Category: alex band
10/28/05 06:03 - 44ºF - ID#36275

On another's the weekend!!!!!!! And Halloween is on Monday!! And I have to teach religion tomorrow...but that's fine. Mwahaha, I can't wait to watch all those stupid bad "horror" movies on tv this weekend!! I love them...I wonder if any of Alex's dad's movies will be on? One can always hope...
"100 years of waiting, 36 thousand days....." What a great song...
Hmm...what else to say...
Louis, our French exchange student, left today. It's really sad. He was very nice! And very cute, lol...and he speaks french!! lol.. dreamy....
- hugs*

Permalink: Woot_.html
Words: 184
Location: Orchard Park, NY
Category: homecoming
10/23/05 02:17 - 43ºF - ID#36274
Homecoming Last Night
We went to Mighty Taco afterwards, which was fun. My feet kill from those freaking aweful shoes.
I just cut up my old camo pants. I got them from the Army Navy Store wayyyy back when... and they are bagging and big and wonderful! But they are too ripped to wear much. So I told Daddy to take me to the store sometime whenever he feels like it, so i can buy a new pair. And I made a skirt out of my old pair..And it looks sweet!! mwahaha...I usually hate wearing skirts..but when they look cool, then I wear 'em.
School tomorrow, bleh! Rina came over on Friday and we were supposed to have a band practice. But her mother had to get her just a little after she got here, so we didn't even get to practice...which kinda sucked. But she's coming over tomorrow cuz we've got girl scouts and she needs a ride. So she gets to spend all day with me, haha.
And speaking of band practice, I've gotta go practice singing Conformist Nation..

Permalink: Homecoming_Last_Night.html
Words: 305
Location: Orchard Park, NY
Category: school
10/19/05 04:42 - ID#36273
school sucks...
It's boring, and i have to do homework, and i'm stuck with the worst teachers on the planet...Ok. Maybe they aren't the worst..but they are pretty bad, lol..
So anyways, I got to go home with Lindsey yesterday! woot! It was great fun. I got to watch Chasing Liberty. Such a cute movie.....
Homecoming is on Saturday night. My little cousin Robin is coming with me and Heather. So I'm really excited. She's one of my bestest pals... I feel bad for her, cuz she's a cheerleader (lol, need i say more?) and she was really really upset cuz her homecoming was a complete disaster. So, I'm taking her avec moi so that she has a fun time! And then we're probably going out to Mighty Taco afterwards, lol....
Ooo, I can't sleep in very late on Saturday. I've gotta teach relgion! lol, yes, that's right! I'm a Relgious Ed. teacher! I can't believe it myself...Actually, Tory kept begging me and Heather to teach with her. So we were like, yeah, sure, whatever.. And then we had this meeting with the woman in charge...and she hates us, lol. Me and Heather are awful at Religion. We get in trouble, we put bullcrap answers on's funny. But we somehow suckered the poor woman into thinking that we were trying to find God... I'm still kinda upset that we had to lie, but we would never have been able to teach otherwise. And we're good teachers. We tell them Jesus loves them just like we're sposed to...we teach them their prayers.... Only ucky thing is getting up early. And, we have an autistic girl in our class, so it's kind of hard to keep her in line...
But whatever...I'm starving, I've gotta find some food.

Permalink: school_sucks_.html
Words: 341
Location: Orchard Park, NY
Category: religious ed
10/17/05 10:01 - ID#36272
Just got back from Conformation Class
I hate going to these stupid classes, but I must say, this one was pretty fun. This really cute little guy named Denis was in my group sitting next to me. hair's kinda tangly cuz I'm growing dreads...and my pen somehow got stuck in it. Heather started dying of laughter cuz I couldn't get it out. And then Denis started laughing with her. Let me tell ya, it was a riot.....
But...I'm totally not looking forward to school tomorrow. I've gotta get to bed, Mommy is yelling at me to hurry on up to bed. How old does she think I am anyways, lol..
- hugs*

Permalink: Just_got_back_from_Conformation_Class.html
Words: 178
Location: Orchard Park, NY
Category: bad day
10/17/05 04:19 - ID#36271
What the?! This just sucks.

Permalink: What_the_This_just_sucks_.html
Words: 92
Location: Orchard Park, NY
Category: katy rose
10/15/05 07:45 - ID#36270
Teachin Myself to Dream
The moon is naked in the sky, so maybe you and I could fly
Or pretend
As the stars fall from grace, and light your glowing face
I'm teachin myself to dream
I'm holding my breath to scream
I'm teachin myself to
Believe in the things I don't understand
I don't even know if they're true
That's what's dreamers do
I can't say what day it is or year
But thou shalt have no fear, for I know your name
You can't believe what I did and maybe I'm just a kid
But then we're both the same
I watch the hours through the glass
And know that time will finally pass
I'm teachin myself to dream
I'm learning what love can be
I'm teachin myself to
Believe in the things I don't understand
I don't even know if they're true
That's what dreamers do
Stapled eyes can't open until waking
And all your lies will be your undertaking
I'll let my mind dance and flow
We'll make magic and I'll know
As the lilacs slowly grow
All my dreams are true
Teachin myself to dream
I'm holding my breath to scream
I'm teachin myself to
Believe in the things I don't understand
I don't even know if they're true
That's what dreamers do...
Teachin' Myself to Dream
By: Katy Rose

Permalink: Teachin_Myself_to_Dream.html
Words: 238
Location: Orchard Park, NY
Category: psats
10/15/05 01:11 - ID#36269
I am not looking forward to the actual SATs. hmmm..

Permalink: PSATs.html
Words: 76
Location: Orchard Park, NY
10/14/05 05:42 - ID#36268
So anyways....PSATs are tomorrow. And I'm dreading getting up early on a Saturday!! Oh no.. I'll probably end up falling asleep during them. I'm really not in the mood for a long ars test. Not really my idea of a good time.
But on a lighter note, Graham from Keppler's Music Center in West Seneca is coming over in about an hour. Daddy is putting out an album, and Graham is doing the lead guitar. He and Daddy are going to work on some lead parts tonight. And Gray is bringing his guitar pedals!! Yes! With all their awesome cool guitar effects! He's letting me and Heather borrow it all weekend, so we can play with it. We need to get some pedals for our band. Cuz guitars sound nice just plain. But we want some different sounds for some of our songs.
lol, very funny story....Heather forgot the house key today. And I would have had mine, but Heather actually has mine now, since she lost her own. So, we waited for a half hour for Shanny to get home. And then we asked her to get out her key. And she didn't have it on her. Which sucked. Cuz it was only 3, and Daddy doesn't get home til around 5-ish. So, we tried to break into the house, lol. And then we tried to push the big window AC out of the window. But it was awefully heavy. So, me and Shanny walked to Rico's house. And we used her cell to call Mommy. And Mommy just laughed when we asked her to call Bushi and have her come to unlock the door....but she said no. So I went back home. And Heather had her hand through a half of the window with the AC, lol. She had managed to unlock the screen of the window next to the AC. So we finally got it open, and we climbed through. It was quite an experience. I felt like Shorty, Indiana Jones' little sidekick in the Temple of Doom, tehehe! I love that kid...
Ehhh, I've gotta get going. Me and Heather have to work on some new songs. We've got some great anti-war and environmental songs :)

Permalink: Hmmm.html
Words: 383
Location: Orchard Park, NY
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