So apparently I'm not the only one that thinks my Work Crush #2 is Hotty-McHott. I mean for one, he's simply a good looking guy. Tall, fit, nice features... literally tall, dark and handsome. Second, he dresses impeccably. And third, he's a flirty guy, who makes all the girls feel special. (Fourth, he's a dog, but not everyone sees that side of him.)
But on thursdays we have Grand Rounds and conference in the morning, and we have to actually wear real clothes (i.e. not scrubs.) So when we get back to the hospital, everyone is always surprised to see us looking "normal". So we were walking by, and everyone was commenting on how he looked so good... (which he did). But it's like the rest of us were totally invisible. And he was in front of me, and had already turned the corner, when I saw at least three nurses start whispering and fanning themselves and I heard one say "don't you even TELL me you weren't thinking the same thing!" Then we walk into our call room- there is a fucking PRESENT in there for him. One of the nurses had this wrapped up package of snacks with a little lovey-dovey note in it saying "i heard you had a rough night, here are some snacks. Love, Strawberry" (She has strawberry-blonde hair.) I don't know if it's true or not, but there are certainly rumors that he sleeps with people (nurses etc) in the call room. So when we saw this, we asked "well, did you...?" and he said "NO! And I wouldn't!" I said "why not, she's cute..." and he said "yeah, for her age". Which is probably like 4 years older than him. Nice, huh?
But it just made me think- as much as we may say looks don't matter- yeah they do. And like it or not, life is just easier for beautiful people. Not that my life is so difficult, and I'm not unhappy about how I look, but I don't make people swoon when I walk by, and I don't get goody bags from strange men on my pillow every night. Must be nice...
Jenks's Journal
My Podcast Link
03/02/2006 17:01 #23802
beautiful peeps02/27/2006 16:19 #23800
Heebie JeebiesCategory: (ouch)
So, I had my nipple pierced this weekend. After I had my tongue done (9 years ago), everyone's first reaction was a raised eyebrow, a "why??", and sometimes a request for a blowjob. And I never had a very good answer. It was just something I wanted to do. I kept thinking about it, and finally decided I should just do it, or else I'd always wonder. And besides, I could always take it out. It's not so much a sex thing, or trying to send out some weird kinky slutty vibe... But just more that I like to not be TOTALLY plain vanilla predictable. Not like this was some big rebellion, but I generally find that people think I (a conservative, overly-educated, new england WASP) am not "the type" to be pierced, and I don't mind surprising people a little bit once in a while.
And so after I did my tongue, I thought about nipple for a while. But I never did it. And recently the idea popped back into my head. And wouldn't go away. But I had a few concerns. And I just wasn't sure I want to send out that message. I.e. I've gotten a few negative reactions when I mentioned it to people- namely that it is gross and skanky. So I hadn't decided for sure.
Then this weekend I found myself in CowPok, and I figured What the fuck. Why do I care what people think. If they think it makes me gross and skanky, well they're simply wrong. I like having a little 'secret', and also I think it looks kinda cool. And, well, yeah- I think it's hot.
I'm not sure why I feel the need to be so defensive. Hmm.
But anyway, all that is a prelude to wanted to wanted to post today-
So I had it done sat night. Yeah the actual piercing hurt. But just for a second. Then it was sore for a few hours, which was relieved by aleve and booze. And when I woke up sunday, it really didn't hurt much at all. Good all day yesterday, fine this morning... But as I started work today, I realized I should have put a little more thought into "right or left?". I arbitrarily chose left. Without thinking of the fact that the breast pocket on my white coat and scrubs is on the left. I keep my chapstick, pen, palm pilot, and patient list in that pocket. I take each of them in and out of my pocket an average of 17 million times a day. Not to mention that the heavy palm bounces a little with each step.
And it's not so much pain- but like a deep twinge that goes to my stomach and almost makes me a little nauseous. A very strange feeling. Perhaps a good feeling when I get used to it, but for now- oy. Makes me dizzy.
And so after I did my tongue, I thought about nipple for a while. But I never did it. And recently the idea popped back into my head. And wouldn't go away. But I had a few concerns. And I just wasn't sure I want to send out that message. I.e. I've gotten a few negative reactions when I mentioned it to people- namely that it is gross and skanky. So I hadn't decided for sure.
Then this weekend I found myself in CowPok, and I figured What the fuck. Why do I care what people think. If they think it makes me gross and skanky, well they're simply wrong. I like having a little 'secret', and also I think it looks kinda cool. And, well, yeah- I think it's hot.
I'm not sure why I feel the need to be so defensive. Hmm.
But anyway, all that is a prelude to wanted to wanted to post today-
So I had it done sat night. Yeah the actual piercing hurt. But just for a second. Then it was sore for a few hours, which was relieved by aleve and booze. And when I woke up sunday, it really didn't hurt much at all. Good all day yesterday, fine this morning... But as I started work today, I realized I should have put a little more thought into "right or left?". I arbitrarily chose left. Without thinking of the fact that the breast pocket on my white coat and scrubs is on the left. I keep my chapstick, pen, palm pilot, and patient list in that pocket. I take each of them in and out of my pocket an average of 17 million times a day. Not to mention that the heavy palm bounces a little with each step.
And it's not so much pain- but like a deep twinge that goes to my stomach and almost makes me a little nauseous. A very strange feeling. Perhaps a good feeling when I get used to it, but for now- oy. Makes me dizzy.
ajay - 02/28/06 10:41
Why am I the only one to pipe up and say: we need before and after pictures!! (no, not yours (e:jessbob)! I'll take your word for it... ;-) :) ).
Why am I the only one to pipe up and say: we need before and after pictures!! (no, not yours (e:jessbob)! I'll take your word for it... ;-) :) ).
jessbob - 02/27/06 21:13
I totally understand getting a piercing because it seems to contradict your character. I am a republican with both my nipples pierced
I totally understand getting a piercing because it seems to contradict your character. I am a republican with both my nipples pierced
metalpeter - 02/27/06 20:00
First of all it is your body, and your body to modify if you feal like it. You shouldn't have to justify it. But I also do think piercings and tats on girls are hot. I have heard some women who said that it increased senitivity there and I've heard others who said it decressed it. I think that when ever anyone alters there body there are people who assume they do it for the wrong reasons. There are somepeople who do it to be cool or to be a rebel and those are the wrong reasons (they still have a right to do it). So when you do it just because you want to or you like it you get thrown into the class of the sluty girls who also do it. That is wrong for people to do but I do understand why they could missunderstand you doing it. It is your body and you shouldn't feal any guilt about how you treat it.
First of all it is your body, and your body to modify if you feal like it. You shouldn't have to justify it. But I also do think piercings and tats on girls are hot. I have heard some women who said that it increased senitivity there and I've heard others who said it decressed it. I think that when ever anyone alters there body there are people who assume they do it for the wrong reasons. There are somepeople who do it to be cool or to be a rebel and those are the wrong reasons (they still have a right to do it). So when you do it just because you want to or you like it you get thrown into the class of the sluty girls who also do it. That is wrong for people to do but I do understand why they could missunderstand you doing it. It is your body and you shouldn't feal any guilt about how you treat it.
theecarey - 02/27/06 19:24
Is it still a big deal these days? Damn, I remember when all of my friends had piercings up and down/in their body (esp (e:pyrcedgrrl)). I was quite conservative with the few I do/did have..
I feel you though.. "a pretty conservative, overly-educated, new england WASP" I could see that--although I know better ;) --a little "shock value" can be entertaining.
Funny, how certain things shock people when they find info out about you. For some reason people fall over when word of my D&D days. I was *really* into it.. (among a few other games)
for you it might be..hehe the Doc has her nip pierced :)
oy.. I know the fresh piercing pain..
hang in there!
Is it still a big deal these days? Damn, I remember when all of my friends had piercings up and down/in their body (esp (e:pyrcedgrrl)). I was quite conservative with the few I do/did have..
I feel you though.. "a pretty conservative, overly-educated, new england WASP" I could see that--although I know better ;) --a little "shock value" can be entertaining.
Funny, how certain things shock people when they find info out about you. For some reason people fall over when word of my D&D days. I was *really* into it.. (among a few other games)
for you it might be..hehe the Doc has her nip pierced :)
oy.. I know the fresh piercing pain..
hang in there!
ladycroft - 02/27/06 17:03
go jenksy - that was a fun bonding moment!
go jenksy - that was a fun bonding moment!
sbrugger - 02/27/06 16:35
I can completely relate to the reasoning behind getting something like that done. I used to have my tongue pierced...for no really good reason other than I wanted it that way. (And I like having my tattoos as my little 'secret'...).
Some people can't understand "just because".
I can completely relate to the reasoning behind getting something like that done. I used to have my tongue pierced...for no really good reason other than I wanted it that way. (And I like having my tattoos as my little 'secret'...).
Some people can't understand "just because".
03/01/2006 19:41 #23801
Throw me something Mister!Category: mahdi grah
Excuse me, I think you have something on your face...
Oh. Right. It's ash wed.
One of these years I'll remember.
Yet another perk of atheism- I do/eat/drink whatever the hell I want for the next 40 days, and don't feel guilty about it. ;P
So... When I first moved here I dated this guy for like a minute. Nothing really came of it. But he is, I guess, a "tit man" if you will... And the few times I've talked to/seen him since then, there are always boob comments. Well yesterday he saw my message on myspace inviting people to come out. And he took me up on it. Which is cool, he's a pretty good guy and I hadn't seen him in a long time. But I sort of meant "if you're out with your friends, come say hi to me and my friends." But instead he said "ok... well i'm leaving now, will be at your place soon." Oh.... ok? Not sure what his intentions were, but given the... traditions... of mardi gras, I imagine he thought his chances at seeing tits (mine or otherwise) were higher. In any case, he came over, we had a couple beers, then met (e:ladycroft) et al out. It was fun. Voice of reason made me come home by midnight-ish, rather than stay out late like I wanted to. But in any case, he brought me home and we watched some simpsons and listened to music. Then he said "let's put you to bed." And then "I can't drive home." So he put me to bed. And then joined me. And we slept. And spooned a little. And that was it. And it was perfect. Just what I needed. No awkward moment of having to tell him to stop... (though I'm not sure if I'm impressed or insulted that he didn't make any moves,- I mean hell, I was drunk and he was in my bed. ha). And I found myself thinking- regardless of sex/relationships/drama/bullshit- it just feels so damn good to be in someone's arms. Even (especially?) when totally platonic. A hug... a hand on yours... simple human contact. So lovely. And one of those things that you can forget so easily... until reminded of what you're missing.
So that was my mardi gras... but it got me thinking back to New Orleans... what a neat city. Dirty and poor and fucked up, no doubt, and not a place I could spend my life, but I'm so glad to have had a few years down there. It's really like nowhere else. And Buffalo's mardi gras is supposedly the 3rd biggest in the country- well it still doesn't hold a candle. (No offense, buffalo.) Mardi gras is crazy down there. It's 2 weeks of parties. But the focus is the parades. Yeah there's bourbon street and tits, but that part is gross. The parades are the shit. 3-4 a night for two weeks. Being in a parade is a big deal. Most of them are a big "society" thing, with balls and all. But there are a few you can buy your way into. Our last year a few of my friends joined a krewe- aside from dues, they had to buy their own throws (beads)- $1000 each. In plastic beads. Per person. And there are, I dunno, 20 people per float? And 40 floats in some of the big parades. And these floats are no joke... they spend ALL YEAR building them.
It's amazing to me how crazy people will go over worthless plastic trinkets. People joke that that is why new orleans is sinking- because everyone's attics are full of beads. Oh, and paying money for beads is a sure sign of being a tourist. You can get PLENTY on your own. Even without flashing. Just yell 'throw me something mister" as they roll by, and you'll do just fine. And if you get shitty beads (small/short), you throw them at the tubas.
And fat tuesday itself- the final parades, Rex and Zulu, start at 8:30am. I only made it once. And the zulu coconut is the most coveted of all mardi gras throws... They take their religion seriously down there. At midnight the party is OVER. Lent has begun. Cops ride down Bourbon street on horseback and break things up. It's amazing.
And one other random bit of trivia- new orleans judges the success of mardi gras by the tons of trash generated. It's so nonstop crowded in the quarter that they can't really clean up for days at a time... you are wading through piss/vomit/beer and crushed plastic cups... yeah, sexy. You need a dedicated pair of shoes you are willing to part with.
Ah, waxing nostalgic...
Here are some old (and new) pix. I wish I had more, but it's hard to carry a camera around.

My house in New Orleans. It was awesome. Huge, and falling apart. 6 fireplaces, chandeliers, a balcony... 2" roaches, I mean "palmetto bugs" (like that makes them "cute" or something).

The court of one of the parades. They always reminded me a little of the KKK and were kind of scary.

See what I mean? Kind of scary.

This guy is a "flambeau". They are guys, usually black, who march with the parades, sweating their balls off, carrying these huge propane torches. You are supposed throw change to them.

One of the floats- "Cirrhosis: Bacchus's Less Attractive Brother"

Yeah, that's about what it feels like.

One parade. No flashing. I swear.

About the closest I have come to flashing.

Some poor unsuspecting boy at Coles got his ass grabbed by (e:kaerains)

Timika and Craig, who looks very evil. (he's not an (e:strip)per- I almost feel like I need to black his eyes out of the pic or something!)

Name that bathroom!
'Night kids!
Oh. Right. It's ash wed.
One of these years I'll remember.
Yet another perk of atheism- I do/eat/drink whatever the hell I want for the next 40 days, and don't feel guilty about it. ;P
So... When I first moved here I dated this guy for like a minute. Nothing really came of it. But he is, I guess, a "tit man" if you will... And the few times I've talked to/seen him since then, there are always boob comments. Well yesterday he saw my message on myspace inviting people to come out. And he took me up on it. Which is cool, he's a pretty good guy and I hadn't seen him in a long time. But I sort of meant "if you're out with your friends, come say hi to me and my friends." But instead he said "ok... well i'm leaving now, will be at your place soon." Oh.... ok? Not sure what his intentions were, but given the... traditions... of mardi gras, I imagine he thought his chances at seeing tits (mine or otherwise) were higher. In any case, he came over, we had a couple beers, then met (e:ladycroft) et al out. It was fun. Voice of reason made me come home by midnight-ish, rather than stay out late like I wanted to. But in any case, he brought me home and we watched some simpsons and listened to music. Then he said "let's put you to bed." And then "I can't drive home." So he put me to bed. And then joined me. And we slept. And spooned a little. And that was it. And it was perfect. Just what I needed. No awkward moment of having to tell him to stop... (though I'm not sure if I'm impressed or insulted that he didn't make any moves,- I mean hell, I was drunk and he was in my bed. ha). And I found myself thinking- regardless of sex/relationships/drama/bullshit- it just feels so damn good to be in someone's arms. Even (especially?) when totally platonic. A hug... a hand on yours... simple human contact. So lovely. And one of those things that you can forget so easily... until reminded of what you're missing.
So that was my mardi gras... but it got me thinking back to New Orleans... what a neat city. Dirty and poor and fucked up, no doubt, and not a place I could spend my life, but I'm so glad to have had a few years down there. It's really like nowhere else. And Buffalo's mardi gras is supposedly the 3rd biggest in the country- well it still doesn't hold a candle. (No offense, buffalo.) Mardi gras is crazy down there. It's 2 weeks of parties. But the focus is the parades. Yeah there's bourbon street and tits, but that part is gross. The parades are the shit. 3-4 a night for two weeks. Being in a parade is a big deal. Most of them are a big "society" thing, with balls and all. But there are a few you can buy your way into. Our last year a few of my friends joined a krewe- aside from dues, they had to buy their own throws (beads)- $1000 each. In plastic beads. Per person. And there are, I dunno, 20 people per float? And 40 floats in some of the big parades. And these floats are no joke... they spend ALL YEAR building them.
It's amazing to me how crazy people will go over worthless plastic trinkets. People joke that that is why new orleans is sinking- because everyone's attics are full of beads. Oh, and paying money for beads is a sure sign of being a tourist. You can get PLENTY on your own. Even without flashing. Just yell 'throw me something mister" as they roll by, and you'll do just fine. And if you get shitty beads (small/short), you throw them at the tubas.
And fat tuesday itself- the final parades, Rex and Zulu, start at 8:30am. I only made it once. And the zulu coconut is the most coveted of all mardi gras throws... They take their religion seriously down there. At midnight the party is OVER. Lent has begun. Cops ride down Bourbon street on horseback and break things up. It's amazing.
And one other random bit of trivia- new orleans judges the success of mardi gras by the tons of trash generated. It's so nonstop crowded in the quarter that they can't really clean up for days at a time... you are wading through piss/vomit/beer and crushed plastic cups... yeah, sexy. You need a dedicated pair of shoes you are willing to part with.
Ah, waxing nostalgic...
Here are some old (and new) pix. I wish I had more, but it's hard to carry a camera around.

My house in New Orleans. It was awesome. Huge, and falling apart. 6 fireplaces, chandeliers, a balcony... 2" roaches, I mean "palmetto bugs" (like that makes them "cute" or something).

The court of one of the parades. They always reminded me a little of the KKK and were kind of scary.

See what I mean? Kind of scary.

This guy is a "flambeau". They are guys, usually black, who march with the parades, sweating their balls off, carrying these huge propane torches. You are supposed throw change to them.

One of the floats- "Cirrhosis: Bacchus's Less Attractive Brother"

Yeah, that's about what it feels like.

One parade. No flashing. I swear.

About the closest I have come to flashing.

Some poor unsuspecting boy at Coles got his ass grabbed by (e:kaerains)

Timika and Craig, who looks very evil. (he's not an (e:strip)per- I almost feel like I need to black his eyes out of the pic or something!)

Name that bathroom!
'Night kids!
ajay - 03/02/06 00:54
That's a big can you have there....
... of Coors ;-)
Thanks for the pics and for sharing about N'awlins.
That's a big can you have there....
... of Coors ;-)
Thanks for the pics and for sharing about N'awlins.
mrdt - 03/01/06 22:15
I don't understand the hole athiest celebrating Mardi Gras but we'll leave that alone. For me its always been the last harah before I give up vices so I may reflect deeper on my spirituality. I don't know what I could possibly give up this year. I think the best thing I could do this lenten season is say good bye to the last of my drug abusing criminally minded friends and hello to all the wonderfully intelligent and well rounded individuals that I have met through grad school and (e:strip).
I don't understand the hole athiest celebrating Mardi Gras but we'll leave that alone. For me its always been the last harah before I give up vices so I may reflect deeper on my spirituality. I don't know what I could possibly give up this year. I think the best thing I could do this lenten season is say good bye to the last of my drug abusing criminally minded friends and hello to all the wonderfully intelligent and well rounded individuals that I have met through grad school and (e:strip).
theecarey - 03/01/06 20:38
nope, one more..
I once told someone that there is "something on your forehead.."
I have since learned.
nope, one more..
I once told someone that there is "something on your forehead.."
I have since learned.
theecarey - 03/01/06 20:34
my thoughts..
thats about it!
my thoughts..
- hahaha.. name that bathroom. Yeh, we all know it (but not so much love it)
- omg.. were you not crushed by the weight of those beads?
- There *is* something warm and fuzzy about falling asleep next to someone. Kind of a safe feeling or something. But its a bitch if you were hoping to get laid. Damn, snugglers. ;)
- I totally dig that Karen grabbed some guys ass AND that there is a picture. *high five*
- Your posts are getting closer to rivaling mine :) --it been awhile for me..uh oh.. --
thats about it!
ladycroft - 03/01/06 20:32
craig DOES look evil in that picture! and if i recall...kearains was grabbing the ass of my drunken shot buying buddy name is....josh? no, john? yes, john. i'm 70% sure that's my final answer regis.
craig DOES look evil in that picture! and if i recall...kearains was grabbing the ass of my drunken shot buying buddy name is....josh? no, john? yes, john. i'm 70% sure that's my final answer regis.
iriesara - 03/01/06 20:16
the old pink? it's been so long...
the old pink? it's been so long...
metalpeter - 03/01/06 20:09
great pics thanks for sharing. Glad you had fun last night.
great pics thanks for sharing. Glad you had fun last night.
02/24/2006 22:51 #23798
for the boysCategory: twins
Found this article for Joshon-

(it's about twins in school).
(But mostly I'm just proud of myself for actually having even peeked at any sort of news today).
It's kind of sad, but lately I've been getting all my current events from (e:strip).
But hey, I guess it's better than being totally clueless like I usually am...
Work sucks tonight. Gotta go.

(it's about twins in school).
(But mostly I'm just proud of myself for actually having even peeked at any sort of news today).
It's kind of sad, but lately I've been getting all my current events from (e:strip).
But hey, I guess it's better than being totally clueless like I usually am...
Work sucks tonight. Gotta go.
jenks - 02/25/06 13:49
Yeah, I'm not sure how I feel about it- I can kind of see both sides. As seems to be the running theme these days, I think either extreme is no good. I had a set of twins in my class in HS- their parents made sure their names each had the same number of letters (to decrease competition), and dressed them the same until they were about 12... they went to the same HS (snooty new england prep school), then both went to Harvard... they were pretty well adjusted etc, but I would just think it would be nice to be on your own someday...
I'd be interested to hear what "our" twins here have to say on the issue.
I dunno, twin stuff fascinates me. Twin languages, feeling each other's pain, nature vs. nurture twin studies etc. I wonder how much of a difference fraternal vs. identical makes....
But the article makes me think of the pro-choice issue. I don't know if it's better for them to be together or apart, but why not the parents/kids have the right to CHOOSE what's right for them? Sounds good to me...
Yeah, I'm not sure how I feel about it- I can kind of see both sides. As seems to be the running theme these days, I think either extreme is no good. I had a set of twins in my class in HS- their parents made sure their names each had the same number of letters (to decrease competition), and dressed them the same until they were about 12... they went to the same HS (snooty new england prep school), then both went to Harvard... they were pretty well adjusted etc, but I would just think it would be nice to be on your own someday...
I'd be interested to hear what "our" twins here have to say on the issue.
I dunno, twin stuff fascinates me. Twin languages, feeling each other's pain, nature vs. nurture twin studies etc. I wonder how much of a difference fraternal vs. identical makes....
But the article makes me think of the pro-choice issue. I don't know if it's better for them to be together or apart, but why not the parents/kids have the right to CHOOSE what's right for them? Sounds good to me...
ajay - 02/25/06 10:55
I don't know if I agree with the article.
One of my close friends has identical twins. When the little rascals were growing up (before they got to school) they devised their own language and would be happy just playing with each other. I couldn't understand a word of what they were saying to each other; it was almost like telepathy. In school, I think the parents urged the teachers to keep them apart so they'd interact with the other kids somewhat more.
I don't know if I agree with the article.
One of my close friends has identical twins. When the little rascals were growing up (before they got to school) they devised their own language and would be happy just playing with each other. I couldn't understand a word of what they were saying to each other; it was almost like telepathy. In school, I think the parents urged the teachers to keep them apart so they'd interact with the other kids somewhat more.
theecarey - 02/24/06 23:42
"Joshon", that works. I have screwed up and sputtered, "Jashon" while trying to say their names.
"Joshon", that works. I have screwed up and sputtered, "Jashon" while trying to say their names.
02/26/2006 21:46 #23799
Piercings & Peepshow & the Pink, oh my!Category: meep
[this post is huge, I apologize.]
Wow. What a weekend. Seems to have taken a lot out of me, as I am now in a funk. Crying for no reason (well, no legitimate reason)- and worse than that- I just turned down (actually, didn't even answer the phone) an invite to dinner at India Gate. What is wrong with me?! I LOVE India Gate! And it's like two steps from my house. And I never turn down an invite for anything! But I don't feel like doing anything. So instead I am eating leftover thai noodles in my bathrobe. Sometimes I wish I could communicate/interact with others better... Too often my sarcasm/attempt at wit blows up in my face and fucks everything up and I end up with my foot in my mouth, wondering what happened, fearing I have blown my chance, and not knowing how to repair things. Boys don't play games, my ass. But enough on that.
Initial goals for this weekend: pay bills, wade through ridiculous inbox, take down christmas tree!!!!, sleep a lot. Goals accomplished: zero. New goals for the remainder of today: lay on couch, ignore huge mess, be anti-social, eat bad-for-me snacks and watch grey's anatomy, sleep. Sorry (e:Paul)- would have liked to cheer you on at the Geek Meet, but I can't bring myself to move.
But before I forget- I have a question for any mac people out there- Any recs for DVD-copying software? I found one called Fast DVD Copy. It's very easy (one click), but I'm not so sure about the 'fast' part- I used my trial and copied one DVD- 244 minutes. I know it's not a fast process, and granted, i've been doing a bunch of other shit on the computer so the processor has to share, but still. And it's $100. But if there's nothing else out there, I will continue my hunt for free serial numbers and cracks.
Ok, and now for the weekend play-by-play, and the pix you've all been waiting for. ;)
Fri- easy. Spent 30hr at work.
Saturday: came home to a nice surprise- a Valentine's Day present from my Dad: Scooba- the floor-washing robot. Brother of Roomba, the vacuuming robot. (and cousin of Woomba, the SNL joke). How lazy-geek-cool is that? Especially considering that I have about 10 square feet of non-carpeted floor.
I was hoping to get a little work done, and get a nice nap in. Instead I did... god I have no idea what, but the time passed quickly. Then met (e:Ladycroft) at spot for Spottie watching and yummy drinks. Then we migrated to Bullfeather's to meet Jen for dinner. If you haven't been there, it's worth a try. They have a lot more than typical bar food- including pumpkin ravioli with sage cream sauce and walnuts, and thai peanut salmon. Yum. Then I stopped by Cole's to say hi to some friends. Invited them to the Peep Show. Got a weird look, and they said 'you mean the huge S&M party?' and I said 'ummm as far as I know it's a bunch of art installations with a love/sex theme in a hotel.' They replied "yeah- it's a huge S&M party" and declined my invite. Not deterred, I left them behind and continued on with my evening. Met back up with Jen and (e:Ladycroft) at CowPok, where I succumbed to peer pressure and my long-standing curiosity, (e:Ladycroft) had her nose pierced without flinching (it's cute, see pix), and Jen had her anterior helix done. A triumvirate of piercing!
Then, to the Peep Show ((e:Peep) Show??), where I met (e:Robin) (a pleasure), and (e:Mike), (finally!) and we found (e:imk2). What an adventure. We wore PJs and boozed it up in bed with (e:Robin), (e:PMT), and a bunch of strangers. (e:Theecarey) and (e:pyrcedgrrl) showed up too. We played with giant paper dolls. We did NOT have our tits put on pins. We saw some hot firemen threatening to strip down to their boxers. At least, (e:Paul) claims he saw them. I never did. I think he imagined them. We played in a weird video room with red umbrellas. We saw a guy in a wrestling outfit, holding a pink case, waiting for the porno auditions. And best of all, we saw (e:PMT) get (re)married in the church of Julie. :) I heart (e:Paul)/(e:PMT). While there, (e:ladycroft), (e:imk) and I felt the love and "married" (e:strip). (fitting, since it seems to have taken over my life lately.)
All in all, a lot of fun, and rather surreal.
Then we migrated to the Pink for a bit, where a guy with a 'hawk seemed to dig (e:ladycroft) and her new jewelry. Then to Towne. I ate a giant bacon and cheese omelet. Delicious, and (not so) Nutritious!
Then I came home and slept til noon...
Sunday: utterly wasted. The best way for a sunday to be.
Weekends are way too short. I'm sick of working all the time. I want a vacation.
Here are the pix: (not sure what's up with the freaky redeye, but it was too much for iPhoto to fix!)

The lovely (e:imk2)- Saluti!

Our hostess with the mostest, (e:Robin)

"What the hell is THAT?!" Paul likes it, Terry isn't sure, and Timika looks scared.

Fun with Paper Dolls begins- first, a saucy little french maid.

Look what the (e:peepettes) have been reduced to... (and it took Paul to remind us that the balls go on the bottom.)

Bring out the gimp!

Wonder if Cardboard Man will show up in dreams next...

The Red Umbrella room

(no comment)

You may now kiss the husbands... Congrats PMT!

Do you, peepettes, take (e:strip) to be your lawfully wedded website?

Is this the one I'm not supposed to post?

You may now kiss the.... piece of paper.

Timika and Yvonne at the Pink. [Note cute new nose ring.]

C'mon... you didn't really think I could post a set of party pix without the requisite shot of Timika and Alex, did you??

Or was THIS the one I wasn't supposed to post?

Time to go home...

By far the best pic of the evening. Actually looks like Buffalo Winter, too!
oh yeah- new user song. Good stuff. Check it out.
Later peeps.
Wow. What a weekend. Seems to have taken a lot out of me, as I am now in a funk. Crying for no reason (well, no legitimate reason)- and worse than that- I just turned down (actually, didn't even answer the phone) an invite to dinner at India Gate. What is wrong with me?! I LOVE India Gate! And it's like two steps from my house. And I never turn down an invite for anything! But I don't feel like doing anything. So instead I am eating leftover thai noodles in my bathrobe. Sometimes I wish I could communicate/interact with others better... Too often my sarcasm/attempt at wit blows up in my face and fucks everything up and I end up with my foot in my mouth, wondering what happened, fearing I have blown my chance, and not knowing how to repair things. Boys don't play games, my ass. But enough on that.
Initial goals for this weekend: pay bills, wade through ridiculous inbox, take down christmas tree!!!!, sleep a lot. Goals accomplished: zero. New goals for the remainder of today: lay on couch, ignore huge mess, be anti-social, eat bad-for-me snacks and watch grey's anatomy, sleep. Sorry (e:Paul)- would have liked to cheer you on at the Geek Meet, but I can't bring myself to move.
But before I forget- I have a question for any mac people out there- Any recs for DVD-copying software? I found one called Fast DVD Copy. It's very easy (one click), but I'm not so sure about the 'fast' part- I used my trial and copied one DVD- 244 minutes. I know it's not a fast process, and granted, i've been doing a bunch of other shit on the computer so the processor has to share, but still. And it's $100. But if there's nothing else out there, I will continue my hunt for free serial numbers and cracks.
Ok, and now for the weekend play-by-play, and the pix you've all been waiting for. ;)
Fri- easy. Spent 30hr at work.
Saturday: came home to a nice surprise- a Valentine's Day present from my Dad: Scooba- the floor-washing robot. Brother of Roomba, the vacuuming robot. (and cousin of Woomba, the SNL joke). How lazy-geek-cool is that? Especially considering that I have about 10 square feet of non-carpeted floor.
I was hoping to get a little work done, and get a nice nap in. Instead I did... god I have no idea what, but the time passed quickly. Then met (e:Ladycroft) at spot for Spottie watching and yummy drinks. Then we migrated to Bullfeather's to meet Jen for dinner. If you haven't been there, it's worth a try. They have a lot more than typical bar food- including pumpkin ravioli with sage cream sauce and walnuts, and thai peanut salmon. Yum. Then I stopped by Cole's to say hi to some friends. Invited them to the Peep Show. Got a weird look, and they said 'you mean the huge S&M party?' and I said 'ummm as far as I know it's a bunch of art installations with a love/sex theme in a hotel.' They replied "yeah- it's a huge S&M party" and declined my invite. Not deterred, I left them behind and continued on with my evening. Met back up with Jen and (e:Ladycroft) at CowPok, where I succumbed to peer pressure and my long-standing curiosity, (e:Ladycroft) had her nose pierced without flinching (it's cute, see pix), and Jen had her anterior helix done. A triumvirate of piercing!
Then, to the Peep Show ((e:Peep) Show??), where I met (e:Robin) (a pleasure), and (e:Mike), (finally!) and we found (e:imk2). What an adventure. We wore PJs and boozed it up in bed with (e:Robin), (e:PMT), and a bunch of strangers. (e:Theecarey) and (e:pyrcedgrrl) showed up too. We played with giant paper dolls. We did NOT have our tits put on pins. We saw some hot firemen threatening to strip down to their boxers. At least, (e:Paul) claims he saw them. I never did. I think he imagined them. We played in a weird video room with red umbrellas. We saw a guy in a wrestling outfit, holding a pink case, waiting for the porno auditions. And best of all, we saw (e:PMT) get (re)married in the church of Julie. :) I heart (e:Paul)/(e:PMT). While there, (e:ladycroft), (e:imk) and I felt the love and "married" (e:strip). (fitting, since it seems to have taken over my life lately.)
All in all, a lot of fun, and rather surreal.
Then we migrated to the Pink for a bit, where a guy with a 'hawk seemed to dig (e:ladycroft) and her new jewelry. Then to Towne. I ate a giant bacon and cheese omelet. Delicious, and (not so) Nutritious!
Then I came home and slept til noon...
Sunday: utterly wasted. The best way for a sunday to be.
Weekends are way too short. I'm sick of working all the time. I want a vacation.
Here are the pix: (not sure what's up with the freaky redeye, but it was too much for iPhoto to fix!)

The lovely (e:imk2)- Saluti!

Our hostess with the mostest, (e:Robin)

"What the hell is THAT?!" Paul likes it, Terry isn't sure, and Timika looks scared.

Fun with Paper Dolls begins- first, a saucy little french maid.

Look what the (e:peepettes) have been reduced to... (and it took Paul to remind us that the balls go on the bottom.)

Bring out the gimp!

Wonder if Cardboard Man will show up in dreams next...

The Red Umbrella room

(no comment)

You may now kiss the husbands... Congrats PMT!

Do you, peepettes, take (e:strip) to be your lawfully wedded website?

Is this the one I'm not supposed to post?

You may now kiss the.... piece of paper.

Timika and Yvonne at the Pink. [Note cute new nose ring.]

C'mon... you didn't really think I could post a set of party pix without the requisite shot of Timika and Alex, did you??

Or was THIS the one I wasn't supposed to post?

Time to go home...

By far the best pic of the evening. Actually looks like Buffalo Winter, too!
oh yeah- new user song. Good stuff. Check it out.
Later peeps.
imk2 - 02/27/06 20:32
HA HA, peter! you are correct!
HA HA, peter! you are correct!
metalpeter - 02/27/06 20:13
First of all great pics. If I would have heard it was an S&M gathering I would have gone for sure. Glad everyone who went had a lot of fun. On another Note India Gate has great food. I can't belive you laid around the house and didn't clean that sounds like me. I think we all get like that sometimes when we don't want to do anything. Is it just me or is it odd that Imk2 likes to Feallatio items, Kinda like Muse (jay of jay and silent bob). I'm glad you lovely ladies had a lovely time and the guys to.
First of all great pics. If I would have heard it was an S&M gathering I would have gone for sure. Glad everyone who went had a lot of fun. On another Note India Gate has great food. I can't belive you laid around the house and didn't clean that sounds like me. I think we all get like that sometimes when we don't want to do anything. Is it just me or is it odd that Imk2 likes to Feallatio items, Kinda like Muse (jay of jay and silent bob). I'm glad you lovely ladies had a lovely time and the guys to.
imk2 - 02/27/06 06:47
holy crap, carey! did i miss the orgy room? what went on there? nakedness?
holy crap, carey! did i miss the orgy room? what went on there? nakedness?
mrdt - 02/27/06 02:48
looks like you girls had another great time with out me. i had to much homework and other things, like laundry, dishes, dust and vacuuming to get done. you know all that stuff that 28 year old guys wait til saturday night to do.
I feel you on the interaction with others bit. I sometimes say things that are inappropriate based on perception and piss people off real quick intentionally and unintentionally.
As far as a vaction, I have a timeshare that i'm getting paid to check out in two weeks. you and your friends are all invited...plenty of room..check it out :::link:::
had to use it by the end of march or it expires and absolutely everybody i know is busy or broke. should be fun regardless because i have an uncanny knack to make the absolute best of everything.
your new user sound is interesting...i change mine every other day... but i don't think anyone notices. i'm always looking to get turned on to new music. i have about 48 gigs of mp3's but there's always room for more especially for things i haven't experienced yet.
alright thats enough. i hope you enjoyed your weekend and got some much deserved rest. DT
looks like you girls had another great time with out me. i had to much homework and other things, like laundry, dishes, dust and vacuuming to get done. you know all that stuff that 28 year old guys wait til saturday night to do.
I feel you on the interaction with others bit. I sometimes say things that are inappropriate based on perception and piss people off real quick intentionally and unintentionally.
As far as a vaction, I have a timeshare that i'm getting paid to check out in two weeks. you and your friends are all invited...plenty of room..check it out :::link:::
had to use it by the end of march or it expires and absolutely everybody i know is busy or broke. should be fun regardless because i have an uncanny knack to make the absolute best of everything.
your new user sound is interesting...i change mine every other day... but i don't think anyone notices. i'm always looking to get turned on to new music. i have about 48 gigs of mp3's but there's always room for more especially for things i haven't experienced yet.
alright thats enough. i hope you enjoyed your weekend and got some much deserved rest. DT
theecarey - 02/26/06 22:21
This soooo does not rival my marathon posts, but kudos anyway, lol.
Last pic of Paul and Timika is fab.. it is all about the snow.
Other good one: Paul, Terry and Tim on the bed, looking at something perplexing/scary.
I had a lot of fun in the Orgy room.
Yes, I heard about these Hot Firemen (b-lo fire fighters are indeed, smokin' hot. However I missed them, funny.. I only heard about them being there through Paul as well.. hmm.. :)
I have had all of my Pokings done at CowPok. Well, all of my good pokes, anyways. Have since had to take the visible ones out.
This soooo does not rival my marathon posts, but kudos anyway, lol.
Last pic of Paul and Timika is fab.. it is all about the snow.
Other good one: Paul, Terry and Tim on the bed, looking at something perplexing/scary.
I had a lot of fun in the Orgy room.
Yes, I heard about these Hot Firemen (b-lo fire fighters are indeed, smokin' hot. However I missed them, funny.. I only heard about them being there through Paul as well.. hmm.. :)
I have had all of my Pokings done at CowPok. Well, all of my good pokes, anyways. Have since had to take the visible ones out.
"Note To Self break into Jenks House and leave Goddie Basket on Pillow" "Note to self Make sure no one else is there so I don't get Operated on" I just kidding around. Yeah looks do matter Hence why the ladies arn't draped all over me. Granted people look differant then there pictures on line but from what I've seen I'm sure a lot of guys check you out. Besides if you did get goody bags from a guy you didn't really know how would you react? What if it was from a guy who you didn't like? I do agree that the beautiful people do have it a little eiser. But that is also a negative cause if they get somewhare through hardwork it looks like they got there on their looks alone.
Sadly, the industry I work in is the opposite. If I showed up dressed impeccably, I'd be laughed out of the office. In the techie world, t-shirt and jeans is the norm. No wonder geeks never get laid...