Since I got this anonymously, this is the only way I can respond:
"I really dislike you. You are annoying, self absorbed, and downright annoying. You aren't very pretty. You are chubby. You say "boy" far to often for a woman your age. You pretend that you are far to good for most people when really you just aren't. Good luck with all that."
I am sorry to hear you really dislike me. Can't win 'em all, right? Since I don't know who you are, I don't know if I have met you, and I can't say if I like you or not. However if you are who I think you are, and/or you think anonymous insults are an acceptable form of communication- I lean towards not liking you either. But who knows... I try to give people the benefit of the doubt; at least until I've met them and can form an opinion.
I am annoying, and downright annoying. Not sure what to say to that. I'm sorry you feel that way.
As far as being self-absorbed- please remember this is my journal. It's mine, so it's about me, and it's a journal, so it's where I bitch and say whatever I want. I actually care very much about other people- too much at times, as a matter of fact.
I'm not very pretty... well thanks. Not much I can do about that one... I'm doing the best I can with what I've got.
I'm chubby. Yes, I am. And I'm working on it. But thanks for pointing out what is probably my biggest insecurity.
I say boy too much... Gee, what a crime. If you would prefer I use his real name rather than "the boy", I'd be happy to, but I thought I'd try to keep names out of it.
And I think I'm too good for everyone... well that's simply not true. I'm proud of my accomplishments, and I do hope to eventually be with someone that I respect- But i certainly don't think I'm "too good" for everyone.
Since I'm not sure you're who I think you are, I will refrain from passing judgment publicly. I will just say 'good luck with all that' to you too.
If you would like to discuss this further, please leave a way for me to contact you, and I'll gladly do so and we can take this discussion out of the public eye.
Jenks's Journal
My Podcast Link
09/17/2006 11:44 #23950
Fan mail09/16/2006 12:56 #23949
random stuffCategory: boring
I should write a book about the boy drama. It involves internet espionage, name-calling, vicious emails, the silent game, and mystery guests. It might be a best-seller.
Unfortunately that drama continues b/c I am an idiot and just cannot move on. I thought I was getting better, but as I proved to myself (and poor imk) last night- it is still ALL I can talk about. And as anyone who knows me knows- I can talk.
But we were also talking- where have all the peeps gone?? There are like 20 people that post regularly. I swear there used to be more. Hmmmmm.
So not all that many people post, but SOMEONE sure is reading... I have been naive enough until now to think that no one outside of this site reads my journal. I mean, why would they? And how/why would they even find it? But (e:matthew) told me once that one of his kid's mom likes my journal... And then my mystery guest found me... And then as yvonne pointed out- right now I have 224 journals. And 36,000+ views. Someone besides the 20-or-so active estrippers are reading. Hmmm...
I think I have to go to the mall. I don't want to, but my favorite (and only) jeans have a big hole in them. But, maybe I can peek at the new ipods. I am still trying to resist the call of that ridiculously overpriced new tivo box. I really think my ridiculously overpriced tv NEEDS it though....
Duh... I just had to come back to edit this, b/c I forgot the whole reason I wanted to post-
It has gotten to the point that I simply tune out all political talk. I just can't deal with it. And I'm not so into the Bush-bashing- but this video is kind of interesting. I'm not so sure there's pathology there besides getting older and being busy/distracted- but there is a big difference.
Bush: 10 yrs ago vs now:
Unfortunately that drama continues b/c I am an idiot and just cannot move on. I thought I was getting better, but as I proved to myself (and poor imk) last night- it is still ALL I can talk about. And as anyone who knows me knows- I can talk.
But we were also talking- where have all the peeps gone?? There are like 20 people that post regularly. I swear there used to be more. Hmmmmm.
So not all that many people post, but SOMEONE sure is reading... I have been naive enough until now to think that no one outside of this site reads my journal. I mean, why would they? And how/why would they even find it? But (e:matthew) told me once that one of his kid's mom likes my journal... And then my mystery guest found me... And then as yvonne pointed out- right now I have 224 journals. And 36,000+ views. Someone besides the 20-or-so active estrippers are reading. Hmmm...
I think I have to go to the mall. I don't want to, but my favorite (and only) jeans have a big hole in them. But, maybe I can peek at the new ipods. I am still trying to resist the call of that ridiculously overpriced new tivo box. I really think my ridiculously overpriced tv NEEDS it though....
Duh... I just had to come back to edit this, b/c I forgot the whole reason I wanted to post-
It has gotten to the point that I simply tune out all political talk. I just can't deal with it. And I'm not so into the Bush-bashing- but this video is kind of interesting. I'm not so sure there's pathology there besides getting older and being busy/distracted- but there is a big difference.
Bush: 10 yrs ago vs now:

pyrcedgrrl - 09/17/06 03:01
Remember that if you have posted any pictures they are searchable through Google photos. If one of your pictures happens to come up for a search and that person happens to click on it it may be registering as a view. I doubt anyone is interested enough in ANYONE'S journal to merit 36,000 views.
Remember that if you have posted any pictures they are searchable through Google photos. If one of your pictures happens to come up for a search and that person happens to click on it it may be registering as a view. I doubt anyone is interested enough in ANYONE'S journal to merit 36,000 views.
paul - 09/16/06 22:52
There are a lot of reasons. The foremost being that I never promote the site anymore now that I am so busy with other things. Anyone who gets here nowadays is purely through fate. It really needs a whole advertsing campaign and I used to do that kind of stuff a lot. Also many of the people I knew through school and we all graduated. What I really wanted was an articel somewhere about the site, the problem being also that I don't necessarily want to attract the myspace crowd, call me blogscentric.
I also think as the site became more public it scared away a lot of people who used to talk about stuff they felt open about only within this closed environment. I know I changed the way I post sometimes. Okay well not very much, but for other people it affected there writing a lot. Look at what happend with you and the dog boy. I am sure stuff like happens to lots of people and then they question they idea of maintaining the public persona or just quitting.
Still even more people don't have their own computers or steady internet connections. I can;t imagine what their lives are like.
And even more so I think it has to do with a lot of weird interpersonal things that most people don't realize. I think there is a lot of behind the scenes drama that goes on and affects people.
There are a lot of reasons. The foremost being that I never promote the site anymore now that I am so busy with other things. Anyone who gets here nowadays is purely through fate. It really needs a whole advertsing campaign and I used to do that kind of stuff a lot. Also many of the people I knew through school and we all graduated. What I really wanted was an articel somewhere about the site, the problem being also that I don't necessarily want to attract the myspace crowd, call me blogscentric.
I also think as the site became more public it scared away a lot of people who used to talk about stuff they felt open about only within this closed environment. I know I changed the way I post sometimes. Okay well not very much, but for other people it affected there writing a lot. Look at what happend with you and the dog boy. I am sure stuff like happens to lots of people and then they question they idea of maintaining the public persona or just quitting.
Still even more people don't have their own computers or steady internet connections. I can;t imagine what their lives are like.
And even more so I think it has to do with a lot of weird interpersonal things that most people don't realize. I think there is a lot of behind the scenes drama that goes on and affects people.
kookcity2000 - 09/16/06 22:05
how do you tell how many views you have?
how do you tell how many views you have?
metalpeter - 09/16/06 14:43
you have wrtiing 238 posts based on your post # or 225 actual journals that are up so when I did the math based on the 238 you had about 151 looks per journal. If you look at your own journal when not logged in you get counted, not sure how the rest of the counting really works, I'm sure (e:Paul) could explain it in great detail for yeah. What you say is correct about there being a lot of people who don't post verry often. I'm not sure why that is. I know some people don't have the time to post. I won't say the persons name but there is someones whos posts I allways read but she dosn't really post anymore. I know there are a few self professed Serial Readers who Just read the journals. I wonder if there is this outside in side circle thing going on. It almost seems like there are these small groups of people who know each other and that if not in that group it makes it hard to post. If no one knew me why would they care what I had to say about my day. Things other then my day like politics or sex might grab there interest. That might be one reason a lot of people don't post. Maybe there where people who got lost over that terms of service thing way back. Not sure just kinda guessing. I can remember when I would post and I was never close to the top 10. Now It seems I'm always in the list of the top 15. Hopefully some of the new people will continue to post. In terms of who is reading Journals I'm sure it is people other then members of the site. Who they are I have no idea, I'm guessing a good portion of them find the site searching the net for stuff.
That gives me an idea if (e:theecarey) or (e:Paul) is reading it. Maybe on the front page of the site have a survey box for how someone found the site. Those surveys could change over time.
you have wrtiing 238 posts based on your post # or 225 actual journals that are up so when I did the math based on the 238 you had about 151 looks per journal. If you look at your own journal when not logged in you get counted, not sure how the rest of the counting really works, I'm sure (e:Paul) could explain it in great detail for yeah. What you say is correct about there being a lot of people who don't post verry often. I'm not sure why that is. I know some people don't have the time to post. I won't say the persons name but there is someones whos posts I allways read but she dosn't really post anymore. I know there are a few self professed Serial Readers who Just read the journals. I wonder if there is this outside in side circle thing going on. It almost seems like there are these small groups of people who know each other and that if not in that group it makes it hard to post. If no one knew me why would they care what I had to say about my day. Things other then my day like politics or sex might grab there interest. That might be one reason a lot of people don't post. Maybe there where people who got lost over that terms of service thing way back. Not sure just kinda guessing. I can remember when I would post and I was never close to the top 10. Now It seems I'm always in the list of the top 15. Hopefully some of the new people will continue to post. In terms of who is reading Journals I'm sure it is people other then members of the site. Who they are I have no idea, I'm guessing a good portion of them find the site searching the net for stuff.
That gives me an idea if (e:theecarey) or (e:Paul) is reading it. Maybe on the front page of the site have a survey box for how someone found the site. Those surveys could change over time.
09/13/2006 21:23 #23948
day from hellgod dammit.
So I'm already in a pissy mood. And then my post got erased and there's no restore button. I fucking hate microsoft.
Work kicks my ass today. I have not eaten breakfast, lunch, or dinner, or peed. The cafeteria is now closed, and I have no small bills for the vending machines. Guess I will eat saltines and diet ginger ale for dinner. (not a bad diet, though- I have lost a few pounds already. :| )
Not to mention the fucking disaster drama in my personal life, that is making me lose sleep and have nightmares and feel sick to my stomach. I hate drama, but I seem to be a drama magnet.
I don't know what to do about it. Put up a fight? Roll over and play dead? Do what a normal person would do, say fuck it, cut my losses, and move on? It's eating me up.
And then some bitch in the ER just paged me and gave me attitude b/c she has some million year old guy that has been waiting there for 9 hours. I said "ok we'll see him as soon as we can, but we are SWAMPED." And she got pissy and said 'he's been here 9 hours." yeah that sucks, but I only heard about him 30 seconds ago. Give me a minute...
Sorry. I'm cranky.
But on a good note- I got flirted-with in the OR, I might get to be social this weekend, and the coffee machine at work is working again!
Ok, can't blow off the ER anymore...
later peeps.
So I'm already in a pissy mood. And then my post got erased and there's no restore button. I fucking hate microsoft.
Work kicks my ass today. I have not eaten breakfast, lunch, or dinner, or peed. The cafeteria is now closed, and I have no small bills for the vending machines. Guess I will eat saltines and diet ginger ale for dinner. (not a bad diet, though- I have lost a few pounds already. :| )
Not to mention the fucking disaster drama in my personal life, that is making me lose sleep and have nightmares and feel sick to my stomach. I hate drama, but I seem to be a drama magnet.
I don't know what to do about it. Put up a fight? Roll over and play dead? Do what a normal person would do, say fuck it, cut my losses, and move on? It's eating me up.
And then some bitch in the ER just paged me and gave me attitude b/c she has some million year old guy that has been waiting there for 9 hours. I said "ok we'll see him as soon as we can, but we are SWAMPED." And she got pissy and said 'he's been here 9 hours." yeah that sucks, but I only heard about him 30 seconds ago. Give me a minute...
Sorry. I'm cranky.
But on a good note- I got flirted-with in the OR, I might get to be social this weekend, and the coffee machine at work is working again!
Ok, can't blow off the ER anymore...
later peeps.
09/11/2006 16:08 #23946
guest commentJust got a cryptic postit from 'guest'... about Mobius??
I have no clue.
I have no clue.
09/08/2006 17:29 #23944
testing, testingOk, so I just spent FAR to long working on this... Now to see if it will post.
And can I just say- Photoshop is NOT an intuitive program? All this crap with layers... I couldn't figure out how to do the simplest thing- put a little border/frame around it.
Oh well.
Enjoy... (and give it a second... it should change)

And can I just say- Photoshop is NOT an intuitive program? All this crap with layers... I couldn't figure out how to do the simplest thing- put a little border/frame around it.
Oh well.
Enjoy... (and give it a second... it should change)

libertad - 09/08/06 21:15
cute. looks like that would have been a pita to do. but hey, I really need to take a class or something in photo editing.
cute. looks like that would have been a pita to do. but hey, I really need to take a class or something in photo editing.
Oh yeah, and he would sooner die than write "to often" "to good" and "arent"- which is part of what I liked so much in him. haha.
I doubt it's him. He couldn't be bothered even acknowledging me these days. And, it's not his writing style. I assume it's a girl b/c what guy says 'chubby'- and what guy calls a chick out for not being pretty enough and using the word 'boy' too much? I totally think it's a girl. Who or why, I don't know. I had a hunch, but I think I'm wrong. I'm sure I'll never know. And you all are right- I shouldn't have even dignified it with a response, but I am somehow incapable of letting a phone call/email/text message/IM etc go without a response. (the bad thing is I expect the same from others.)
But I didn't expect all this response, peeps! Thanks!
I think (e:ladycroft) is on to something.
My money's on The Boy as the author of the note; failing that, The Boy's wife/girlfriend.
interesting, imk2 and joshua both insinuate it is a female that wrote the post-it. is it easier to assume that kind of talk from a jealous girl rather than some asshole of a guy? just a random thought.
I don't understand the point in posting this/responding to some moron who sends around anonymous messages. Why give them the satisfaction? They seriously don't deserve the time and effort it took you to write this.
Whatever, whoever wrote that to you is obviously a giant toolbox with an axe to grind. They doubtlessly have their own flaws they need to worry about instead of griefing you.
Wow. That is the email of a seriously disturbed person. Or someone who is very threatened by you. You handled it better than I could have, and I consider myself pretty diplomatic.
You might consider changing your preferences to not accept anonymous messages until this thing blows over. You wouldn't be censoring yourself - just denying the anonymous a voice through your journal.
There is nothing I can say that Imk didn't say better already other than "here, Here." Good for you for taking the high road. You're a class act. There, unfortunately, are assholes everywhere. Do n't let them get to you. You're a beautiful intelligent woman who doesn't have to act above nonsense like the "guest," because you are above the guest. If he/shit/it had any integrity, they would reveal themselves to you instead of cowardly hiding behind such anonymous immaturity.
Delete em, move on
you know what jenks, i like your response. i probably would have been much nastier and harsher but one cant really do that when you dont know who it is that's insulting you. i guess the thing to realize is that anyone (you, me, bill clinton) who puts personal beliefs, opinions, views and/or talents in public view will always have those that dislike/disagree with what you do or say. this is just like our amazing video and the person who told us to jump of a bridge and join weight watchers. But the thing is, someone will always dislike you even when you dont have a public journal or when you’re not in the public light. it just cant be avoided. the only difference here is that they can share their feelings toward you without revealing their identity. if you didnt have a public journal, those that did not like you would have no way of telling you that they dont like you without revealing who they are, so instead, people just talk behind your back.
this happens everyday to everyone, all the time, in one way or another. remember, we were talking about this the other day. you never know what people think about because people will usually never tell you for fear of a confrontation. that’s why the electronic world has given people who normally would hang their head low and keep their mouth shut an enormous set of balls. they finally feel like they can stand up to people or bully people or insult them without getting their ass pounded in.
so dont worry a tiny bit about this idiot. and to them yes, you may be annoying. but who cares! there are a lot of people who find you very entertaining and funny and interesting. you may be chubby, but you get to eat yummy tasty food and get to enjoy things that skinny bitches cant. i stay chubby because i am too lazy to exercise and because i would rather spend my time in other ways. those are my priorities. i'll be fat but i'll be happier this way than if i had to count calories and sweat my ass of everyday.
so my point dont even know what it was but you get my drift. yes there are people that dont like you. we all have to live and deal with that. you can please everyone and you cant kiss everyone’s ass. be nice to the people that are important to you, make sure they like you and stay liking you and you'll be set for life.
tell that bitch that if youre feeling generous one day, you'll be happy to cut away her roast beef when it begins to hang down to her knees and saw it back onto her mouth, so that she can see what a big, nasty, pussy she really is.