Well last night was a big bust again, as usual.
I had been looking forward to it for weeks... Finally a chance to go out drinking and stay out late and not have to get up early in the morning...
And I spent the night on my couch.
I wanted to sleep yesterday, so I wouldn't be too tired to go out. But I also wanted to go out and enjoy the weather. Ended up going for a walk with (e:ladycroft), and we ran into (e:mike). I think (e:mike) is my most common random peep sighting. :)
So I went for my walk. Came home. Cleaned up, did some cooking (with obligatory wine-drinking), got all dressed to go out... Started making some calls...
Called like 6 people to go out, but no one got back to me.
Or rather, when they did it was too late and they were drunk and I'd already fallen asleep. Literally all dressed up with nowhere to go, and I fell asleep on my couch. :( I guess it's my own fault for not having made more concrete plans in advance.
Oh well. I think I have another day off in 3 weeks or so. Maybe then people will go out with me. I just hope I don't spend my bday on the couch.
Jenks's Journal
My Podcast Link
04/22/2006 15:51 #23762
I need a life. (or: boohoohoo poor me)Category: blaaahhhh
01/13/2006 23:11 #23761
i hate microsoftCategory: ie blows
Ok so I just lost another post b/c IE is misbehaving.
But bottom line of my long-winded message:
D'Brickashaw may be the MOST ridiculous name I have ever heard.
I thought it was a joke.
I googled it.
It's not.
D'Brickashaw Ferguson. Football player from virginia (or something.)
Why, WHY WHY oh WHY would you do that to your child?????
I don't get people sometimes.
Ok, off to the ER.
Later peeps.
But bottom line of my long-winded message:
D'Brickashaw may be the MOST ridiculous name I have ever heard.
I thought it was a joke.
I googled it.
It's not.
D'Brickashaw Ferguson. Football player from virginia (or something.)
Why, WHY WHY oh WHY would you do that to your child?????
I don't get people sometimes.
Ok, off to the ER.
Later peeps.
ajay - 01/14/06 18:29
And you can email your journal to (e:Strip), it will automatically get posted.
I use a program to post my journal. It automatically makes shit up and posts it. So if you read any raunchy stuff, it is the program and not sweet old innocent me...
And you can email your journal to (e:Strip), it will automatically get posted.
I use a program to post my journal. It automatically makes shit up and posts it. So if you read any raunchy stuff, it is the program and not sweet old innocent me...
jenks - 01/14/06 17:43
Well you don't even need to open word or anything- just highlight the post and hit apple-C. or ctrl-c (or is it alt-c I don't know). then it's in the clipboard and you can paste it back if it's erased. But this time it opened a new link in my estrip window, instead of a new one, so I lost it. Didn't think to do a protective-copy first.
Well you don't even need to open word or anything- just highlight the post and hit apple-C. or ctrl-c (or is it alt-c I don't know). then it's in the clipboard and you can paste it back if it's erased. But this time it opened a new link in my estrip window, instead of a new one, so I lost it. Didn't think to do a protective-copy first.
jason - 01/14/06 15:57
Yes, if you are at Spot you may see a Larson brother. Of course you are at the hospital all the time so maybe you won't.
Yes, if you are at Spot you may see a Larson brother. Of course you are at the hospital all the time so maybe you won't.
metalpeter - 01/14/06 14:55
When I used to have Aol it didn't agree with this site and the internet would crash so would lose stuff so I would use inernet explorer. But I found a way around this that only adds about 3 clicks. You can either open up word pad or mircosoft word and type out your journal. Then when you are done highlight it all and right click that sellect copy if you hit paste my mistake it is all lost. Then come to (e:strip) open up your journal and hit paste. I know it adds a little bit of time but it is better then writing a four or five paragraph thought process or maybe even a lot longer and having to redoit. I know I have lost some great writting on message boards that way, and was pissed.
When I used to have Aol it didn't agree with this site and the internet would crash so would lose stuff so I would use inernet explorer. But I found a way around this that only adds about 3 clicks. You can either open up word pad or mircosoft word and type out your journal. Then when you are done highlight it all and right click that sellect copy if you hit paste my mistake it is all lost. Then come to (e:strip) open up your journal and hit paste. I know it adds a little bit of time but it is better then writing a four or five paragraph thought process or maybe even a lot longer and having to redoit. I know I have lost some great writting on message boards that way, and was pissed.
jenks - 01/14/06 12:08
I would try firefox, but all the computers at work are very restricted. No downloads/installs. No email. Fortunately they haven't caught on to estrip to block it.
I would try firefox, but all the computers at work are very restricted. No downloads/installs. No email. Fortunately they haven't caught on to estrip to block it.
james - 01/14/06 11:11
switch to firefox, it makes mouth happy.
D'Brickshaw however makes fist angry!
switch to firefox, it makes mouth happy.
D'Brickshaw however makes fist angry!
theecarey - 01/13/06 23:52
When you asked about that in the chat, I thought that name was a last name, which I had never heard of it. Now knowing that is has been given as a first name, I am stumped. I wonder how/why that name came to be..?
When you asked about that in the chat, I thought that name was a last name, which I had never heard of it. Now knowing that is has been given as a first name, I am stumped. I wonder how/why that name came to be..?
01/13/2006 02:28 #23760
rantrantrantCategory: abuse
I just got home from work. At 2am. Went in at 7am this morning.
Have to be back at 7am tomorrow- until noon on saturday.
They are killing me.
And taking a sick day/personal day/etc is not an option.
the thing is, one of the guys there until 2 with me had been there since 7am the day before: i.e. about 43 hours, and he has to be back at 7 tomorrow too. And the "boss" that had been in operating from 5am til 2am: well it was his 20th wedding anniversary, and he didn't see his wife for one minute of it.
So it's not just me that's getting screwed, but it's really wearing me down.
I know i know i chose this and there's no one to blame but me, but god it sucks. I love what I do, but not being abused like this.
the other thing is that it's totally illegal. And at $25,000 per violation, you'd think they'd be a little more careful to at least TRY. Like the other hospitals know we stay too late, but they yell at us about it. They know we're not supposed to be there. But tonight there was no apology, no thank you, no nothing.
Ok that's not true. I got half a hot dog from louie's.
Ok, considering my 30hr day starts in about 4hr I guess I should go to bed.
6wk down, 12 to go...
oh yeah- and maybe i'm just overtired and cranky, but i just got an email that someone left me a comment on myspace, and i checked it out- andrew wrote "go back to friendster, bitch!" Now, i'm all for friendly ribbing and stuff, but there's nothing to that to even hint that's it's a joke. I assume it is, but I don't really see the point. I think he probably just wants to see if i reject the comment or not. stupid.
I just got home from work. At 2am. Went in at 7am this morning.
Have to be back at 7am tomorrow- until noon on saturday.
They are killing me.
And taking a sick day/personal day/etc is not an option.
the thing is, one of the guys there until 2 with me had been there since 7am the day before: i.e. about 43 hours, and he has to be back at 7 tomorrow too. And the "boss" that had been in operating from 5am til 2am: well it was his 20th wedding anniversary, and he didn't see his wife for one minute of it.
So it's not just me that's getting screwed, but it's really wearing me down.
I know i know i chose this and there's no one to blame but me, but god it sucks. I love what I do, but not being abused like this.
the other thing is that it's totally illegal. And at $25,000 per violation, you'd think they'd be a little more careful to at least TRY. Like the other hospitals know we stay too late, but they yell at us about it. They know we're not supposed to be there. But tonight there was no apology, no thank you, no nothing.
Ok that's not true. I got half a hot dog from louie's.
Ok, considering my 30hr day starts in about 4hr I guess I should go to bed.
6wk down, 12 to go...
oh yeah- and maybe i'm just overtired and cranky, but i just got an email that someone left me a comment on myspace, and i checked it out- andrew wrote "go back to friendster, bitch!" Now, i'm all for friendly ribbing and stuff, but there's nothing to that to even hint that's it's a joke. I assume it is, but I don't really see the point. I think he probably just wants to see if i reject the comment or not. stupid.
jenks - 01/13/06 19:47
yeah i think you do have to be friends to leave comments- this guy is a friend- on myspace and in real life. which is why his comment is even more weird.
yeah i think you do have to be friends to leave comments- this guy is a friend- on myspace and in real life. which is why his comment is even more weird.
metalpeter - 01/13/06 19:08
That is odd. I thought that to leave a comment on someones page you had to be one of there friends. I have tried to leave comments on non friends and it didn't let me. Maybe some day I'll run into you on myspace.
That is odd. I thought that to leave a comment on someones page you had to be one of there friends. I have tried to leave comments on non friends and it didn't let me. Maybe some day I'll run into you on myspace.
01/10/2006 06:53 #23759
secretsCategory: quickie
Going to be late for work; but-
For the record, I am not a fan of high-schoolish drama and secrets either. However I did have my reasons for remaining partially hidden that I can't/won't go into here.
Just in case anyone was wondering.
Have a great day peeps!
For the record, I am not a fan of high-schoolish drama and secrets either. However I did have my reasons for remaining partially hidden that I can't/won't go into here.
Just in case anyone was wondering.
Have a great day peeps!
01/08/2006 13:35 #23758
random thoughtshaha. Wow. Maybe I have ADD. Or maybe it's alzheimer's, ha. I had thought of a few things I wanted to say. And now I can't remember a single one. Isn't that great.
Hmm. i was probably going to complain about work. Or boys. Or both.
So maybe you're better off for my brain fart.
No motivation to do anything. I should probably take my tree down. I really should study.
Instead I think I will make coffee, watch tv, and listen to music. After all, it's sunday afternoon... I need a little veg time once in a while. Work was a mess last night.
Oh I remembered some of my thoughts. (phew, I was was nervous for a minute.)
There is not much I hate in people more than closed-mindedness/intolerance, in any of its forms- particularly homophobia and religious-right-ism.
I went and saw Brokeback Mountain the other night with (e:theecarey) and (e:ladycroft). It's a touching/tragic love story. So it's about two guys. So what? Big deal. It's still love. When I got home I ran into my landlord/downstairs neighbor's new husband. I'd always thought he was a really cool guy. Always nice and really helpful, fixes stuff around the house, offers to help with groceries etc. I thought he was a real stand-up guy. So I ran into him, he asked how things were going, etc, I said I'd been to the movies, when he asked what we saw, I told him, and he goes "oh, yeah... isn't that the gay cowboy movie?" then elbows his friend and goes 'yeah, dan was the star of that one!" and they howl with laughter. Oh.... yeah.... I forgot, the 'call your friend gay' jokes are SO funny. Ick.
It's amazing to me how one stupid comment can completely change my opinion of someone.
I guess I will leave you with this picture of me... it was taken this summer, and the chick that took it just figured out how to download her pix and sent it to me, so I've never seen it til now. I think it's a little funny since it's not the typical smiley-face picture I usually let people take. I swear I look exactly the same in every single "smile for the camera" pic I have; kind of amusing. Looks very intense. ha. Don't mean to sound vain; I just think the pic is kind of funny. (and, I usually don't like pix of myself.) It's also a very rare picture of me and the ex; there are only about 3 in existence.

Hmm. i was probably going to complain about work. Or boys. Or both.
So maybe you're better off for my brain fart.
No motivation to do anything. I should probably take my tree down. I really should study.
Instead I think I will make coffee, watch tv, and listen to music. After all, it's sunday afternoon... I need a little veg time once in a while. Work was a mess last night.
Oh I remembered some of my thoughts. (phew, I was was nervous for a minute.)
There is not much I hate in people more than closed-mindedness/intolerance, in any of its forms- particularly homophobia and religious-right-ism.
I went and saw Brokeback Mountain the other night with (e:theecarey) and (e:ladycroft). It's a touching/tragic love story. So it's about two guys. So what? Big deal. It's still love. When I got home I ran into my landlord/downstairs neighbor's new husband. I'd always thought he was a really cool guy. Always nice and really helpful, fixes stuff around the house, offers to help with groceries etc. I thought he was a real stand-up guy. So I ran into him, he asked how things were going, etc, I said I'd been to the movies, when he asked what we saw, I told him, and he goes "oh, yeah... isn't that the gay cowboy movie?" then elbows his friend and goes 'yeah, dan was the star of that one!" and they howl with laughter. Oh.... yeah.... I forgot, the 'call your friend gay' jokes are SO funny. Ick.
It's amazing to me how one stupid comment can completely change my opinion of someone.
I guess I will leave you with this picture of me... it was taken this summer, and the chick that took it just figured out how to download her pix and sent it to me, so I've never seen it til now. I think it's a little funny since it's not the typical smiley-face picture I usually let people take. I swear I look exactly the same in every single "smile for the camera" pic I have; kind of amusing. Looks very intense. ha. Don't mean to sound vain; I just think the pic is kind of funny. (and, I usually don't like pix of myself.) It's also a very rare picture of me and the ex; there are only about 3 in existence.

mike - 05/26/07 22:04
and that is totally like the highest honor I can bestow on someone!
and that is totally like the highest honor I can bestow on someone!
mike - 05/26/07 22:03
wow i've been going back and reading old journals. this picture looks so tv -esque. It seems like a shot from a riveting show. Seriuosly you look very tv actress like here.
wow i've been going back and reading old journals. this picture looks so tv -esque. It seems like a shot from a riveting show. Seriuosly you look very tv actress like here.
jenks - 01/10/06 06:50
wow, thanks for the analysis everyone. No Ajay, it was months more before we broke up. And he broke up with me; I didn't want to. And I don't think I was pissed at him that night; then again there were often little things pissing me off, so maybe i was...
wow, thanks for the analysis everyone. No Ajay, it was months more before we broke up. And he broke up with me; I didn't want to. And I don't think I was pissed at him that night; then again there were often little things pissing me off, so maybe i was...
ajay - 01/10/06 00:49
OK, I'll chime in too. This is all to be taken with a grain of salt, of course.
I see conflict in the picture. Like you're attracted to him, and yet at the same time pissed off at him. He's bending down (a little) to look into your eyes; as if he's trying to reach out to you. Your right shoulder is turned away from him; like you're preparing to leave. Did you break up (or decide to break up) soon after this picture was taken?
OK, I'll chime in too. This is all to be taken with a grain of salt, of course.
I see conflict in the picture. Like you're attracted to him, and yet at the same time pissed off at him. He's bending down (a little) to look into your eyes; as if he's trying to reach out to you. Your right shoulder is turned away from him; like you're preparing to leave. Did you break up (or decide to break up) soon after this picture was taken?
metalpeter - 01/09/06 19:54
My sister (who is stright) went to see that movie with her gay friends, she said it was good. I have no interest in seeing a love story about cowboys. Now if it where a western shoot em up movie and As one of the guys as he slowly dies from a gun shot or Rattle Snake bit admits his love to a member of his gang as a last favor he admits his true love back then blows him then after the BJ he dies in his arms. Then he has to seak revenge then fine. If it was graffic it wouldn't bother me. But a love story about Cowboys isn't my thing. I have learned over the years that someone can be a stand up person and be prejudiced at the same time. It is my beleif that 99.9% of the people in the world are in some form. You have Religion (muslums, jews, and christians think the others are going to hell), sexual orintation, gender, skin color, country of origin/desendants and cultrual differances. It is how you feal about people it is how you treat them. The real question is what would the guy do if you where with a gay guy and other people started harrasing you. I'm guessing he would step up and protect you.
My sister (who is stright) went to see that movie with her gay friends, she said it was good. I have no interest in seeing a love story about cowboys. Now if it where a western shoot em up movie and As one of the guys as he slowly dies from a gun shot or Rattle Snake bit admits his love to a member of his gang as a last favor he admits his true love back then blows him then after the BJ he dies in his arms. Then he has to seak revenge then fine. If it was graffic it wouldn't bother me. But a love story about Cowboys isn't my thing. I have learned over the years that someone can be a stand up person and be prejudiced at the same time. It is my beleif that 99.9% of the people in the world are in some form. You have Religion (muslums, jews, and christians think the others are going to hell), sexual orintation, gender, skin color, country of origin/desendants and cultrual differances. It is how you feal about people it is how you treat them. The real question is what would the guy do if you where with a gay guy and other people started harrasing you. I'm guessing he would step up and protect you.
jenks - 01/08/06 16:05
I remember the night; not the particular convo. It was one of the few times we were out "in public" together. I can't tell if I look pissed, or like I'm about to kiss him, ha. I like the light in my hair though.
I remember the night; not the particular convo. It was one of the few times we were out "in public" together. I can't tell if I look pissed, or like I'm about to kiss him, ha. I like the light in my hair though.
theecarey - 01/08/06 15:59
It is an intriguing picture. With it being randomly shot there is so much information coming through that a regular, "say cheese" picture wouldn't capture. The picture quality is very clear as well, like that of a still movie frame, enhancing its authenticity. A moment in conversation, the personal exchange of thoughts between two people are suspended forever. Thats wild. Do you remember this conversation?
It is an intriguing picture. With it being randomly shot there is so much information coming through that a regular, "say cheese" picture wouldn't capture. The picture quality is very clear as well, like that of a still movie frame, enhancing its authenticity. A moment in conversation, the personal exchange of thoughts between two people are suspended forever. Thats wild. Do you remember this conversation?
ladycroft - 01/08/06 15:47
candids are always the best if you can capture them.
candids are always the best if you can capture them.
Lot of that going round. I was all set to play and was done in by a hockey game traffic jam. Sorry the wheels came off.
my bad, i just got the information all mixed up. rest assured, you will NOT be alone on your birthday missy!!!
Hey don't feel bad, I stayed home last night as well. It must have been the rain or the realization that their budgets in the future are going to need some tweeking given the rising cost of fuel. From my buddy that did end up going out and calling me at 3:00am ( I live out in the boonies of Youngstown, How am I going to get out at that hour!!!) it was dead most everywhere and you didn't miss much. Heck, even Wegman's this afternoon seemed very slow.
Yeah that preaty much sucks, I have missed a couple (e:strip) get togathers by falling asleep. Firday I couldn't stay awake for Wrestling. I'm sure you will go out for your birthday I have a fealing there may be a couple people who will make you go out. Belive it or not you could go out by your self then once out and about (assuming you have a cellphone) then call people that way if everyone is busy you are still out and about.