But we managed to un-Farkle things a little bit, and Mom, Kate and I did make it to the spa this morning. I didn't have time for the mani/pedi, but that's ok since I'd have to take the nail polish off at work tomorrow anyway. So I just had a facial. They led us to the locker room to get changed, and I thought "why in the world do I need to take my bra off for a facial?", but I did anyway. But I almost forgot until the last second that i needed to be extra careful to not let Mom see any piercings. But so I went for the facial, which is basically an hour of laying there smelling incense and listening to trance-y new age music while half-falling asleep while they put about 18 different layers of lotion on your face/neck/decollatage (hehe what a great word). I'm not sure it actually does anything for my skin, but man does it feel good. Especially the little 30 seconds of neck/shoulder massage. That is nearly a sexual experience for me. I dunno... backrubs absolutely melt me. But while we were at the Spa, my dad, brother and brother-in-law went hanggliding. I didn't have time to join in. But I learned later that there wasn't enough wind, and "it was a really fun day, but.... we didn't get more than 18" off the ground."
So anyway, I'm back. Done with the CHOB. Curious to hear how the whole mess there turned out. Think I might email the guy involved, even though I probably shouldn't, because I am not good at letting go.
Here are a few pix.

The cutest dad in the world. I gave him one of those sappy tearjerker hallmark birthday cards. Cuz he deserves it. :)

Classy!! I especially like that they left out the "a" in 'You're A whale of a dad'. And I like the turd-looking palm trees.

I lit all 60 candles without burning myself, and he blew 'em all out.

The house.

Looking... southeast I think


One of the many balconies.
massages are wonderful..I turn to mush. For my first facial, I too was confused as to why I had to strip down. Now I get it. Good stuff.
Looked like a nice trip. Glad it was a safe one.
Great pics! Thanks for the peek and welcome home
What a great way to celebrate your Dad's 60th birthday! I'll always treasure the weekend my family spent on Fire Island to celebrate :::link::: my grandmother's 90th birthday. The time goes by so quickly -- it's great to take a moment to document it. Thanks for sharing!
p.s. - nice Bloc Party usersound!