So... I like what I do. I really do. But sometimes it's hard to remember that. And I hate that I bitch about it so much, and I apologize. But my hours suck.... suck suck suck. I get one day off every week or two, and have to (or rather, should but don't) spend much of it sleeping. I haven't had a whole weekend off since may. I never even know these long weekend holidays occur until i get home and realize I didn't get any mail. Last night I was just thinking "wow... peeps are hardcore tonight! going out at midnight on a sunday!" totally didn't realize today was a day off.
But it sounds like I missed a good time at OPM last night, not to mention meeting new peeps... must say I think I'm a little jealous.
But we did make it to rochester for ethiopian, though I think I may have had (e:imk) fearing for her life a few times (sorry!). And (e:leetee), gotta say I disagree. I love the bread (injera). Yum yum. And it's all yummy and tasty and spicy... Mmm. Hope everyone's tummies were ok today! (my god, am I five? yummy? tummies? haha.)
And just some thoughts on this whole hotel business....
First off, I agree with uncut. He said what I was thinking, more or less, and put it more eloquently.
Now, my house is not in danger of being demolished. But, I am still only a couple blocks away from the proposed site.
I would like to read the hotel's side of the story. I feel dragonfire's version is very one-sided and colored by the fact that his house is in danger.
I don't want to see thriving local businesses torn down for the Gap and Starbucks. Don't get me wrong. I like my neighborhood. But I have to say that those houses are not really wonderful pillars of Elmwood history. And I'm not sure trying to make the area more 'upper-class' is necessarily such a terrible thing... I'm not saying bring the suburbs and chain stores downtown, but a swanky boutique, cafe, etc- that would be cool. And would probably contribute more to the local economy than a video shop... And no, I do not need a hotel since I live in the area. But that's the point of a hotel- for people who do NOT live in the are, am I wrong? So I think that argument is flawed logic...
Hmm. I think I will shut up. I don't know both sides of the story and thus should not go off on a rant about it. I don't like arguing points that I can't defend very well. And at the risk of voicing an unpopular opinion, it's just sort of sitting wrong with me to see (e:strip) used as a means to promote an agenda.
On that note,
later peeps.
-cranky jenks
Jenks's Journal
My Podcast Link
02/21/2006 02:46 #23795
wish i could go to bedCategory: sleepy
02/19/2006 12:49 #23794
Prescription drugs?So I was at work last night and we had to take a kid to the OR. And in the little holding area outside of the OR there's this machine that keeps all the drugs locked up. It's very tightly monitored. Usually before each case, the anesthesiologist goes and signs out all his drugs (morphine, fentanyl, versed- heavy duty stuff.) So last night I'm waiting for something, and next to the machine was a big pile of empty drug boxes. Not exactly something you see every day- so I took one. (** for the record, before you get all excited, it is just an EMPTY box**):

And issue two-
I've been craving ethiopian food for ages. I miss having a place locally. I guess there are two in rochester- Dashen and Abyssinia. And I suddenly want to go, like RIGHT NOW.
Anyone interested?
Check it out:

And issue two-
I've been craving ethiopian food for ages. I miss having a place locally. I guess there are two in rochester- Dashen and Abyssinia. And I suddenly want to go, like RIGHT NOW.
Anyone interested?
Check it out:

theecarey - 02/20/06 15:34
haha.. *smacks head* ok, I should just stop. really. I ran a search for ethiopian restaurants around here.. nothing came up :
haha.. *smacks head* ok, I should just stop. really. I ran a search for ethiopian restaurants around here.. nothing came up :
ladycroft - 02/20/06 15:06
byblos is lebanese, not ethiopian
byblos is lebanese, not ethiopian
leetee - 02/20/06 10:02
My friend Mark likes a place in Toronto. We ate there together once a long time ago and i wasn't impressed at all. What we ordered tasted like baby food. Had the same overly blended texture, too. It was served with bread that had a really strong taste. Sorta vinegary. Mark liked it. I don't know if it was because it was vegetarian, or that there might be other dishes i would like. I was too chicken shit to go back. With that recommendation, lol, would you like me to find out what the place is called in case you're in Toronto and crave Ethiopian food again?
My friend Mark likes a place in Toronto. We ate there together once a long time ago and i wasn't impressed at all. What we ordered tasted like baby food. Had the same overly blended texture, too. It was served with bread that had a really strong taste. Sorta vinegary. Mark liked it. I don't know if it was because it was vegetarian, or that there might be other dishes i would like. I was too chicken shit to go back. With that recommendation, lol, would you like me to find out what the place is called in case you're in Toronto and crave Ethiopian food again?
theecarey - 02/20/06 04:51
try again. Its "Byblos" (sp?).. close enough :)
try again. Its "Byblos" (sp?).. close enough :)
theecarey - 02/19/06 21:47
Never need an excuse to jump in th car for a drive or for food.. but fyi, there is an ethopian restaurant in Amherst (Getzville)- "Lebros". Yum..
Never need an excuse to jump in th car for a drive or for food.. but fyi, there is an ethopian restaurant in Amherst (Getzville)- "Lebros". Yum..
mrdt - 02/19/06 15:16
what's ethiropian cuisine like? are we talkin' protein and starh with some exoctic spice or a plate of mud next to a guava?
what's ethiropian cuisine like? are we talkin' protein and starh with some exoctic spice or a plate of mud next to a guava?
02/18/2006 23:12 #23793
back to my senses...whew, not sure what came over me last night...
sorry for putting you all through that.
feeling back to myself today.
Boys don't suck.
I take it back.
sorry for putting you all through that.
feeling back to myself today.
Boys don't suck.
I take it back.
02/17/2006 20:07 #23791
Ok, I just have to say-Category: weak!
What the fuck is up with this town? Cancelling school for WIND? That is about the pussiest thing I have ever heard.
Work sucked today. Seems to happen on full moons... So I had to stay late, and miss tubing. But maybe it's a blessing in disguise... maybe I can finally take down my tree and get some sleep. (must say, I was relieved to see a tree on the curb this morning- at least I am not the only one!) Though what will probably actually happen is I will have a beer(s) and watch tv and still stay up too late.
I don't sleep enough. And I LOVE sleeping. But I hate missing out on things.
I have been known to answer the phone when sound asleep in bed, and then put on clothes and go out b/c a friend doesn't want to stay home, etc. I.e. my arm is very easy to twist. So every night I think "ok, staying in, nice quiet night, get some shit done, go to bed early" I end up getting a call and going out. See a movie, throw some darts, drink some beers, eat dinner, pull uninvited stop-by's at people's houses...
But it's worth it. Friends are cooler than sleep. :)
But on that note, I think I will go reheat some leftovers and watch Lost from the other day.
Have a good weekend kids!
Work sucked today. Seems to happen on full moons... So I had to stay late, and miss tubing. But maybe it's a blessing in disguise... maybe I can finally take down my tree and get some sleep. (must say, I was relieved to see a tree on the curb this morning- at least I am not the only one!) Though what will probably actually happen is I will have a beer(s) and watch tv and still stay up too late.
I don't sleep enough. And I LOVE sleeping. But I hate missing out on things.
I have been known to answer the phone when sound asleep in bed, and then put on clothes and go out b/c a friend doesn't want to stay home, etc. I.e. my arm is very easy to twist. So every night I think "ok, staying in, nice quiet night, get some shit done, go to bed early" I end up getting a call and going out. See a movie, throw some darts, drink some beers, eat dinner, pull uninvited stop-by's at people's houses...
But it's worth it. Friends are cooler than sleep. :)
But on that note, I think I will go reheat some leftovers and watch Lost from the other day.
Have a good weekend kids!
02/18/2006 03:48 #23792
Post #69- tee hee!Category: long. emo. sorry.
So I might be a little drunky and a little buzzed, and it's a LOT past-my-bedtime since I need to be at work in like 4 hours, and I will probably regret this post in the AM and delete it, but what the fuck, this is 'my journal', right?
So (e:jason)'s post tonight (sorry, you'll have to look it up, I'm incapable of figuring out the link right now) plus some chat plus long talks with friends, have sent me through the gamut of emotions. Starting with 'poor jason'. That raw emotion just breaks my heart. It sucks, it hurts, I can feel it, and I wish I could help, but I fear only time can cure a broken heart. There are tons of people here for you bro. But YOU have to make the decision to actively try to feel better, then open your eyes and let them in... You're only alone if you let yourself be, and we can't help you unless you let us. Then talk turned to 'boys are confusing' 'no girls are confusing' 'men suck' 'no, women suck' etc etc. And then thoughts turned to sad and lonely and 'why doesn't anyone ever like me' depressing kind of shit. So yeah, thanks for that Jason! ;) I start out feeling bad for you and wanting to cheer you up, but I end up all depressed and sad, and needing cheering up myself (so what do I do? I drink beer. Strong work!)
But anyway, it got me thinking of the age-old topic. Yes, I know women can be hard to understand. I like to think that I, personally, am pretty much an open book. Perhaps to my detriment. I am super trusting, and loyal to a fault. And I can be totally gullible and naive when it comes to guys. Like, I actually think 'yeah I'll call you' actually MEANS 'i'll call you.' Silly me... Sure, sometimes it does mean that, but more often it means 'no way in hell will i call you, but I'm "afraid of hurting you" so I won't just tell you no- I'll lead you on for a while, and make it even worse."
And that is what I'm talking about... Guys like to claim that they are so easy to read and so straightforward- but that's so not true.... You play games with the best of 'em. I think the most common being the one above. I would SOOOOOOO much rather be hurt by the honest truth now, than deceived with lies and more hurt later... The "i think you're cool, but I just don't feel it" is so much better.... Yeah sure, no one wants to have to tell someone that. But they "yeah yeah we'll hang out next week" and then coming up with some excuse at the last second... that is so chicken-shit, and SO much worse.
Haha, I'm not really as bitter as this sounds.... I'm just sick of trying to interpret boys and their actions and non-actions.
[edited for content- personal details of current mini-semi-quasi-crush situation deleted. Gist of story- I'm not sure where things stand.]
So my rational side thinks it's probably a no, take the hint, move on.... But my emotional side can make so many excuses... didn't get the message, lost my number, etc etc etc. So I think 'ok, that's it. I've made my move. I'll just play it cool. See what happens, take no further action"
But I hate that. That even has the word 'play' in it and I am so not about "playing" any sort of BS games with people... I mean c'mon, we're adults here. Why can't we talk maturely about emotions? 'hey, you're cool. I think maybe I could like you." "awesome, i think you're cool too- let's hang out!" Or "yeah I'm just not feeling it, but thanks!"
That sort of honest communication could spare SO much heartache.... I try to be straightforward, and I just don't bet it back...
Such a bummer...
Yeah I could stand to lose a few pounds... But all in all, I'm a sane, down-to-earth, smart, funny, reasonably attractive chick. With a decent job and a decent head on my shoulders. I've got my shit together. I don't "need" a boy. But I'm always down with making new friends. And if something comes if it- great! And if it doesn't- that's fine too. No harm no foul. Never hurts to meet new people... I would do anything for my friends/family, without thinking twice. Just because I like to do things for people. I won't blow smoke up your ass, and all I want is for you do the same...
So why does that always backfire on me?
Guys claim they don't play games, they say they want a girl who doesn't. I don't, and it freaks people out. At least, something freaks 'em out. Maybe "straightforward" comes across as desperate? Which I'm so not...
Bah... it's past my bedtime. I'm not looking for you all to tell me how great I am, and stroke my ego. I *know* I'm a cool fuckin chick. ;)
I'm just venting my confusion, and wondering if anyone out there feels the same...
Ok. Thanks for listening. 'Night peeps.
So (e:jason)'s post tonight (sorry, you'll have to look it up, I'm incapable of figuring out the link right now) plus some chat plus long talks with friends, have sent me through the gamut of emotions. Starting with 'poor jason'. That raw emotion just breaks my heart. It sucks, it hurts, I can feel it, and I wish I could help, but I fear only time can cure a broken heart. There are tons of people here for you bro. But YOU have to make the decision to actively try to feel better, then open your eyes and let them in... You're only alone if you let yourself be, and we can't help you unless you let us. Then talk turned to 'boys are confusing' 'no girls are confusing' 'men suck' 'no, women suck' etc etc. And then thoughts turned to sad and lonely and 'why doesn't anyone ever like me' depressing kind of shit. So yeah, thanks for that Jason! ;) I start out feeling bad for you and wanting to cheer you up, but I end up all depressed and sad, and needing cheering up myself (so what do I do? I drink beer. Strong work!)
But anyway, it got me thinking of the age-old topic. Yes, I know women can be hard to understand. I like to think that I, personally, am pretty much an open book. Perhaps to my detriment. I am super trusting, and loyal to a fault. And I can be totally gullible and naive when it comes to guys. Like, I actually think 'yeah I'll call you' actually MEANS 'i'll call you.' Silly me... Sure, sometimes it does mean that, but more often it means 'no way in hell will i call you, but I'm "afraid of hurting you" so I won't just tell you no- I'll lead you on for a while, and make it even worse."
And that is what I'm talking about... Guys like to claim that they are so easy to read and so straightforward- but that's so not true.... You play games with the best of 'em. I think the most common being the one above. I would SOOOOOOO much rather be hurt by the honest truth now, than deceived with lies and more hurt later... The "i think you're cool, but I just don't feel it" is so much better.... Yeah sure, no one wants to have to tell someone that. But they "yeah yeah we'll hang out next week" and then coming up with some excuse at the last second... that is so chicken-shit, and SO much worse.
Haha, I'm not really as bitter as this sounds.... I'm just sick of trying to interpret boys and their actions and non-actions.
[edited for content- personal details of current mini-semi-quasi-crush situation deleted. Gist of story- I'm not sure where things stand.]
So my rational side thinks it's probably a no, take the hint, move on.... But my emotional side can make so many excuses... didn't get the message, lost my number, etc etc etc. So I think 'ok, that's it. I've made my move. I'll just play it cool. See what happens, take no further action"
But I hate that. That even has the word 'play' in it and I am so not about "playing" any sort of BS games with people... I mean c'mon, we're adults here. Why can't we talk maturely about emotions? 'hey, you're cool. I think maybe I could like you." "awesome, i think you're cool too- let's hang out!" Or "yeah I'm just not feeling it, but thanks!"
That sort of honest communication could spare SO much heartache.... I try to be straightforward, and I just don't bet it back...
Such a bummer...
Yeah I could stand to lose a few pounds... But all in all, I'm a sane, down-to-earth, smart, funny, reasonably attractive chick. With a decent job and a decent head on my shoulders. I've got my shit together. I don't "need" a boy. But I'm always down with making new friends. And if something comes if it- great! And if it doesn't- that's fine too. No harm no foul. Never hurts to meet new people... I would do anything for my friends/family, without thinking twice. Just because I like to do things for people. I won't blow smoke up your ass, and all I want is for you do the same...
So why does that always backfire on me?
Guys claim they don't play games, they say they want a girl who doesn't. I don't, and it freaks people out. At least, something freaks 'em out. Maybe "straightforward" comes across as desperate? Which I'm so not...
Bah... it's past my bedtime. I'm not looking for you all to tell me how great I am, and stroke my ego. I *know* I'm a cool fuckin chick. ;)
I'm just venting my confusion, and wondering if anyone out there feels the same...
Ok. Thanks for listening. 'Night peeps.
ladycroft - 02/18/06 12:21
thanks for the night jenks, i think we both needed that! luv ya!
thanks for the night jenks, i think we both needed that! luv ya!
metalpeter - 02/18/06 12:13
First of all your Journal is my Favorite number 69!!!!!!!!!!!!! I admit I havn't met you yet but from what I've seen on here and since ladycroft likes ya I will assume you are a cool chic like you say you are. I know I was looking forward to meeting ya (but my stupid ass fucked that up).
I don't do the get the numbers and not call people thing (don't even do the get the digits thing) so I can't say why guys do that. I have a few other guesses though. I maybe way off but I think guys feal it as a conquest yes I got her number. I think they also (assuming again it is a bar) get numbers of girls they only want to hook up with. When they are going to go to a movie do you call the hotie from the bar, I doubt it. If you are going to bar would you call to see if the girl wants to meet you at the bar you are going to, I doubt it. It wouldn't make sense if you wanted to hang out then you would you wouldn't go to a crowded bar where you are going to be hitting on more girls. But this is just my view.
You have to remember that this is the guy that never calls his friends, not that they ever call me either. One of those reasons is I kinda like my weekends to myself. If I corindating what to do and whare to go it becomes stressfull so I guess I'm no better then guys who don't call back.
I don't understand game playing I really don't. I think that sometimes what looks like game playing isn't because of how guys and girls look at things differantly. We have a disadvantage over a lot of animals they mate and don't have the ablilty to see what they do to mate it is mostly all instinct.
First of all your Journal is my Favorite number 69!!!!!!!!!!!!! I admit I havn't met you yet but from what I've seen on here and since ladycroft likes ya I will assume you are a cool chic like you say you are. I know I was looking forward to meeting ya (but my stupid ass fucked that up).
I don't do the get the numbers and not call people thing (don't even do the get the digits thing) so I can't say why guys do that. I have a few other guesses though. I maybe way off but I think guys feal it as a conquest yes I got her number. I think they also (assuming again it is a bar) get numbers of girls they only want to hook up with. When they are going to go to a movie do you call the hotie from the bar, I doubt it. If you are going to bar would you call to see if the girl wants to meet you at the bar you are going to, I doubt it. It wouldn't make sense if you wanted to hang out then you would you wouldn't go to a crowded bar where you are going to be hitting on more girls. But this is just my view.
You have to remember that this is the guy that never calls his friends, not that they ever call me either. One of those reasons is I kinda like my weekends to myself. If I corindating what to do and whare to go it becomes stressfull so I guess I'm no better then guys who don't call back.
I don't understand game playing I really don't. I think that sometimes what looks like game playing isn't because of how guys and girls look at things differantly. We have a disadvantage over a lot of animals they mate and don't have the ablilty to see what they do to mate it is mostly all instinct.
bah, I hate not being able to do things when everyone else is. I hate it more when I am not invited to do things.. even if everyone knows that I am busy w/ whatever. It is still nice to be asked. I think you get me :)
so on that note..
You are always welcome at my place.. sometimes I do last second stuff.. but I know I could have dropped you a line..even though I knew you were working. I think we operate on some of the same principles.. just kick me :)
Haha, no lee... I think you described the bread pretty accurately- I just disagree that it's bland and baby-foodish.
lol. i strongly suspect you didnt mean it this way... but you disagree with me that i wasnt impressed with the bread when i ate ethiopian food once? i know, i know. you meant that you dont think the bread is strong and/or vinegary, but that you think it is yummy. maybe different places make it differently? I love spicey foods. thai food ranks as one of my favorites. but i have issues with texture, and soft and/or 'mushy' is one of mine. and i found the food conflicted strongly with that particular food issue.
I can't believe that Rochacha has 2 Ethiopian restaurants, and Buffalo none. But then, Rochester has vegetarian/vegan restaurants too, so it's not a surprise.
The one great thing about living in the Bay Area is that you can basically get any type of food you want. So on Sunday night I went to, guess what, an Eritrean restaurant (for those that don't know, Eritrea is a country just to the north of Ethiopia and the food is similar) in the heart of hippietown, the Haight. :)
everyone is entitled to their opinion. there are pros and cons to every situation. i'm watching knight rider. i wish i could sleep too.