages literacy, according to the prison official I'm listening to. I'm glad that these aren't my tax dollars that are being spent on such absolute naivety and foolishness.
What an absolute crock of shit - these people are getting what they deserve from their criminals. Hell, if I were ever to commit a violent crime at this point I'm absolutely certain that its going to be in the UK. Why bother dealing with the US criminal system when I could simply get a slap on the wrist and a new board game?
EDIT: In other news, Steve Wynn, who if you've ever been to Vegas you surely know who he is, had to cancel an auction of a Picasso set to fetch $139m because he put his elbow through the painting!

What do you think the prisoners should be doing while there? Is prison punishment only or should it seek to "rehabilitate"?