Ok, so, um-
it's almost labor day weekend!
Last time I checked it was June.
I have done NOTHING summery.
Have barely been outside. Have not been to the beach, or on the water. Have not done anything cool and warm and fun.
Not that I haven't had some fun nights, but my god, where did the time go.
This chill in the air is making me sad.
I like fall, but I'm just not QUITE ready for it.
Next thought- I'm hoping you guys can help me restore my faith in men...
so today this guy at work was talking about this girl that he just went on vacation with... apparently they used to date seriously but now he's here and it's long distance... but he was talking about how great she is. How he thinks she's beautiful, they're attracted to each other, he loves spending time with her, she's funny and smart, he respects her, etc. He said she has "serious marriage potential". Sounds great, right? I asked what the problem is... he said aside from distance, it's that "it could get serious". I asked why that was bad, and he said he didn't want to hurt her. I said "huh?" and he said "well... I'm torn between really caring for her- and wanting to womanize and sleep with as many women as possible."
I almost couldn't believe he was willing to tell me this. (though he did ask me the other day for my advice on how to pick up a toll collector.)
But he went on... he said that he used to attract hot girls, when he was young and thin. Now he's a little paunchier, greyer, etc. But he said he's found that now that he's a doc, he's getting cute girls again... and he said with every year he advances in his career, the girls get hotter and hotter... so he's seriously not sure if he should EVER get married, b/c in a few years he thinks he'll be bagging supermodels.
I asked "well doesn't all that great stuff about this girl count for something? Wouldn't you rather have SOME connection than just "a lot of hot ass?"
And he had to think for a sec, and said "i don't think so."
Please tell me guys... is this how all guys think???
And my last tidbit-
I find this a little bit amusing... maybe b/c it hits close to home...
though I must say it's a weird advertising campaign- I'm not sure what demographic they're trying to appeal to...
But it's smirnoff's new "prepsta" (prep+gangsta) campaign for "Raw Tea".
Check out the video-

And the "playa handbook" includes such gems as "your money's so new it's got ben franklin's baby picture on it!" Ooh, SNAP!
Ok, I think that's about it for now...
Time for some food, since I finally went grocery shopping for the first time in months. :)
How does somebody not realize that its possible that they might just want to get that infection taken care of before you get in THAT kind of shape? No sense at all.
Hey don't feel alone in working on this holiday weekend, I have been with you all along. Working until 1am today :-(
At least the weather didn't make up feel as if we were missing anything too nice on an outdoor level on the last weekend of summer.