Dear guest who just sent me a "warning"-
Thank you... Do I know you? Who are you? How can I talk to you?
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Jenks's Journal
My Podcast Link
09/12/2006 17:22 #23830
More mystery...04/09/2006 22:13 #23829
open letterCategory: :(
Dear men/boys of Buffalo:
You suck.
You have broken me.
You win.
I give up.
(and you don't even care.)
Love, J
You suck.
You have broken me.
You win.
I give up.
(and you don't even care.)
Love, J
metalpeter - 04/10/06 19:03
(Um I'm Right Here, Kidding, I hardly know ya so maybe I shouldn't joke like that). Compatability is often tuff to find. I can't speak for you but with me all the cool chicks that I could see myself where allready taken and the few who warn't I had no fealings for or that wasn't what they wanted. [I gave up for a good about of time back in my a little bit more socail days to, so I sord of get it]. Don't ask why there are () and [] it makes no sense really. Hope things get better for ya.
(Um I'm Right Here, Kidding, I hardly know ya so maybe I shouldn't joke like that). Compatability is often tuff to find. I can't speak for you but with me all the cool chicks that I could see myself where allready taken and the few who warn't I had no fealings for or that wasn't what they wanted. [I gave up for a good about of time back in my a little bit more socail days to, so I sord of get it]. Don't ask why there are () and [] it makes no sense really. Hope things get better for ya.
sbrugger - 04/10/06 11:21 heck with that...I'm going to comment.
There are some great guys around here (you've said as much yourself..)...there are some assholes. The same can be said of the girls/women in the area. We can either sit around crying about the assholes or we can go out and find the great ones. (and then not dismiss them when we meet them...but I
But saying we all suck and have broken you? C'mon Jenks... heck with that...I'm going to comment.
There are some great guys around here (you've said as much yourself..)...there are some assholes. The same can be said of the girls/women in the area. We can either sit around crying about the assholes or we can go out and find the great ones. (and then not dismiss them when we meet them...but I
But saying we all suck and have broken you? C'mon Jenks...
ajay - 04/10/06 01:17
Don't be disheartened.
There are other fish in Lake Erie. Not all of them are polluted. :)
Don't be disheartened.
There are other fish in Lake Erie. Not all of them are polluted. :)
vincent - 04/10/06 00:43
I am so sorry.
There have been times in my life where I have felt that same esssence of fustration.
For me it just took time and subconsciously letting go to have someone stumble across my path that was a descent human being. We are not together anymore, but it was fun, healing and wholesome while it lasted.
I am so sorry.
There have been times in my life where I have felt that same esssence of fustration.
For me it just took time and subconsciously letting go to have someone stumble across my path that was a descent human being. We are not together anymore, but it was fun, healing and wholesome while it lasted.
theecarey - 04/09/06 23:46
Are they better elsewhere? (just kidding, guys!)
MrMike has it: hang in there.
Are they better elsewhere? (just kidding, guys!)
MrMike has it: hang in there.
boxerboi - 04/09/06 22:52
do the gay ones count?
do the gay ones count?
04/09/2006 13:13 #23828
more music...Hmmm... not too much to say lately I guess. I hate ECMC. I hate trauma. Spent 24 hours yesterday dealing with a guy in a car accident- started at 6:01- i hadn't even taken my coat off, when mercyflight got there. Then we had to go to CT scan and stuff- he was fucked up. High speed car accident, they don't know what happened except that they found him 40' from the car. His skull was broken in like 10 places, and his brain was dead. So we spent most of the day going through all the official tests and paperwork to declare him officially brain dead. Lots of family hanging around the ICU crying all day... it sucks. But some good came of it... we were in the OR from 2am to 6am harvesting his organs. That's a weird experience. I think the med student almost cried when she saw the heart start to slow down and stop. (like literally SAW the heart stop.) Tragedy that they couldn't use his heart for transplant. Nice healthy 28 year old heart went to "waste". Oh well... we got kidneys and liver, and they might take tissue (skin, bone, eyes, etc) too- so that can help at LEAST 3 people. And I stayed late to sew him up nicely. Figured it's the least I could do for the poor family...
Ok, sorry, wasn't planning on posting that but it just came out.
What I was PLANNING on doing was posting this song. A random friend that I love but never hear from (a frat brother of an ex) emailed it to me out of the blue... lyrics and all. And it seems to fit in with the theme around here lately...
So I give you 'your ex-lover is dead', by Stars.
Dammit. It's too big. So until I manage to crop it down somehow, you just get lyrics. And instead my user song is a boppy little techno tune (streamline, by newton) from this Pepsi commercial with Jimmy Fallon and Parker Posey. (I love when he scoots on his ass. Jimmy Fallon is adorable.)
Oh my god that one is too big too!!
Ok. Last one. Some happy indian dance music for Timika.
God that was strange to see you again
Introduced by a friend of a friend
Smiled and said 'yes I think we've met before'
In that instant it started to pour,
Captured a taxi despite all the rain
We drove in silence across pont champlain
And all of the time you thought I was sad
I was trying to remember your name...
This scar is a fleck on my porcelain skin
Tried to reach deep but you couldn't get in
Now you're outside me
You see all the beauty
Repent all your sin
It's nothing but time and a face that you lose
I chose to feel it and you couldn't chose
I'll write you a postcard
I'll send you the news
From a house down the road from real love...
Live through this, and you won't look back...
Live through this, and you won't look back...
Live through this, and you won't look back...
There's one thing I want to say, so I'll be brave
You were what I wanted
I gave what I gave
I'm not sorry I met you
I'm not sorry it's over
I'm not sorry there's nothing to say
I'm not sorry there's nothing to say...
Ok, sorry, wasn't planning on posting that but it just came out.
What I was PLANNING on doing was posting this song. A random friend that I love but never hear from (a frat brother of an ex) emailed it to me out of the blue... lyrics and all. And it seems to fit in with the theme around here lately...
So I give you 'your ex-lover is dead', by Stars.
Dammit. It's too big. So until I manage to crop it down somehow, you just get lyrics. And instead my user song is a boppy little techno tune (streamline, by newton) from this Pepsi commercial with Jimmy Fallon and Parker Posey. (I love when he scoots on his ass. Jimmy Fallon is adorable.)

Oh my god that one is too big too!!
Ok. Last one. Some happy indian dance music for Timika.
God that was strange to see you again
Introduced by a friend of a friend
Smiled and said 'yes I think we've met before'
In that instant it started to pour,
Captured a taxi despite all the rain
We drove in silence across pont champlain
And all of the time you thought I was sad
I was trying to remember your name...
This scar is a fleck on my porcelain skin
Tried to reach deep but you couldn't get in
Now you're outside me
You see all the beauty
Repent all your sin
It's nothing but time and a face that you lose
I chose to feel it and you couldn't chose
I'll write you a postcard
I'll send you the news
From a house down the road from real love...
Live through this, and you won't look back...
Live through this, and you won't look back...
Live through this, and you won't look back...
There's one thing I want to say, so I'll be brave
You were what I wanted
I gave what I gave
I'm not sorry I met you
I'm not sorry it's over
I'm not sorry there's nothing to say
I'm not sorry there's nothing to say...
olemanrunin - 04/09/06 21:48
sad, happy, funny commercial - you could be somebody's hero really - heroine...
sad, happy, funny commercial - you could be somebody's hero really - heroine...
deeglam - 04/09/06 18:26
trauma has to be sooooooooooo hard to work in. I can't even imagine the shit you o man....
trauma has to be sooooooooooo hard to work in. I can't even imagine the shit you o man....
04/07/2006 23:50 #23827
Welsey WellisFunny.... in my last post I mentioned Wesley Willis ((e:jenks,105)). And then Lee mentioned him today. ((e:leetee,159)). So just for you Lee, my new usersound is "I whupped Batman's ass" by Wesley Willis himself. But since I just realized you can't hear usersounds, I will try to put it up (along with some other bonus songs) in Gather, if I can find it....
Ok, I found gather, in Firefox. Not working in safari at the moment it seems.
But anyway... my frist gather uploads-
"I whupped Batman's ass"
"Johnny Depp"
and finally-
"Suck a caribou's dick"
hope they work for you Lee!
Ok, I found gather, in Firefox. Not working in safari at the moment it seems.
But anyway... my frist gather uploads-
"I whupped Batman's ass"
"Johnny Depp"
and finally-
"Suck a caribou's dick"
hope they work for you Lee!
leetee - 04/08/06 00:22
i couldnt pick up I wupped Batmans Ass" 'cause it has the same gather number as "Doin Time In Jail" that Zobar uploaded... interesting
i couldnt pick up I wupped Batmans Ass" 'cause it has the same gather number as "Doin Time In Jail" that Zobar uploaded... interesting
leetee - 04/08/06 00:08
Thanks, Jenks! Working on getting them right now!! :)
Thanks, Jenks! Working on getting them right now!! :)
leetee - 04/07/06 23:52
awe, thanks for the thought... putting it up on gather is very sweet of you. Hope you can get things sorted with gather on your computer. If you dont get the chance to put it up, then dont worry about it one bit. It really is the thought that counts. :)
awe, thanks for the thought... putting it up on gather is very sweet of you. Hope you can get things sorted with gather on your computer. If you dont get the chance to put it up, then dont worry about it one bit. It really is the thought that counts. :)
04/06/2006 10:38 #23826
mmm, lint clotCategory: music
So I felt like switching up my song... and was looking through itunes... I have SO much music I have never even listened to... I found so many things I wanted to put up... Decided on this b/c this guy is so insane that it's funny. Makes me feel better about my life. ;)
ooh... speaking of insane... maybe i should put up Wesley Willis. There's an idea... You'll have to stay tuned. So much to share with you all!
And I am still taking suggestions for vacation... please!
ooh... speaking of insane... maybe i should put up Wesley Willis. There's an idea... You'll have to stay tuned. So much to share with you all!
And I am still taking suggestions for vacation... please!
mrmike - 04/06/06 18:10
Pooh on cruises. ANything requiring a social director seems off. I prefer a knowledgeable conceirge myself. Sounds like a Jamaican beach would be the ticket.
Pooh on cruises. ANything requiring a social director seems off. I prefer a knowledgeable conceirge myself. Sounds like a Jamaican beach would be the ticket.
mrdt - 04/06/06 14:03
i've never been on a cruise and usually my vactions are more of an adventure that wear me out more than everyday life. I think you just need to relax and soak up some sun, though. I'm thinking Mexico and not Americanized mexico like Cancun but somewhere you can soak up some culture and relax resting your body/mind while reinvigorating your soul. i'm thinking 4 nights, 5 days and the rest of the time you should explore Toronto or Niagara Falls--- there's a web site that sells off vaction packages pretty cheap.
i've never been on a cruise and usually my vactions are more of an adventure that wear me out more than everyday life. I think you just need to relax and soak up some sun, though. I'm thinking Mexico and not Americanized mexico like Cancun but somewhere you can soak up some culture and relax resting your body/mind while reinvigorating your soul. i'm thinking 4 nights, 5 days and the rest of the time you should explore Toronto or Niagara Falls--- there's a web site that sells off vaction packages pretty cheap.
mystery guest with a warning...a warning about what....sounds fun...tell me more