In the interest of science, and
(e:paul)'s degree, here are my answers to his
(e:strip) survey (see
(e:news,874) ) ....
1. How did you find out about/why did you become of estrip?
Honestly, I don't recall. When I took a job in Buffalo I started a vigorous online search for all things Buffalo to get a sense of the local scene. Probably a Google search of "Elmwood strip" and maybe links from other Buffalo related sites?
2. How "out" are you about having a publicly accessible online journal. Do your friends know? Does your family know? Do your co-workers know? Does your boss know? Do you use your real name? Do you use your real photo?
I've told people about "the online blogging community" and my contact with
(e:peeps) but I'm pretty sure no one except my partner knows that I write journal entries. I avoid using my real name on the site, but occasionally share it with
(e:peeps) via email. Photo is real, but my face is partially obscured.
3. How many epeeps have you met real life?
None yet - but I'm looking forward to it when we move to Buffalo!
4. How has estrip changed the way that you meet people, on and/or off line?
It has definitely improved the speed of making social connections in a new city - correspondence with one
(e:peep) seems to lead inevitably to a connection with a second and a third, etc.
5. How has estrip affected you love life?
Not at all -
(e:chico) and
(e:chicoschica) still a happy team with no new members. ;-)
6. How many of your friends have joined estrip because of your influence?
One -
(e:chicoschica) ... I don't think she knew about the site until I joined and started talking about it.
7. Are you from Buffalo/do you live in Buffalo?
No/Not yet... August 2006
1. What type of hardware or software purchases have you made as a result of using estrip?
None, but because of
(e:strip) I would consider looking into mobile internet technology. Was already using Firefox on my PC before
2. Have you used the mobile version of estrip? Why or why not?
No-- technology-deficient and motivation-deficient at the moment.
1. In what way has estrip changed your Internet surfings habits? Describe the amount of time you spend on estrip, when you use it and about how long?
I find interesting links from
(e:strip)pers ...
(e:kara) in particular has made some good suggestions. I spend less time looking at online newspapers and more time looking at
(e:peeps)' journals...
I try to look at
(e:strip) every day... probably [choke] three times a day at least, once in morning, once at lunch, once at coffee break time in afternoon (3pm), occasionally in the evenings. Probably altogether 1-2 hours per day, though the novelty hasn't worn off yet. :-)
1a. How many journals do you usually read per day?
Maybe 4-5...I try not to miss
(e:jenks) ,
(e:hodown) , and
(e:mrmike) among others
2. In what ways has estrip changed the way you perceive your local community?
Hasn't really changed the way I see my current local community in NJ, but because of
(e:strip) I feel like
(e:chicoschica) and I are moving to Buffalo with a ready-made network of friendly acquaintances who seem ready to help us settle in to our new city.
3. How has journaling about your life affected the way you spend your free time?
Yes, slightly... now I'm more likely to journal than to watch horrible garbage on TV. Also, when I see an interesting article online, I think about recording my thoughts and posting them online.
4. Has estrip changed your living situation in any way?
Not yet...but the
(e:peeps) are doing their best to help us find new digs!
5. Do you find that you mediate/document more of your experiences now that you share them with others?
Yes, to a small degree - probably will increase with time
6. Has publishing on estrip affected the way that write?
No, I think I use the same awkward combination of proper English and text-msg-type shortcuts as I would with G-mail chat, AIM, etc.
7. Do you have other online journals? If so, with what service and has estrip affected your usage of that journal?
8. Have you ever gotten in trouble for using estrip at work?
No, but I should.
9. If you have stopped using estrip, why?
That is a really interesting and kinda funny article.
Probably cleaning up those piles of crap while I was busy ignoring one of your temper tantrums.
Wait... *YOU* had a cat-o-nine-tails? Where the hell have *I* been?
As for YOU - Mr Chico -
haven't you noticed that I don't make as much of a fuss about your piles of crap all over the apartment? Seems to me, though, that the ignoring technique doesn't always seem to work - the crap still sits there - albeit in shorter piles.
Perhaps I should buy back the cat-o-nine-tails I sold at the pawn shop last week....
i didn't realize that ugly picture actually got posted. I have to figure out how to make a pic that will fit in the box - and since I don't have photoshop on this computer - I might be Paul Klee's red balloon for a while longer....grrrr...