I finally just followed the link in an email a friend sent me months ago...
I guess there was a contest where people re-cut the trailers to famous movies to make them seem like something different- the winner was for the the Shining.
Check it out- worth it I promise.

What is with the freaky snow today??
I am in major culture shock... At Children's we're not allowed to do ANYTHING without getting approval from the Fellows, which is why people hate it so much. But overnight I went from that, to ECMC where my interns are asking me "what do you want to do, boss?" I'm not sure I remember how to make decisions on my own...
And we skin-grafted some burned hands today... For some reason that one case makes me kind of queasy. Burns in general are gross, and hands are especially bad. shudder... gives me the chills. But, he should be fine, so that's good.
People get burned in the stupidest ways... I'm coming to learn that most (serious) burns involve some majorly stupid choices. Like falling asleep with your cigarette with your oxygen on.... throwing gasoline on a fire while drunk... or a good one today- taking a hammer and chisel to the gas tank of a car that's been on its side in your backyard for six years. (he assumed that the gas would be gone after all that time, but didn't bother to check- and it exploded on him.)
And my tongue hurts... I got "a talking to" yesterday about the tongue ring... Seems someone took issue, and rather than talk to me about it, went over my head to the fucking CHAIRMAN. Not cool. But he told me that he'd never noticed it, didn't personally have a problem with it, and admitted that there is no dress code and thus he can't MAKE me take it out. Also said that I am judged by my performance, and that as long as this doesn't affect my performance, I should be ok. Said he'd like to just put in my file that we "had this conversation" and he will "leave it to my discretion" and leave it at that. So I'm not really sure what to do... No, they can't MAKE me take it out. But at the same time, surgery is an ultra-conservative old boys' club. And I don't want to rock the boat. I'd always said that the minute someone said something, i'd take it out... But now that that time has come- I don't really want to. I mean I guess I'm not that especially attached to the thing, but it's been in 9 years... would feel weird without it. So today i switched to a 'flesh colored' retainer... but it's too short and has sort of sharp edges, so it's hurting me and making it feel weird to eat.
What a bunch of BS though. Isn't it 2006 around here? Bleh.
Hmm... seems my bi-weekly thai craving is setting in. Might have to see what I can do about that, since it's been so long since I've been to the grocery story that I've been eating popcorn/toast for dinner lately.
take care peeps.
p.s. dare I admit my horrible guilty-pleasure purchase? I just bought the new Sean Paul cd. I think I should be embarrassed. But... but.... I must admit the beat makes me bop my head. I have no shame. ;)
oh my god that's horrible... But I can totally believe it. Yes, the burn unit is right across the hall from the TICU. And to be honest, I can't believe that doesn't happen more often. The nurses in there are superhuman to do what they do... Scrubbing and scraping all that raw, burned skin till it bleeds (sorry, was that too much?)... While the patients are screaming for them to stop... Twice a day, with (i'm sure) not nearly enough morphine. Yeah... I'm not usually comfortable with my "authority" and I'm not really into the "you do it because I'm the doctor and you're the nurse" attitude- but that is one thing I gladly leave to them.
Or my personal favorite:
proceed to the 3-bay sink, which is filled with ice and water, and take an enormous gravity bong-hit from the 3 liter bottle, meanwhile your saute pan heating up is getting way two hot.
Fire the fish. add fat to the pan and watch it start to burn and flare up. remove pan from heat. add the fish to pan --- hot fat flies from the pan to hand instantly killing nerves and sending cold messages to the brain.
Suck it up like a man and get back to work. no time for the hospital, not with orders up. ice it gradually... remember it everytime you look at your hand... respect the fire.
ha ha, your posts remind me of grey's anatomy episodes. i say leave the tounge ring. have you ever read the tipping point? it can take just one person to preciptate change.
regarding the burns...i remeber when my daughters father was at the ICU at ECMC for months, which was and might still be on the same floor as the burn unit, and a man got free from the burn unit and ran down the hall and started scraming at all the people in the ICU waiting unit..."THEY"RE KILLING ME HERE, PLEASE HELP HELP HELP....." and was pleading with anyone who would listen, until the nurses or orderlies caught up to him and hauled him away. it was so disturbing. like a scene out of a movie, because i can gurantee you, everyone who was standing there, wondered if they're really torturing this man, even if our rational minds told us otherwise.
sorry for the grammar and the mispellings, i'm a little drunk,....well a lot of drunk...i know, i know, it's only 9pm but i've been drinking since 5pm and have been rechecking this comment for the last 20 min.