I love Scarlett Johansson. No really, I do.
She has curves and she isn't ashamed of it. Hallelujah!
I'm a guy that likes curves on girls. I don't want some waif-like pathetic little chicken leg with no meat on it - I need a certified USDA choice curvy strip of love bacon. That is why I admire Scarlett for addressing her curvy nature in the way she does. Flaunt it, baby.
Seriously. In high school my friends used to say that I had a mystery element floating in my blood called "bigbootium." Fuck it, they were right and they still are. The truth is that I love all kinds of women... but its all about proportion. And Scarlett is PROPORTIONED. I think its so great that she is accepting of herself and doesn't really care that she isn't going to fit into some Hollywood mold when it comes to her looks. You've got a chest, big hips and a round ass? Do like Lil' Jon says.
A tribute to the women with curves!
Helloooo coronary!
There was an episode of "The Boondocks" where the Granddad opened a restaurant based on the same sandwich. He served them in bed because a coma was what guests would have for the dessert.
There's a little diner in New Haven- the Yankee Doodle. Popular campus dive. Annual burger eating contest and all that. And they have "donut" on the menu. Didn't think twice about it- til I saw someone order said donut. They take a glazed donut. Slice it in half. Slather it with BUTTER, and fry it on the grill.