I wish I could NOT be such a pushover sometimes...
I am on call this weekend. That means friday, saturday, and sunday. 24hr/day. Which screws me over a little to start, but it's luck of the draw and it was my 'turn' and so I'll just suck it up and deal.
Then I start at a new hospital monday.
I called them two weeks ago and asked "can I please NOT be on call monday 9/4. 1- because I'd like a day to get settled in the new hospital, and 2- because i'm already on call fri/sat/sun."
So the schedule came out- I am on call tues.
Perfect. Still have to work monday, but not overnight.
So I made plans based on this schedule.
In order for me to not work mon, they switched me with someone, who is my sernior.
Well he called me yesterday... "hey... just saw the schedule... they didn't ask me about it when they made it, and so I didn't know I was on monday, and I made plans, so I can't do it, so you have to."
And I said "well i'm already working fri/sat/sun" and he said "well you'll have to get someone to trade with you."
I asked today.
No one will trade. Why would they? It's a long holiday weekend... they made plans too.
So now I feel like I'm stuck.
I mean it's just one more call... not the end of the world... but still- why should I just have to be the one to be screwed?
Esp b/c they guy doing the screwing is apparently known for always screwing everyone.
I should just say "i'm sorry, but that's the schedule that's been submitted. I'm sorry you didn't check it before making your plans. But I have plans too. Sorry I can't help you." and make him change his plans. Unfortunately, I don't think I could ever say that. Instead I say "ok... well... i'll see what i can do... if i have to do it, i have to do it..." Is that "team player", or is that "doormat"?
the thing is, he is my senior. I don't want to piss him off on day one and have him make the next six weeks miserable for me. Also his plans (which include plane tickets) are maybe more important than mine (doctor's appt.)
But on the other hand... I shouldn't just let people walk all over me. My time is just as impt as his- I am the one that's playing by the rules- I checked the schedule before setting things up.
I guess the bottom line is that I can never say no to anyone. I'm afraid of upsetting them, so I always take all this shit on myself.
And that sucks. And I need to stand up for myself once in a while.
Jenks's Journal
My Podcast Link
08/31/2006 15:10 #23939
I need help being tough08/29/2006 21:50 #23938
prepstaOk, so, um-
it's almost labor day weekend!
Last time I checked it was June.
I have done NOTHING summery.
Have barely been outside. Have not been to the beach, or on the water. Have not done anything cool and warm and fun.
Not that I haven't had some fun nights, but my god, where did the time go.
This chill in the air is making me sad.
I like fall, but I'm just not QUITE ready for it.
Next thought- I'm hoping you guys can help me restore my faith in men...
so today this guy at work was talking about this girl that he just went on vacation with... apparently they used to date seriously but now he's here and it's long distance... but he was talking about how great she is. How he thinks she's beautiful, they're attracted to each other, he loves spending time with her, she's funny and smart, he respects her, etc. He said she has "serious marriage potential". Sounds great, right? I asked what the problem is... he said aside from distance, it's that "it could get serious". I asked why that was bad, and he said he didn't want to hurt her. I said "huh?" and he said "well... I'm torn between really caring for her- and wanting to womanize and sleep with as many women as possible."
I almost couldn't believe he was willing to tell me this. (though he did ask me the other day for my advice on how to pick up a toll collector.)
But he went on... he said that he used to attract hot girls, when he was young and thin. Now he's a little paunchier, greyer, etc. But he said he's found that now that he's a doc, he's getting cute girls again... and he said with every year he advances in his career, the girls get hotter and hotter... so he's seriously not sure if he should EVER get married, b/c in a few years he thinks he'll be bagging supermodels.
I asked "well doesn't all that great stuff about this girl count for something? Wouldn't you rather have SOME connection than just "a lot of hot ass?"
And he had to think for a sec, and said "i don't think so."
Please tell me guys... is this how all guys think???
And my last tidbit-
I find this a little bit amusing... maybe b/c it hits close to home...
though I must say it's a weird advertising campaign- I'm not sure what demographic they're trying to appeal to...
But it's smirnoff's new "prepsta" (prep+gangsta) campaign for "Raw Tea".
Check out the video-
And the "playa handbook" includes such gems as "your money's so new it's got ben franklin's baby picture on it!" Ooh, SNAP!
Ok, I think that's about it for now...
Time for some food, since I finally went grocery shopping for the first time in months. :)
it's almost labor day weekend!
Last time I checked it was June.
I have done NOTHING summery.
Have barely been outside. Have not been to the beach, or on the water. Have not done anything cool and warm and fun.
Not that I haven't had some fun nights, but my god, where did the time go.
This chill in the air is making me sad.
I like fall, but I'm just not QUITE ready for it.
Next thought- I'm hoping you guys can help me restore my faith in men...
so today this guy at work was talking about this girl that he just went on vacation with... apparently they used to date seriously but now he's here and it's long distance... but he was talking about how great she is. How he thinks she's beautiful, they're attracted to each other, he loves spending time with her, she's funny and smart, he respects her, etc. He said she has "serious marriage potential". Sounds great, right? I asked what the problem is... he said aside from distance, it's that "it could get serious". I asked why that was bad, and he said he didn't want to hurt her. I said "huh?" and he said "well... I'm torn between really caring for her- and wanting to womanize and sleep with as many women as possible."
I almost couldn't believe he was willing to tell me this. (though he did ask me the other day for my advice on how to pick up a toll collector.)
But he went on... he said that he used to attract hot girls, when he was young and thin. Now he's a little paunchier, greyer, etc. But he said he's found that now that he's a doc, he's getting cute girls again... and he said with every year he advances in his career, the girls get hotter and hotter... so he's seriously not sure if he should EVER get married, b/c in a few years he thinks he'll be bagging supermodels.
I asked "well doesn't all that great stuff about this girl count for something? Wouldn't you rather have SOME connection than just "a lot of hot ass?"
And he had to think for a sec, and said "i don't think so."
Please tell me guys... is this how all guys think???
And my last tidbit-
I find this a little bit amusing... maybe b/c it hits close to home...
though I must say it's a weird advertising campaign- I'm not sure what demographic they're trying to appeal to...
But it's smirnoff's new "prepsta" (prep+gangsta) campaign for "Raw Tea".
Check out the video-

Ok, I think that's about it for now...
Time for some food, since I finally went grocery shopping for the first time in months. :)
codypomeray - 09/05/06 19:24
wow this guy is either delirious from the long hours at the hospital, or he has gotten into the prescription drug cabinet one to many times. yeah, i concur with the rest of the guys on here. one beautiful lady that you find the sun and moon rise and set in is all a guy needs.
wow this guy is either delirious from the long hours at the hospital, or he has gotten into the prescription drug cabinet one to many times. yeah, i concur with the rest of the guys on here. one beautiful lady that you find the sun and moon rise and set in is all a guy needs.
libertad - 08/30/06 21:20
i got all the hot (_0_) I need!
i got all the hot (_0_) I need!
chico - 08/30/06 21:17
Hey Metalpeter,
I checked with (e:chicoschica) and she says the word is "goomah"...but that's colloquial pronunciation of a formal Italian word, "comare" (which, oddly, also seems to mean godmother). On the HBO "Sopranos Mobspeak" site, it says:
Comare (also goomah, goomar, or gomatta): slang for girlfriend or mistress. :::link:::
Hey Metalpeter,
I checked with (e:chicoschica) and she says the word is "goomah"...but that's colloquial pronunciation of a formal Italian word, "comare" (which, oddly, also seems to mean godmother). On the HBO "Sopranos Mobspeak" site, it says:
Comare (also goomah, goomar, or gomatta): slang for girlfriend or mistress. :::link:::
metalpeter - 08/30/06 19:49
Are all guys like that guy? No! However there is a group of guys who have a women who they really care about and then have ass on the side. In the mob there is an actuall term for the women (not mistress) that you are banging when you are married. I don't have any actual numbers but I think the causal hookups and dating type are more prevelant then the guy you where talking to. There is the philosphy by a lot of guys that I love this girl but I don't want the same pussy for the next 20 to 30 years. Some guys just don't want the BJs to stop, as I've heard they often do after marraige.
In terms of the Raw Tea that sounds Fimilar. It would take me forever to watch the video so why bother, but maybe I'll see the add. The question I have is if it is like a twisted tea or a new form of Long Island Ice Tea. Some markting is just trying to make a funny ad or an ad people will remember, so that could be what the ad is. I love all of there Sminorf Ice ads. I have only seen the full version of these eskimo type people pimped out house a couple times it is really long and there fridge is the outside. I'm guessing this new ad is based of of that one or in the same style.
Are all guys like that guy? No! However there is a group of guys who have a women who they really care about and then have ass on the side. In the mob there is an actuall term for the women (not mistress) that you are banging when you are married. I don't have any actual numbers but I think the causal hookups and dating type are more prevelant then the guy you where talking to. There is the philosphy by a lot of guys that I love this girl but I don't want the same pussy for the next 20 to 30 years. Some guys just don't want the BJs to stop, as I've heard they often do after marraige.
In terms of the Raw Tea that sounds Fimilar. It would take me forever to watch the video so why bother, but maybe I'll see the add. The question I have is if it is like a twisted tea or a new form of Long Island Ice Tea. Some markting is just trying to make a funny ad or an ad people will remember, so that could be what the ad is. I love all of there Sminorf Ice ads. I have only seen the full version of these eskimo type people pimped out house a couple times it is really long and there fridge is the outside. I'm guessing this new ad is based of of that one or in the same style.
jason - 08/30/06 14:53
Yes, Ajay is right, that is the goal - one quality ass that you can DEPEND on. I guess the depend on part is more important because there is hot ass everywhere you look, especially in California. =P
Yes, Ajay is right, that is the goal - one quality ass that you can DEPEND on. I guess the depend on part is more important because there is hot ass everywhere you look, especially in California. =P
jason - 08/30/06 14:51
Wow, what an ass!
I have to admit I don't often hear guys discussing wanting it both ways. This one is a true wanker. I really don't understand this mode of thinking. I often say that you can only order one thing from the menu!
One cannot choose to be a relationship type and a slut. One cannot be both at the same time. Imagine if this chick knew what he was thinking! Usually this is a game chicks play. Totally unacceptable for anyone.
If it's long distance, the decision should be made already. You can practically hear it in his words, she's on the outs and it's only a matter of time or convenience.
And Hodown is correct - with the right amount of money you can rent the devotion of many a gorgeous female. It's probably one life experience I want to have, not forever but maybe for a year. I'm working on the money part.
Be thankful you aren't dealing with this guy.
Wow, what an ass!
I have to admit I don't often hear guys discussing wanting it both ways. This one is a true wanker. I really don't understand this mode of thinking. I often say that you can only order one thing from the menu!
One cannot choose to be a relationship type and a slut. One cannot be both at the same time. Imagine if this chick knew what he was thinking! Usually this is a game chicks play. Totally unacceptable for anyone.
If it's long distance, the decision should be made already. You can practically hear it in his words, she's on the outs and it's only a matter of time or convenience.
And Hodown is correct - with the right amount of money you can rent the devotion of many a gorgeous female. It's probably one life experience I want to have, not forever but maybe for a year. I'm working on the money part.
Be thankful you aren't dealing with this guy.
ajay - 08/30/06 14:46
It sounds like he is addicted .... to hot ass!
Not all guys are like this; but some guys are. I, personally, would much rather have a single, quality ass that I could depend on, than a stream of (lame) hot asses.
Sex is all in the brain... and looks like this guy's brain is between his legs.
It sounds like he is addicted .... to hot ass!
Not all guys are like this; but some guys are. I, personally, would much rather have a single, quality ass that I could depend on, than a stream of (lame) hot asses.
Sex is all in the brain... and looks like this guy's brain is between his legs.
hodown - 08/30/06 11:20
Well if he moves to nyc, then yes in a few years he will be sleeping with super models. It's sad but true rich old men everywhere get hot (sometimes lame) younger hot chicks.
Well if he moves to nyc, then yes in a few years he will be sleeping with super models. It's sad but true rich old men everywhere get hot (sometimes lame) younger hot chicks.
mrmike - 08/30/06 08:55
We ain't all like that. That guy's a jerk. From the way you describe him, he's not going be rolling in women nearly as much as he thinks. Gives us other greying paunchy guys a bad name.
We ain't all like that. That guy's a jerk. From the way you describe him, he's not going be rolling in women nearly as much as he thinks. Gives us other greying paunchy guys a bad name.
08/27/2006 19:27 #23937
dammit... (and shoutouts)Sorry I missed the party.
Especially seeing that I could have met (e:southernyankee) , (e:flacidness) , (e:kookcity2000) , (e:carolinian) ... And it sounds like a bunch of others too.
But it's my own damn fault. I was feeling antisocial and unloved and spent the night on my couch feeling sorry for myself, eating thai takeout so hot it made my nose run.
Somehow that doesn't make anything better.
I had the whole weekend off- might be the last time that happens for, oh, the whole year. :(
I went out friday night... was attended to by a boy... which felt nice... and we danced all over the place which was a blast... but all night all I kept thinking was "he's not the one I want." :(
I hate this feeling. I wish it would stop hurting.
Today checked out the art fest... seemed a lot like allentown. Didn't buy anything...
And my favorite (only) jeans got a big hole in them... Means I have to go to the mall. I don't really like going to the mall, and I ESPECIALLY hate jeans shopping. But since pretty soon it will no longer be skirt weather, I guess I have to do it...
Oh, and I finished my application, and turned it in friday. (along with a $1200 application fee. Man, that check was hard to write...) Hopefully things will work out. And thanks (but no thanks!) for the essay suggestions. I felt like the questions were biased- i.e. if you didn't say you wanted to go into academics and contribute a lot via research, you were at a disadvantage. But I did say that my dad got me interested in plastics (and why), that I want to go into private practice, but still work with resident/students sometimes, that I want to contribute by teaching the next generation of residents NOT to be assholes, and that I admire my chairman b/c he's not an asshole.
and since I've been neglecting estrip for a few days, here's a random comment roundup-
(e:imk2) CONGRATS on the job!! When I am back at BGH/Roswell this year (actually I'm back at BGH starting 9/4) we'll all have to have lunch!
(e:theecarey) congrats on finishing all your work, and the new job!
(e:mike) and (e:terry) Happy Birthday!!
(e:PMT) congrats again on the house... I'll come see it next time I promise!
(e:ladycroft) did you go to J5?? How was it?
umm I think that's it.
Oh, well here's one last thing.
This article pisses me off. Not especially well written, but annoying nonetheless, especially since it made national "news"-

(for those who don't want to click the link- it's an opinion piece from Forbes, in which some guy advises men NOT to marry women with careers.)
Great... just what I needed... I already have enough trouble being called nurse... now I'm unmarriageable? I guess I'm supposed to be barefoot in the kitchen...
oh and more random news- pluto is no longer a planet! It is now a dwarf planet.
Someone said it will cost $23 million to rewrite the textbooks.
actually that reminds me- Paul what happened to the news feeds?
ok... off to eat leftovers.
Especially seeing that I could have met (e:southernyankee) , (e:flacidness) , (e:kookcity2000) , (e:carolinian) ... And it sounds like a bunch of others too.
But it's my own damn fault. I was feeling antisocial and unloved and spent the night on my couch feeling sorry for myself, eating thai takeout so hot it made my nose run.
Somehow that doesn't make anything better.
I had the whole weekend off- might be the last time that happens for, oh, the whole year. :(
I went out friday night... was attended to by a boy... which felt nice... and we danced all over the place which was a blast... but all night all I kept thinking was "he's not the one I want." :(
I hate this feeling. I wish it would stop hurting.
Today checked out the art fest... seemed a lot like allentown. Didn't buy anything...
And my favorite (only) jeans got a big hole in them... Means I have to go to the mall. I don't really like going to the mall, and I ESPECIALLY hate jeans shopping. But since pretty soon it will no longer be skirt weather, I guess I have to do it...
Oh, and I finished my application, and turned it in friday. (along with a $1200 application fee. Man, that check was hard to write...) Hopefully things will work out. And thanks (but no thanks!) for the essay suggestions. I felt like the questions were biased- i.e. if you didn't say you wanted to go into academics and contribute a lot via research, you were at a disadvantage. But I did say that my dad got me interested in plastics (and why), that I want to go into private practice, but still work with resident/students sometimes, that I want to contribute by teaching the next generation of residents NOT to be assholes, and that I admire my chairman b/c he's not an asshole.
and since I've been neglecting estrip for a few days, here's a random comment roundup-
(e:imk2) CONGRATS on the job!! When I am back at BGH/Roswell this year (actually I'm back at BGH starting 9/4) we'll all have to have lunch!
(e:theecarey) congrats on finishing all your work, and the new job!
(e:mike) and (e:terry) Happy Birthday!!
(e:PMT) congrats again on the house... I'll come see it next time I promise!
(e:ladycroft) did you go to J5?? How was it?
umm I think that's it.
Oh, well here's one last thing.
This article pisses me off. Not especially well written, but annoying nonetheless, especially since it made national "news"-

(for those who don't want to click the link- it's an opinion piece from Forbes, in which some guy advises men NOT to marry women with careers.)
Great... just what I needed... I already have enough trouble being called nurse... now I'm unmarriageable? I guess I'm supposed to be barefoot in the kitchen...
oh and more random news- pluto is no longer a planet! It is now a dwarf planet.

actually that reminds me- Paul what happened to the news feeds?
ok... off to eat leftovers.
chicoschica - 08/28/06 10:49
Are you really going to be in the BGH/Roswell area? If I may be so bold...maybe I could join you for lunch sometime, too! (if i can find my way in and out of the building to and from my department...)
Are you really going to be in the BGH/Roswell area? If I may be so bold...maybe I could join you for lunch sometime, too! (if i can find my way in and out of the building to and from my department...)
ajay - 08/28/06 03:34
That guy Michael Noer is an idiot.
Inflammatory stuff sells; and there's nothing like pissing off a bunch of women. Keep in mind that women outnumber men among college graduates; so you can bet that there'll be a heated response from the women. And that sells newspapers....
That guy Michael Noer is an idiot.
Inflammatory stuff sells; and there's nothing like pissing off a bunch of women. Keep in mind that women outnumber men among college graduates; so you can bet that there'll be a heated response from the women. And that sells newspapers....
mrmike - 08/27/06 22:49
It was a nice party, would have been better if you, imk, Ladycroft, et al could have joined, but there's always next time
It was a nice party, would have been better if you, imk, Ladycroft, et al could have joined, but there's always next time
08/23/2006 22:12 #23936
happierOk, since I promised a happier post (and since I'm procrastinating, and just saw Terry's new user sound (which I love))-
I will just say-
Ratatat rocks.
My user sound is Wildcat.
I love the roaring sounds in it.
And from Gather, here is "promiscuous wildcat" - the song above, mixed with nelly furtado/timbaland- 0142677001156385500
I'm also feeling mildly cool tonight-
A while ago Chase, my brother in law, sent me a cd by a band called TV on the Radio.
They're pretty cool.
But my self-proclaimed music snob friend here dismisses them saying he's never heard of them... so they're no one...
Like i care what he thinks, but nonetheless-
I was watching tivo'd Entourage tonight, and who was on it? That's right buddy! TV on the Radio.
I will just say-
Ratatat rocks.
My user sound is Wildcat.
I love the roaring sounds in it.
And from Gather, here is "promiscuous wildcat" - the song above, mixed with nelly furtado/timbaland- 0142677001156385500
I'm also feeling mildly cool tonight-
A while ago Chase, my brother in law, sent me a cd by a band called TV on the Radio.
They're pretty cool.
But my self-proclaimed music snob friend here dismisses them saying he's never heard of them... so they're no one...
Like i care what he thinks, but nonetheless-
I was watching tivo'd Entourage tonight, and who was on it? That's right buddy! TV on the Radio.
08/23/2006 21:04 #23935
animal crueltyOh.
Ok, so I know I've been writing about dogs all the time lately and maybe you're sick of hearing it and are thinking I'm the crazy dog-lady... I've always said I'm a "dog person" etc, but I haven't volunteered at shelters, etc. Had never REALLY thought about the plight of abandoned animals...
And then I started learning about it...
Now, it is pretty hard to make me feel sick- especially just with pictures.
But this has done it.
Be warned that these are horribly graphic and gross. Dogs shot, stabbed, starved, frozen, infested with bugs, dissected...
It's maybe the most horrible thing I've ever seen.
in case you didn't think NJ was a shithole- here's "the mean streets of camden". Don't say I didn't warn you. :(

(Ok, I promise I'll post something nice one of these days...)
Ok, so I know I've been writing about dogs all the time lately and maybe you're sick of hearing it and are thinking I'm the crazy dog-lady... I've always said I'm a "dog person" etc, but I haven't volunteered at shelters, etc. Had never REALLY thought about the plight of abandoned animals...
And then I started learning about it...
Now, it is pretty hard to make me feel sick- especially just with pictures.
But this has done it.
Be warned that these are horribly graphic and gross. Dogs shot, stabbed, starved, frozen, infested with bugs, dissected...
It's maybe the most horrible thing I've ever seen.
in case you didn't think NJ was a shithole- here's "the mean streets of camden". Don't say I didn't warn you. :(

(Ok, I promise I'll post something nice one of these days...)
paul - 08/24/06 08:32
Tragic Love Story at the Pet Sanctuary: Ironically about pet santuaries. During my studies in germany I had to leave my giant tortoise at a sanctuary in California because no one would take care of it here. She(Sahara) was way bigger than already big basra. When I came home they told me it died when having sex in the heat box ( basically a dog house with a heat lamp they they would retire to at night) in the apple orchard they lived in. The male tortoise got on her back and broke a red heat lamp and she ate the glass and died shortly thereafter.
Tragic Love Story at the Pet Sanctuary: Ironically about pet santuaries. During my studies in germany I had to leave my giant tortoise at a sanctuary in California because no one would take care of it here. She(Sahara) was way bigger than already big basra. When I came home they told me it died when having sex in the heat box ( basically a dog house with a heat lamp they they would retire to at night) in the apple orchard they lived in. The male tortoise got on her back and broke a red heat lamp and she ate the glass and died shortly thereafter.
jenks - 08/23/06 22:00
ahh... commenting on my own journal. ;)
This was my response to paul, but I decided to share-
no, I mostly agree with you.
It's just too big an issue.
and you're right- that's not even touching on meat, etc.
I was probably better off living in my little "dogs are cute i like dogs" corner of the world and not getting beyond that or caring beyond that.
this one just kills me because it's PETS...
animals that people chose to live with, and adopted, and kept in their houses... and then just threw them into the cold or whatever because they got too big or they had a new baby or something...
there was a pic of one dog that froze to death b/c they locked it outside to punish it for diarrhea.
that is the shit that appalls me.
the food industry is not so hot- but there's an end goal (feeding people). It's the cruelty for no reason that's horrible.
there was a pic of a dog with its intestines hanging out b/c some kid stabbed it to death. or the blood spot on the road from where someone shot a puppy...
and i don't know that sanctuary specifically, but I think places like that are wonderful... thanks for the link.
But like you said... there's just too much. It's not possible to rescue every abandoned animal out there and save it. And if you're not careful it will suck up your whole life and make you miserable.
I'm not sure how my friend does it...
He does what he can... when he hears about a dog that needs help he puts a page up on his site asking if anyone can help... and if they can, great. But if they can't... the dog probably gets put to sleep. I asked him if that makes him sad. And he said of course, but that he just can't save them all and he has to accept that and know that he's done as much as he can, which is more than most people try...
and the other thing that's sad is that when people really DO care, and DO dedicate their lives to it- most people just think of them as crazy animal nuts.
anyway... my point is just that yes, you're right.
but it doesn't make it any less appalling.
ahh... commenting on my own journal. ;)
This was my response to paul, but I decided to share-
no, I mostly agree with you.
It's just too big an issue.
and you're right- that's not even touching on meat, etc.
I was probably better off living in my little "dogs are cute i like dogs" corner of the world and not getting beyond that or caring beyond that.
this one just kills me because it's PETS...
animals that people chose to live with, and adopted, and kept in their houses... and then just threw them into the cold or whatever because they got too big or they had a new baby or something...
there was a pic of one dog that froze to death b/c they locked it outside to punish it for diarrhea.
that is the shit that appalls me.
the food industry is not so hot- but there's an end goal (feeding people). It's the cruelty for no reason that's horrible.
there was a pic of a dog with its intestines hanging out b/c some kid stabbed it to death. or the blood spot on the road from where someone shot a puppy...
and i don't know that sanctuary specifically, but I think places like that are wonderful... thanks for the link.
But like you said... there's just too much. It's not possible to rescue every abandoned animal out there and save it. And if you're not careful it will suck up your whole life and make you miserable.
I'm not sure how my friend does it...
He does what he can... when he hears about a dog that needs help he puts a page up on his site asking if anyone can help... and if they can, great. But if they can't... the dog probably gets put to sleep. I asked him if that makes him sad. And he said of course, but that he just can't save them all and he has to accept that and know that he's done as much as he can, which is more than most people try...
and the other thing that's sad is that when people really DO care, and DO dedicate their lives to it- most people just think of them as crazy animal nuts.
anyway... my point is just that yes, you're right.
but it doesn't make it any less appalling.
paul - 08/23/06 21:31
Okay, I know that I a going to get so much slack for this but I am done caring about animal cruelty and a grand, theoretical level. It is just too consuming of an emotional topic that has no end. I spent years of my life freaking out because of cruelty to animals and how unjusitified it was. It is totally consuming. There is no end to the unjustified cruelty that exists. I will do anything I can to stop cruelty happening right in front of me but it's impossible to control all the cruelty in the world and I find it unjustifiable to complain about the poor dog when you eat other animals. Sometimes, I think the only people that have the right to even talk about animal rights are grow your own food, vegan, straight edge people.
I mean, even if you are vegetarian, there exists so much cruelty in milk, eggs, and leather, wool, medicine, cosmetics, cleaning products and even honey. It never ends. Even farming vegtables involves a massive amount of animal suffering in terms of pesticides and the effects on the environment. I guess it is the nature of being the top of the food chain.
Eventually, I think you just have to either stand up and become one of the people on the forefront of animal rights and designate your whole life to it and be prepared to let it take your life over or just give up because you will make your self feel miserable and cry all the time. I guess I am fatalistic but it was taking over my life in a bad way and yes I was crying all the time. I most specifically remember sitting in my friend Yvonne's kitchen and crying while she cooked steak.
I am saying this from experience. I swear, you have only scratched the surface of animal cruelty. Just try and think outside the dogs and look at all the stuff around you and how many things involved making animals feel really sick or die in order to make them happen. Think about it, they spend the whole year building a hive with honey for their fmaily of bees and then one day some asshole comes and steals it all so you can sweeten your tea.
If you decide animal rights is for you, maybe take a visit to the Farm Sanctuary near Ithaca :::link:::
They rescue animals and let them live out their natural lives there.
Okay, I know that I a going to get so much slack for this but I am done caring about animal cruelty and a grand, theoretical level. It is just too consuming of an emotional topic that has no end. I spent years of my life freaking out because of cruelty to animals and how unjusitified it was. It is totally consuming. There is no end to the unjustified cruelty that exists. I will do anything I can to stop cruelty happening right in front of me but it's impossible to control all the cruelty in the world and I find it unjustifiable to complain about the poor dog when you eat other animals. Sometimes, I think the only people that have the right to even talk about animal rights are grow your own food, vegan, straight edge people.
I mean, even if you are vegetarian, there exists so much cruelty in milk, eggs, and leather, wool, medicine, cosmetics, cleaning products and even honey. It never ends. Even farming vegtables involves a massive amount of animal suffering in terms of pesticides and the effects on the environment. I guess it is the nature of being the top of the food chain.
Eventually, I think you just have to either stand up and become one of the people on the forefront of animal rights and designate your whole life to it and be prepared to let it take your life over or just give up because you will make your self feel miserable and cry all the time. I guess I am fatalistic but it was taking over my life in a bad way and yes I was crying all the time. I most specifically remember sitting in my friend Yvonne's kitchen and crying while she cooked steak.
I am saying this from experience. I swear, you have only scratched the surface of animal cruelty. Just try and think outside the dogs and look at all the stuff around you and how many things involved making animals feel really sick or die in order to make them happen. Think about it, they spend the whole year building a hive with honey for their fmaily of bees and then one day some asshole comes and steals it all so you can sweeten your tea.
If you decide animal rights is for you, maybe take a visit to the Farm Sanctuary near Ithaca :::link:::
They rescue animals and let them live out their natural lives there.
Not to mention that he'll still be there acting like Dr. Cox from Scrubs. The key to being office tough is picking the right fights and not overthinking too much. Let this one pass only because it will make the next 6 weeks go that much smoother (imk is very smart).
um, jenks, i've been thinking how about we switch cars for a few weeks. i'd like to have a break from my boring hundai and would like to have a go at your cute sporty, what do you say?
but seriously, i dont think you shouldn't piss this guy off since he can make your 6 week stay seem like 60. and since he wasnt expecting to work that day and bought plane tix, i think i would suck it up and do it. god it would suck to be on your work schedule, but just remember one'll be setting your own schedule, coming and going as you please and rolling in the dough.