So this morning I got to work and went up to our call room... and there were 3 guys there, my co-residents and one of the med students. As I walk in, the student has his pants off in the hall, changing into scrubs. I immediately step back and shut the door but he says it's ok, to come back (because I kind of did have to get in to get stuff for work). So then two minutes later, one of the other guys drops trou... (this happens to be work crush #2, too, so I don't really mind looking.) I didn't know if I should leave or what... I mean there was a bathroom like 2 feet away that he could have gone to, so I guess he didn't care. But seeing a guy in boxers and an undershirt is not that scandalous, and is not the same as if i stripped down to bra and skivvies in front of them. I kicked them all out when I changed. I think maybe they were hoping I'd follow their lead, but I'm not quite ready for that...
So then later we're in the OR... And there are a bunch of people there. The attending, the fellow (both guys), me, the scrub tech, a couple other nurses, anesthesia x2, etc etc. And then some (cute, young) girl comes in, and she's chatting away, and then says to the boss (who is a huge, bald, (married), POMPOUS guy who wears a fucking UnderArmour cap in the OR, apparently he is too good for the blue paper ones)- "OMG Dr __ I loove underarmour! that's so cool!" then she went on about how underarmour has gone public, and they have a lingerie line now. I said "underarmour makes lingerie?" and she said "yeah, bras, and not just like sports bras! and underwear! my friend has some yada yada yada" then she giggles and leaves. And dr __ makes some crack about how is supposed to get that image out of his head or something.
then we work away for a while. in a bit she comes back b/c she needs a key, and she asks where it is, and dr __ says he has it. And she asks where, and he fucking SHAKES HIS ASS at her. So she laughs nervously and approaches him from the back to get the key. Mind you, we are all scrubbed, which means wearing sterile gowns and gloves and all that. We cannot touch anything unsterile. So she has to reach up under his gown to find the key. And she has to fumble around and ask which pocket. Dr __ was in heaven. he was rolling his eyes... after she left he kind of shook his head, pretending to be all flustered... Gross.
Surgery is known for being quite the Old Boys Club, and surgeons are notorious for being assholes. So I am used to being patronized and belittled. And I'm fine with all the jokes etc, but this was kind of gross. Maybe it's just b/c i think he's so gross.
bleh, left an icky taste in my mouth.
And speaking of yucky taste. I am feeling the twinges of a sore throat.
You've got to be kidding me. If I get sick AGAIN, I will scream. I have never ever ever in my life been sick this much! I'm barely over the last one... Maybe my body is trying to tell me that 3-4 hr sleep per night is not cutting it.
So I'm dosing up on advil and cold-eeze and hoping it's gone in the AM.
Jenks's Journal
My Podcast Link
02/02/2006 21:07 #23783
I work with pigs. (mmm, bacon).02/01/2006 14:14 #23782
score!Category: :)
Not too much to say lately, which is unusual for me. (haha, it's been what, two days since I posted? Feels like ages)
My pre-exam caffeine/insomnia buzz seems to be clearing (though not due to catching up on sleep- I still dozed off in conference this morning despite my best efforts (coffee, gum-chewing [i typed cum-chewing at first. Hmm. where is my mind], arm-pinching), and I don't feel very sharp or insightful. Usually my mind is full of dumb little "oh my god I can't wait to tell so-and-so about this!" moments. And you, estrip, have been so-and-so lately. Much to the relief of my friends, I'm sure- they get a break from being subjected to all my ridiculous "stories"-ha.
But I must say I am pretty stoked right now. Got a random call at like 9:30 this morning, but I was at work and couldn't answer. Checked my messages later- it was none other than my favorite local rock star [come to think of it, i'm shocked he was up at that hour!]- inviting me out to dinner. Granted he's just a friend, and I think he's seeing someone, and he's inviting me along with a group, so this is not like a romantic date, but he's fucking hot (and ok, maybe i have a teeny tiny (ahemhuge) crush), and so it still made my heart skip a beat to even get the call. I hadn't heard from him in months. So woohoo, I'm pretty psyched about that. Maybe the 'ignore him and don't call for a month' strategy actually works...
Hmm. Maybe I should stop wearing my heart on my sleeve and actually telling people how I feel. Maybe I SHOULD play 'hard-to-get' like "they" always say to... What do you all think? God knows my old ways don't work so well.
Just kidding. Despite my track record, I just don't have it in me to turn all digger and start playing bullshit games. Call me naive... but I know there's someone out there, (i mean there has to be! look at me! i'm adorable! I'm a catch! (my mom says so!)) and I'll only find him when I'm not trying. Unfortunately, that doesn't keep me from trying. If only I could listen to my own advice...
So I'm not sure if it's great or pathetic that something as simple as a call can make my day (hell, my week!), but I'm not going to analyze. At least, I won't over analyze... well, I'll try not to... ha.
(but take note guys; it's THAT easy to make us (at least me) happy.)
la di da... I will go float along on my cloud now. Try to do some laundry and clean up this disaster area that I call a house.
Catch you later peeps!
My pre-exam caffeine/insomnia buzz seems to be clearing (though not due to catching up on sleep- I still dozed off in conference this morning despite my best efforts (coffee, gum-chewing [i typed cum-chewing at first. Hmm. where is my mind], arm-pinching), and I don't feel very sharp or insightful. Usually my mind is full of dumb little "oh my god I can't wait to tell so-and-so about this!" moments. And you, estrip, have been so-and-so lately. Much to the relief of my friends, I'm sure- they get a break from being subjected to all my ridiculous "stories"-ha.
But I must say I am pretty stoked right now. Got a random call at like 9:30 this morning, but I was at work and couldn't answer. Checked my messages later- it was none other than my favorite local rock star [come to think of it, i'm shocked he was up at that hour!]- inviting me out to dinner. Granted he's just a friend, and I think he's seeing someone, and he's inviting me along with a group, so this is not like a romantic date, but he's fucking hot (and ok, maybe i have a teeny tiny (ahemhuge) crush), and so it still made my heart skip a beat to even get the call. I hadn't heard from him in months. So woohoo, I'm pretty psyched about that. Maybe the 'ignore him and don't call for a month' strategy actually works...
Hmm. Maybe I should stop wearing my heart on my sleeve and actually telling people how I feel. Maybe I SHOULD play 'hard-to-get' like "they" always say to... What do you all think? God knows my old ways don't work so well.
Just kidding. Despite my track record, I just don't have it in me to turn all digger and start playing bullshit games. Call me naive... but I know there's someone out there, (i mean there has to be! look at me! i'm adorable! I'm a catch! (my mom says so!)) and I'll only find him when I'm not trying. Unfortunately, that doesn't keep me from trying. If only I could listen to my own advice...
So I'm not sure if it's great or pathetic that something as simple as a call can make my day (hell, my week!), but I'm not going to analyze. At least, I won't over analyze... well, I'll try not to... ha.
(but take note guys; it's THAT easy to make us (at least me) happy.)
la di da... I will go float along on my cloud now. Try to do some laundry and clean up this disaster area that I call a house.
Catch you later peeps!
metalpeter - 02/01/06 21:01
I havn't met you yet but i will agree with what you say based on your pics with ladycroft. Games are pointless. I understand that sometimes guys/gals arn't sure how they feal or they have a couple people that they date at the same time (nonserious dating), or they don't speak there mind. But There is no point in deception just be honest. In terms of the Buffalo Rock star thing, that is cool. I don't know how I would feal if someone on stage said thanks to me. I admit I have seen a bunch of bands and only know a couple musicans but don't know anyone from any bands.
I havn't met you yet but i will agree with what you say based on your pics with ladycroft. Games are pointless. I understand that sometimes guys/gals arn't sure how they feal or they have a couple people that they date at the same time (nonserious dating), or they don't speak there mind. But There is no point in deception just be honest. In terms of the Buffalo Rock star thing, that is cool. I don't know how I would feal if someone on stage said thanks to me. I admit I have seen a bunch of bands and only know a couple musicans but don't know anyone from any bands.
jenks - 02/01/06 19:54
Yeah... that kind of "score" doesn't happen in my world. Ah well.
And I'm pretty sure he has a girl. And even if he doesn't, nothing came of it the one time I DID try to 'go for it.' Then again, I'm don't really know how to do that. But I got no love. Ah well. He's a cool guy and I'm glad to have him as a friend. And he is (literally) a Buffalo rock star, so I always feel kind of cool around him. Like at their shows if he gives me a shoutout, I suddenly get a lot of dirty looks from the girls in the audience.
Yeah... that kind of "score" doesn't happen in my world. Ah well.
And I'm pretty sure he has a girl. And even if he doesn't, nothing came of it the one time I DID try to 'go for it.' Then again, I'm don't really know how to do that. But I got no love. Ah well. He's a cool guy and I'm glad to have him as a friend. And he is (literally) a Buffalo rock star, so I always feel kind of cool around him. Like at their shows if he gives me a shoutout, I suddenly get a lot of dirty looks from the girls in the audience.
theecarey - 02/01/06 17:57
Not the "score" I was expecting to read.. but its a start. Find out of he has got a girl.. then if not, go get 'em tiger :)
And yeh, I know what you mean, by the simple things. I may not expect it, or need it.. but when they do something thoughtful, it totally raises my impression of them.. and they totally reap the benefits. Win-win all the way!
Not the "score" I was expecting to read.. but its a start. Find out of he has got a girl.. then if not, go get 'em tiger :)
And yeh, I know what you mean, by the simple things. I may not expect it, or need it.. but when they do something thoughtful, it totally raises my impression of them.. and they totally reap the benefits. Win-win all the way!
codypomeray - 02/01/06 16:48
yeah the title was from Singles as well.
yeah the title was from Singles as well.
codypomeray - 02/01/06 14:45
hey i think i see you a few clouds over. haha. i hear ya, a simple little thing like a smile or a voice on a phone, amazing isnt it.
hey i think i see you a few clouds over. haha. i hear ya, a simple little thing like a smile or a voice on a phone, amazing isnt it.
ladycroft - 02/01/06 14:29
Nah - if I dig someone I tell them up front. Games are a waste of everyone's time.
Nah - if I dig someone I tell them up front. Games are a waste of everyone's time.
01/29/2006 21:13 #23781
Proof of lifeCategory: peeptalk
Ahhhh, just got back from a long leisurely stint at spot. And Holy Peep Sighting, Batman! I think we counted seven... Myself, (e:ladycroft), (e:theecarey), (e:joshua), (e:jason), (e:salvatore) and (e:decoyisryan). Whew!
And I even have photographic evidence that the mythical Larson brothers do indeed exist: (pleasure meeting you, boys. We'll have to do it again.)

I'm starting to see a trend in Jason's expression...

yeah and for some reason Sal and Ladycroft are totally out of focus...
And I even have photographic evidence that the mythical Larson brothers do indeed exist: (pleasure meeting you, boys. We'll have to do it again.)

I'm starting to see a trend in Jason's expression...

yeah and for some reason Sal and Ladycroft are totally out of focus...
01/29/2006 13:18 #23780
peepitudeCategory: :)
You know, this place is great.
I love being around mature adults who can argue and disagree but still be friends and respect each other...
I was kind of nervous after posting some of what I wrote about religion etc, thinking 'oh boy what if I offended people'. And then came back to see the debate that ensued...
Maybe I did offend people. But that doesn't mean they hate me.
And I felt a little comforted to think that even if Jason and Ajay are going at it, it's still a civil debate. (For the most part...) ;)
And I like that I don't have to be afraid to say 'no, I don't believe in god." I know most people do believe, and I'm in the minority, and I usually don't bother telling people because I don't want a lecture.
I dunno, this is rambly and I'm not sure I'm getting my point across.
But what I'm trying to say is thanks everyone. :)
It's nice to be around people who can debate like adults and not have it turn into a hissy fit- even when they disgree 100%, it doesn't become a personal thing.
aww shucks.
Warm fuzzies.
I think I'm gonna cry....
I love being around mature adults who can argue and disagree but still be friends and respect each other...
I was kind of nervous after posting some of what I wrote about religion etc, thinking 'oh boy what if I offended people'. And then came back to see the debate that ensued...
Maybe I did offend people. But that doesn't mean they hate me.
And I felt a little comforted to think that even if Jason and Ajay are going at it, it's still a civil debate. (For the most part...) ;)
And I like that I don't have to be afraid to say 'no, I don't believe in god." I know most people do believe, and I'm in the minority, and I usually don't bother telling people because I don't want a lecture.
I dunno, this is rambly and I'm not sure I'm getting my point across.
But what I'm trying to say is thanks everyone. :)
It's nice to be around people who can debate like adults and not have it turn into a hissy fit- even when they disgree 100%, it doesn't become a personal thing.
aww shucks.
Warm fuzzies.
I think I'm gonna cry....
twisted - 01/29/06 21:32
(I believe) inevitably, we will occasionally get derailed. But the important thing is whether we can get back on track again. Sometimes I lose hope - but then I try to hope for the best.
Certain people make the risk of "hoping for the best" worthwhile. Thanks for being one of those people.
(I believe) inevitably, we will occasionally get derailed. But the important thing is whether we can get back on track again. Sometimes I lose hope - but then I try to hope for the best.
Certain people make the risk of "hoping for the best" worthwhile. Thanks for being one of those people.
theecarey - 01/29/06 13:41
ha, yeh, that pops up in my posts once in awhile.. how the peeps speak their minds-debate-spar- and the atmosphere stays positive. I love that here, as in any of my interactions with people.
ha, yeh, that pops up in my posts once in awhile.. how the peeps speak their minds-debate-spar- and the atmosphere stays positive. I love that here, as in any of my interactions with people.
metalpeter - 01/29/06 13:39
I will say this it is easy to talk to someone who you agree with. I don't think and I hope no body takes it personaly. Yes some of the AJ debate does sound personal at times, and it shouldn't be. (kidding) I'm deeply offendend that you don't belive (sarcastic). What makes this place so interesting is that we all don't agree and are all very differant. Hope you keep speaking your mind.
I will say this it is easy to talk to someone who you agree with. I don't think and I hope no body takes it personaly. Yes some of the AJ debate does sound personal at times, and it shouldn't be. (kidding) I'm deeply offendend that you don't belive (sarcastic). What makes this place so interesting is that we all don't agree and are all very differant. Hope you keep speaking your mind.
jenks - 01/29/06 13:33
Yeah, I guess that's what I meant.
Even when it gets personal, it's still among friends.
(I think? I'm still new here...)
And I know my thoughts on war, but I tend to stay far away from that one. And politics too. I just don't feel like I can speak intelligently enough about it, so I stay quiet.
Yeah, I guess that's what I meant.
Even when it gets personal, it's still among friends.
(I think? I'm still new here...)
And I know my thoughts on war, but I tend to stay far away from that one. And politics too. I just don't feel like I can speak intelligently enough about it, so I stay quiet.
joshua - 01/29/06 13:24
It does get personal here quite a bit, especially on the subject of war. But nobody here (at least to my knowledge...) takes any of it to heart.
It does get personal here quite a bit, especially on the subject of war. But nobody here (at least to my knowledge...) takes any of it to heart.
01/28/2006 12:43 #23779
halle-fuckin-lujahCategory: relief
Ok.... thank god that is finally over with. Until next year.
I think it went better than last year, but i hope better-enough to improve on last year's pathetic performance.
There was a lot of stuff on there that I wasn't sure about, but that I knew I had seen studying- the kind of stuff that would have been a gimme if I'd prepared better.
Oh well. Nothing I can do about it now, so I'm not going to stress.
Now I can finally stop thinking about it, and try to enjoy myself a little...
But on my way back I was behind a crappy old beater of a car with a bumper sticker that said 'stay back 300 feet. LIBERAL ELITE on board.' I wanted to ram him.
Ok, shower time, and maybe even a disco nap before I go to work.
Later peeps. It's a beautiful day out there, enjoy your weekend!
I think it went better than last year, but i hope better-enough to improve on last year's pathetic performance.
There was a lot of stuff on there that I wasn't sure about, but that I knew I had seen studying- the kind of stuff that would have been a gimme if I'd prepared better.
Oh well. Nothing I can do about it now, so I'm not going to stress.
Now I can finally stop thinking about it, and try to enjoy myself a little...
But on my way back I was behind a crappy old beater of a car with a bumper sticker that said 'stay back 300 feet. LIBERAL ELITE on board.' I wanted to ram him.
Ok, shower time, and maybe even a disco nap before I go to work.
Later peeps. It's a beautiful day out there, enjoy your weekend!
ladycroft - 01/28/06 12:58
Congrats!!! Now we can chill like the rock star mamas we are!
Congrats!!! Now we can chill like the rock star mamas we are!
The last guy I dated plays lacrosse and is pretty into underarmour, and is kind of pissed that it's becoming all "mainstream". But this guy just looks like such an ass in this lame underarmour hat. God I hate it so much! They call him 'penis head' anyway, and then he goes and wears a condom-ish hat. oy.
underarmour is so gross. i have this friend that seriously hates it more then life. in fact, i purchased an entire underarmour suit just to wear in front of her and piss her off.
YUCK! One thing I should learn when I read people's posts is NOT to visualize unless it is rated! I am sorry for your experience in the OR, cute guys are excluded. As for being sick, It is territory for a new book I might be writing - How to survive the non-winter buffalos?! At least when it is freezing cold things like germs DIE! Man will go to his extinction deathbed due to some tiny miniscule germ! I hope you feel better! SLEEP! It is necessary to SLEEP!