not to be a 'bitter-single-on-v-day-girl', but...
I thought I was over him...
Then saw him in the "who's checked me out" section on Friendster, and it made my heart skip a beat.
Damn you ex boyfriend!
I worked hard to get you out of my head, now stay out!
At least I have cupcakes. :)
Jenks's Journal
My Podcast Link
02/13/2006 14:22 #23790
DAMMIT!Category: boys
02/12/2006 14:08 #23789
w(h)ine and cheese?Category: lurve
So, since it's looking like my chances at food+drinks+sex for v-day are slim to none, I'm thinking the next best thing is food+drinks+friends. So I just wanted to send a little message to gauge interest in some sort of hanging-out-time tues night... Wine and cheese, popcorn and a DVD, whatever. Maybe even a pillowfight for (e:ajay). Not a 'bitter single girls bitch-session' thing- just quality time with cool peeps. I may be able to offer my place, depending on numbers... I won't get off til 6 or 7 (get off WORK that is, you cheeky monkeys)- but after that will be free.
Any takers?
Any takers?
codypomeray - 02/13/06 19:11
i'd love to be there! yeah what kind of cheese?sounds like fun. so far i might just do laundry tuesday nite. i won't even justify the day! hahaha..
i'd love to be there! yeah what kind of cheese?sounds like fun. so far i might just do laundry tuesday nite. i won't even justify the day! hahaha..
dcoffee - 02/12/06 20:25
depends how much fancy cheese you got!! but alass I might be disqualified
depends how much fancy cheese you got!! but alass I might be disqualified
imk2 - 02/12/06 19:19
i promised to go to dinner with another single friend at around 6, so i can show at around 9 or 9:30. any ideas as to what dvd's we want to watch?
i promised to go to dinner with another single friend at around 6, so i can show at around 9 or 9:30. any ideas as to what dvd's we want to watch?
ladycroft - 02/12/06 14:13
Hehehehe! Yah, you know I'll be there with my sexy silky pajamas. I have class and a meeting, so I prolly can't get there til about 9:30. But I'll be there!
Hehehehe! Yah, you know I'll be there with my sexy silky pajamas. I have class and a meeting, so I prolly can't get there til about 9:30. But I'll be there!
02/11/2006 13:01 #23788
BOOBS! (or: I am a terrible bowler)Category: out
Grr, this is a redo after crashing, but here goes...
So last night we had a Girls' Night Out in honor of Yvonne/imk2 (who, for those of you who don't know her, is a knockout, and a Cool Chick. Fuck that ex! He's a loser and an idiot for letting her go). In attendence were (e:imk2), (e:ladycroft), (e:theecarey), (e:me), and non-(e:) Jen, Miranda, Julie, and Lynne. We went to Voelker's, which is a weird semi-seedy place. There is a bar up front, where it is very complicated to pay for your food, which the bartender orders over the phone. It is also non-smoking, except that you can smoke if you pay a dollar towards the fine. (I wonder if that's how the Pink gets around the rules too...) We were just about the only girls there, and apparently we were being leered at, though I am always oblivious, and was too busy eating my (bad) fries to notice. But we did come up with some story about this being our last night out before leaving for the convent, in an attempt to fend off one especially persistent little guy. Though I think the amount of collective cleavage showing tipped him off. But so then we moved to the actual lanes, where I was reminded of just how badly I suck at bowling. But I'm ok with that. We bowled, with varying degrees of success, drank beer, and garnered some gawks as we posed for pix.
Then it was off to OPM lounge, where we did NOT find PMT. But the beats were kickin' so we shook our rumps for a while...
And without further ado, the pictorial evidence:


Jen, who does a cute little "go that way go that way!" dance.

"ONE! One lousy pin?! But I have mad skillz! Damn you bowling gods!!"

Nice jugs, ladies.

Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug!

(How could I resist?)

How come everyone else can make a good "off to the convent" angelic smile, and all I can muster is that stupid face? bleh!

less angelic?

Yes, that is the shocker in Carey's crotch.

That guy was not the intended subject of my pic. But look how happy he is!

Looking pretty for the camera one last time, before getting hauled off in the squad car behind us.

Smokin' hot. Literally.
So last night we had a Girls' Night Out in honor of Yvonne/imk2 (who, for those of you who don't know her, is a knockout, and a Cool Chick. Fuck that ex! He's a loser and an idiot for letting her go). In attendence were (e:imk2), (e:ladycroft), (e:theecarey), (e:me), and non-(e:) Jen, Miranda, Julie, and Lynne. We went to Voelker's, which is a weird semi-seedy place. There is a bar up front, where it is very complicated to pay for your food, which the bartender orders over the phone. It is also non-smoking, except that you can smoke if you pay a dollar towards the fine. (I wonder if that's how the Pink gets around the rules too...) We were just about the only girls there, and apparently we were being leered at, though I am always oblivious, and was too busy eating my (bad) fries to notice. But we did come up with some story about this being our last night out before leaving for the convent, in an attempt to fend off one especially persistent little guy. Though I think the amount of collective cleavage showing tipped him off. But so then we moved to the actual lanes, where I was reminded of just how badly I suck at bowling. But I'm ok with that. We bowled, with varying degrees of success, drank beer, and garnered some gawks as we posed for pix.
Then it was off to OPM lounge, where we did NOT find PMT. But the beats were kickin' so we shook our rumps for a while...
And without further ado, the pictorial evidence:


Jen, who does a cute little "go that way go that way!" dance.

"ONE! One lousy pin?! But I have mad skillz! Damn you bowling gods!!"

Nice jugs, ladies.

Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug!

(How could I resist?)

How come everyone else can make a good "off to the convent" angelic smile, and all I can muster is that stupid face? bleh!

less angelic?

Yes, that is the shocker in Carey's crotch.

That guy was not the intended subject of my pic. But look how happy he is!

Looking pretty for the camera one last time, before getting hauled off in the squad car behind us.

Smokin' hot. Literally.
ajay - 02/11/06 20:41
Marry me!
Marry me!
ladycroft - 02/11/06 18:29
are my boobs really that big???? i look like i just jumped out of a swimming pool in that last one, it was friggin HOT at Opium!
are my boobs really that big???? i look like i just jumped out of a swimming pool in that last one, it was friggin HOT at Opium!
jenks - 02/11/06 14:02
Yeah, we were there from 12-2 or so. It was fun. I've never been before. Very drum-n-bass/techno, which I hadn't found in buffalo before. And an interesting mix of people from goth to raver to prep...
Yeah, we were there from 12-2 or so. It was fun. I've never been before. Very drum-n-bass/techno, which I hadn't found in buffalo before. And an interesting mix of people from goth to raver to prep...
paul - 02/11/06 13:56
We ended up not dancing at OPium lounge. Did you guys go? If so how was it?
We ended up not dancing at OPium lounge. Did you guys go? If so how was it?
metalpeter - 02/11/06 13:24
Not sure what one of you ladies looks the cutest, oh god that makes you sound like your all 9, sorry. My point was that if I was there bowling concentrating on the game at hand would be a little tough. I would be learing my self. Not sure as to what my favorite pic is you ladies looked like you had a lot of fun.
Not sure what one of you ladies looks the cutest, oh god that makes you sound like your all 9, sorry. My point was that if I was there bowling concentrating on the game at hand would be a little tough. I would be learing my self. Not sure as to what my favorite pic is you ladies looked like you had a lot of fun.
theecarey - 02/11/06 13:19
Angelic "In the convent, repressed, I am going to push you on your knees and repent" expression.. yeh, you've got us beat.
That's hawt.
Angelic "In the convent, repressed, I am going to push you on your knees and repent" expression.. yeh, you've got us beat.
That's hawt.
02/10/2006 00:14 #23787
people are nuts, I tell ya!Category: potpourri
So I had lunch with one of my kick-ass med students today. He's such a nice guy... And helpful... I wish all students could be this good. And his english is fantastic, but he's not american, so once in a while we confuse him.
But anyway so later we were in the ER and this girl was telling someone about how her boyfriend broke up with her b/c he 'fell for her too fast and didn't want a relationship'. Then gave her a ring and dumped her. Huh? Not sure I buy it. But anyway, so then she yelled at Michal, going 'hey you! What's wrong with guys? will you explain it to me? Why are they all assholes!' Poor guy was a little bewildered... like 'i'm not an asshole... don't ask me to speak for everyone!'
Then she started talking, overly loudly, to someone about how 'I just took the bandage off, even though it's only been an hour since it was done and they said to leave it on, do you think it's ok?' she obviously has a new tattoo and wants everyone to know. I wasn't biting. But Michal, good little med student, was like 'bandage? are you ok?' and she goes "yeah.... I just got a tattoo!" and since she was staring at me, i asked disinterestedly, "oh... what did you get?" and she said 'gizmo' and I said "like the gremlin?" and she got all snotty, and said "no... gizmo the dragon. Of course the gremlin! what other gizmos are there?" Oh... excuse me. Just that that movie is from what, 1983? Not exactly a current fad. Don't get me wrong. I think cool tattoos can look awesome. But I do not think flash/cartoon tattoos are cool tattoos.
God, am I a total bitch or what? Sorry for the rant...
as far as V-day- must say I agree with Josh on this one. Dinner+drinks+sex=all I could want. Better yet if it's with someone I dig. Not so into the one-night random thing, just for the sake of booty.
and I leave you with some jokes, courtesy of Laffy Taffy (my dinner)-
What is the best way to keep water from running?
Don't pay the bill.
What are the strongest days of the week?
Saturday and Sunday- the rest are weekdays! (ha, I actually thought that one was cute.)
P.S. Who the fuck is Nicholas Picholas? Is he like some Buffalo celebrity I should be aware of? There are signs all over the hospital for "LIVE! From the Fisher Price playroom! Janet Snyder and Nicholas Picholas!" (for the 98.5 kids' kare-a-thon or something like that.)
I dunno about you peeps, but if my last name were Picholas, I would not name my kid Nicholas. And if my name was Joe Smith and I was trying to think of a cool name to use on the air, I don't think I would choose Nicholas Picholas. But that's just me...
But anyway so later we were in the ER and this girl was telling someone about how her boyfriend broke up with her b/c he 'fell for her too fast and didn't want a relationship'. Then gave her a ring and dumped her. Huh? Not sure I buy it. But anyway, so then she yelled at Michal, going 'hey you! What's wrong with guys? will you explain it to me? Why are they all assholes!' Poor guy was a little bewildered... like 'i'm not an asshole... don't ask me to speak for everyone!'
Then she started talking, overly loudly, to someone about how 'I just took the bandage off, even though it's only been an hour since it was done and they said to leave it on, do you think it's ok?' she obviously has a new tattoo and wants everyone to know. I wasn't biting. But Michal, good little med student, was like 'bandage? are you ok?' and she goes "yeah.... I just got a tattoo!" and since she was staring at me, i asked disinterestedly, "oh... what did you get?" and she said 'gizmo' and I said "like the gremlin?" and she got all snotty, and said "no... gizmo the dragon. Of course the gremlin! what other gizmos are there?" Oh... excuse me. Just that that movie is from what, 1983? Not exactly a current fad. Don't get me wrong. I think cool tattoos can look awesome. But I do not think flash/cartoon tattoos are cool tattoos.
God, am I a total bitch or what? Sorry for the rant...
as far as V-day- must say I agree with Josh on this one. Dinner+drinks+sex=all I could want. Better yet if it's with someone I dig. Not so into the one-night random thing, just for the sake of booty.
and I leave you with some jokes, courtesy of Laffy Taffy (my dinner)-
What is the best way to keep water from running?
Don't pay the bill.
What are the strongest days of the week?
Saturday and Sunday- the rest are weekdays! (ha, I actually thought that one was cute.)
P.S. Who the fuck is Nicholas Picholas? Is he like some Buffalo celebrity I should be aware of? There are signs all over the hospital for "LIVE! From the Fisher Price playroom! Janet Snyder and Nicholas Picholas!" (for the 98.5 kids' kare-a-thon or something like that.)
I dunno about you peeps, but if my last name were Picholas, I would not name my kid Nicholas. And if my name was Joe Smith and I was trying to think of a cool name to use on the air, I don't think I would choose Nicholas Picholas. But that's just me...
metalpeter - 02/11/06 11:45
What most likely happend with the guy is he really fell for the chick. It probabaly happend to fast. So then he thought he wanted to get married. Then he came around and said what the fuck. I have heard about some people who date and tell the other person there entire life in 2 dates than things fall apart because everything is covered and there is nothing new to learn.
Nicolas is a Radio Personality that used to work at the EDGE and then went to KISS. So shread and Regan bash the hell out of him. Gay jokes and all kinds of stuff. I think that out side the confines of radio they get along. They have had contests where you have to get Nicholas to take a picture with you and he has been good sport about it. I thought recently he had some kind of cancer or sickness and he got better but not sure.
What most likely happend with the guy is he really fell for the chick. It probabaly happend to fast. So then he thought he wanted to get married. Then he came around and said what the fuck. I have heard about some people who date and tell the other person there entire life in 2 dates than things fall apart because everything is covered and there is nothing new to learn.
Nicolas is a Radio Personality that used to work at the EDGE and then went to KISS. So shread and Regan bash the hell out of him. Gay jokes and all kinds of stuff. I think that out side the confines of radio they get along. They have had contests where you have to get Nicholas to take a picture with you and he has been good sport about it. I thought recently he had some kind of cancer or sickness and he got better but not sure.
jenks - 02/10/06 00:38
no way!! that was the other one on my laffy taffy, I swear. hehe.
no way!! that was the other one on my laffy taffy, I swear. hehe.
02/05/2006 16:33 #23786
Pix!Category: party
Ok, I have too many pix to put into a post, so you'll have to check out a link.
(This is the first time I've used this new web-publishing program- must say I think the slideshow is kinda slick!)

Ok, and here's something else I haven't tried, so let me know if it works.
I have the pix "photocasted" from iPhoto. Which means any mac people can 'subscribe' to the folder and access all the original, full-size photos (the catch is that you need the new version of iphoto). Supposedly windows peeps can too, as long as you have a browser that can do RSS. I'd be curious to know if it works for you. the login and password are both estrip. Here's the link....

(This is the first time I've used this new web-publishing program- must say I think the slideshow is kinda slick!)

Ok, and here's something else I haven't tried, so let me know if it works.
I have the pix "photocasted" from iPhoto. Which means any mac people can 'subscribe' to the folder and access all the original, full-size photos (the catch is that you need the new version of iphoto). Supposedly windows peeps can too, as long as you have a browser that can do RSS. I'd be curious to know if it works for you. the login and password are both estrip. Here's the link....

metalpeter - 02/06/06 18:20
In response to the previous post I'm sorry I missed meeting you. I guess since your a chick you can get away with passing out if that happend to one of the guys who knows what would have happendend (A Tea Bagging or a bunch of other evil stuff that I have heard about with markers). Great pics by the way. Glad you had fun.
In response to the previous post I'm sorry I missed meeting you. I guess since your a chick you can get away with passing out if that happend to one of the guys who knows what would have happendend (A Tea Bagging or a bunch of other evil stuff that I have heard about with markers). Great pics by the way. Glad you had fun.
decoyisryan - 02/05/06 22:03
nice pictures and nice seeing you again. but seriously, was my face really that red or was it the camera.......cause my face looks really red.
nice pictures and nice seeing you again. but seriously, was my face really that red or was it the camera.......cause my face looks really red.
theecarey - 02/05/06 20:37
great set up with the slide show and qoutes. There are some good ones in there!
great set up with the slide show and qoutes. There are some good ones in there!
ajay - 02/05/06 18:39
Put these on Flickr :::link::: so we can all add our comments :)
Great pics... thanks for putting them up. I miss Mr. Goodbar.
Put these on Flickr :::link::: so we can all add our comments :)
Great pics... thanks for putting them up. I miss Mr. Goodbar.
ladycroft - 02/05/06 17:18
HA! the quotes are hysterical!
HA! the quotes are hysterical!
cupcakes and girlfriends, that's all you need!
well i deleted him from my friends, thought that would be enough...
yeah, see! I know exactly what you're talking about. The best thing for me was to delete my myspace account so I have no connection to him.