Especially seeing that I could have met (e:southernyankee) , (e:flacidness) , (e:kookcity2000) , (e:carolinian) ... And it sounds like a bunch of others too.
But it's my own damn fault. I was feeling antisocial and unloved and spent the night on my couch feeling sorry for myself, eating thai takeout so hot it made my nose run.
Somehow that doesn't make anything better.
I had the whole weekend off- might be the last time that happens for, oh, the whole year. :(
I went out friday night... was attended to by a boy... which felt nice... and we danced all over the place which was a blast... but all night all I kept thinking was "he's not the one I want." :(
I hate this feeling. I wish it would stop hurting.
Today checked out the art fest... seemed a lot like allentown. Didn't buy anything...
And my favorite (only) jeans got a big hole in them... Means I have to go to the mall. I don't really like going to the mall, and I ESPECIALLY hate jeans shopping. But since pretty soon it will no longer be skirt weather, I guess I have to do it...
Oh, and I finished my application, and turned it in friday. (along with a $1200 application fee. Man, that check was hard to write...) Hopefully things will work out. And thanks (but no thanks!) for the essay suggestions. I felt like the questions were biased- i.e. if you didn't say you wanted to go into academics and contribute a lot via research, you were at a disadvantage. But I did say that my dad got me interested in plastics (and why), that I want to go into private practice, but still work with resident/students sometimes, that I want to contribute by teaching the next generation of residents NOT to be assholes, and that I admire my chairman b/c he's not an asshole.
and since I've been neglecting estrip for a few days, here's a random comment roundup-
(e:imk2) CONGRATS on the job!! When I am back at BGH/Roswell this year (actually I'm back at BGH starting 9/4) we'll all have to have lunch!
(e:theecarey) congrats on finishing all your work, and the new job!
(e:mike) and (e:terry) Happy Birthday!!
(e:PMT) congrats again on the house... I'll come see it next time I promise!
(e:ladycroft) did you go to J5?? How was it?
umm I think that's it.
Oh, well here's one last thing.
This article pisses me off. Not especially well written, but annoying nonetheless, especially since it made national "news"-

(for those who don't want to click the link- it's an opinion piece from Forbes, in which some guy advises men NOT to marry women with careers.)
Great... just what I needed... I already have enough trouble being called nurse... now I'm unmarriageable? I guess I'm supposed to be barefoot in the kitchen...
oh and more random news- pluto is no longer a planet! It is now a dwarf planet.

actually that reminds me- Paul what happened to the news feeds?
ok... off to eat leftovers.
Are you really going to be in the BGH/Roswell area? If I may be so bold...maybe I could join you for lunch sometime, too! (if i can find my way in and out of the building to and from my department...)
That guy Michael Noer is an idiot.
Inflammatory stuff sells; and there's nothing like pissing off a bunch of women. Keep in mind that women outnumber men among college graduates; so you can bet that there'll be a heated response from the women. And that sells newspapers....
It was a nice party, would have been better if you, imk, Ladycroft, et al could have joined, but there's always next time