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09/08/2006 10:50 #23943

Second of the day
Oh, myspace....

Ok, why can't I get messages like this*:


From guys who 1- can spell, 2- don't go by 'SHADE Shadow Walka' and 3- don't describe themselves with:

"I'm all about dat street music,Dat real talk. I do it wit da hood,I do it 4 da hood.I do it 4 my baby boy,my family. My lil' brother(R.I.P. Jarell Muhammad) "I'll see U when I get there nigga,until then........." My team is hungrier than a group of nymphomaniac's at a sausage party, LET'S GET IT!"

And while on the subject, I wish "CHRIS RIGGS FOR PRESIDENT AT NEUE HOUSE" would stop trying to 'add' me. Have denied him twice today already.

  • except- doesn't "mature" really mean "old"?
mrmike - 09/08/06 12:44
I dunno. I get called old a lot more than I get mature.
ajay - 09/08/06 12:06
Yes, "mature" means "old".
So.. be thankful you didn't get such a message ;-D

09/08/2006 09:42 #23942

I hope, someday, the day will come that I can hear this without breaking into tears.

I once knew a girl in the years of my youth
With eyes like the summer: all beauty and truth
But in the morning I fled, left a note and it read:
Someday you will be loved

And I cannot pretend that I felt any regret
'Cause each broken heart will eventually mend
Just as the blood runs red down the needle and thread
Someday you will be loved

You'll be loved you'll be loved
Like you never have known
And the memories of me will seem more like bad dreams
Just a series of blurs: like I never occurred
And someday you will be loved

You may feel alone when you're falling asleep
And every time tears roll down your cheeks
But I know your heart belongs to someone you've yet to meet
And someday you will be loved

"Someday you will be loved", Death Cab for Cutie)

PS- How could I forget?!
There's another new mix available for your downloading pleasure... here: or the "my mixes" link over there

09/06/2006 17:49 #23941


09/04/2006 17:40 #23940

ew, ew, ewewewewew, ewwwww
Ok, so I am working today, and I am working all night, and I think I've said that a thousand times already, but I am not happy about it. Particularly since I had to work fri/sat/sun day AND night.
And the icing in the cake- they just told me I have to give an hour long powerpoint presentation on wed. Majorly high-stakes, high-stress stuff.

So, not much new in my life these days. Starting back at BGH today, which I feel will be a rude awakening after spending the whole summer at the VA-spa. BUT- it means I can have lunch with peeps sometimes! Other than that, I'm still in a bit of a sad limbo funk, and this weather is not helping.

But the reason I'm posting-
(stop here if you have a weak stomach...)

So I was just called down to the ER to see a lady with a "leg problem". So I go down there.... she's the sweetest little 82 year old lady... maybe a little bit "pleasantly demented", but with the cutest little... Jamaican? accent. She had one leg amputated last year, and then for the last two weeks her other leg was bothering her... finally her daughter was worried and brought her in for us to see... So I was talking to her, trying to take her history, and this big pesky fly kept buzzing around my head. So many bugs lately! Saw a roach at the VA, and a bee on the third floor here. Gross. So I talk to her, then I listen to her heart and lungs, examine her belly, blah blah. Then get down to her leg, which she has wrapped in a blanket.

It was gross.

Red and swollen and infected with weeping ulcers all over, and it smelled horrible...

and, upon closer examination-

(you guessed it)


I guess that explains the fly...

Poor little thing... she's most likely going to lose that leg too. I feel badly for her. I don't think she has any clue how bad it is. :(

Ok, back to work...

Happy Birthday Jen and Timika.


joshua - 09/05/06 11:59
How does somebody not realize that its possible that they might just want to get that infection taken care of before you get in THAT kind of shape? No sense at all.
vincent - 09/04/06 19:13
Hey don't feel alone in working on this holiday weekend, I have been with you all along. Working until 1am today :-(

At least the weather didn't make up feel as if we were missing anything too nice on an outdoor level on the last weekend of summer.

08/31/2006 15:10 #23939

I need help being tough
I wish I could NOT be such a pushover sometimes...

I am on call this weekend. That means friday, saturday, and sunday. 24hr/day. Which screws me over a little to start, but it's luck of the draw and it was my 'turn' and so I'll just suck it up and deal.

Then I start at a new hospital monday.

I called them two weeks ago and asked "can I please NOT be on call monday 9/4. 1- because I'd like a day to get settled in the new hospital, and 2- because i'm already on call fri/sat/sun."

So the schedule came out- I am on call tues.
Perfect. Still have to work monday, but not overnight.
So I made plans based on this schedule.

In order for me to not work mon, they switched me with someone, who is my sernior.

Well he called me yesterday... "hey... just saw the schedule... they didn't ask me about it when they made it, and so I didn't know I was on monday, and I made plans, so I can't do it, so you have to."

And I said "well i'm already working fri/sat/sun" and he said "well you'll have to get someone to trade with you."

I asked today.

No one will trade. Why would they? It's a long holiday weekend... they made plans too.

So now I feel like I'm stuck.

I mean it's just one more call... not the end of the world... but still- why should I just have to be the one to be screwed?

Esp b/c they guy doing the screwing is apparently known for always screwing everyone.

I should just say "i'm sorry, but that's the schedule that's been submitted. I'm sorry you didn't check it before making your plans. But I have plans too. Sorry I can't help you." and make him change his plans. Unfortunately, I don't think I could ever say that. Instead I say "ok... well... i'll see what i can do... if i have to do it, i have to do it..." Is that "team player", or is that "doormat"?

the thing is, he is my senior. I don't want to piss him off on day one and have him make the next six weeks miserable for me. Also his plans (which include plane tickets) are maybe more important than mine (doctor's appt.)

But on the other hand... I shouldn't just let people walk all over me. My time is just as impt as his- I am the one that's playing by the rules- I checked the schedule before setting things up.

I guess the bottom line is that I can never say no to anyone. I'm afraid of upsetting them, so I always take all this shit on myself.
And that sucks. And I need to stand up for myself once in a while.

mrmike - 08/31/06 17:24
Not to mention that he'll still be there acting like Dr. Cox from Scrubs. The key to being office tough is picking the right fights and not overthinking too much. Let this one pass only because it will make the next 6 weeks go that much smoother (imk is very smart).
imk2 - 08/31/06 17:03
um, jenks, i've been thinking how about we switch cars for a few weeks. i'd like to have a break from my boring hundai and would like to have a go at your cute sporty, what do you say?

but seriously, i dont think you shouldn't piss this guy off since he can make your 6 week stay seem like 60. and since he wasnt expecting to work that day and bought plane tix, i think i would suck it up and do it. god it would suck to be on your work schedule, but just remember one'll be setting your own schedule, coming and going as you please and rolling in the dough.