Category: gimme a mutt anyday
03/20/06 05:35 - 26ºF - ID#33661
damn fucking dog
I listened to the Great Expcetation's soundtrack as I drove my sister's car down I75 with the car on cruise control at 75. I stopped by a gas station where I purchased a pack of Marlboro reds from a bearded man with a gruff drawl. Then I blasted country music and sang along. Five minutes from the house on old 41 a raccoon ran out into the road causing me to slam on my breaks and swerve. The car, raccoon and I all turned out fine. I drove on at a slower pace. When I arrived to the house it was about 4:20 in the morning. My sister left the porch lights on for me. I went to the first door and tried the key but it only opened the top lock. I went around to the front door and and unlocked the door but they had the chain on. Finally I walked around to the back porch and my dad's weimareiner, Ray, rose up from his sleep and growled and started running toward me. I said Ray, ray, ray! and he jumped on me, I ran and screamed bloody murder and Ray bit the hell out of my back. Then he went back on the porch. That was the first time I have ever seen a dog attack a person and the person was me. I took out my cell phone and called inside the house. My sleepy Mama answered and I told her
"come let me in the house the dog just attached me"
"which one?"
So when I could hear my Mama at the door I grabbed some rocks and started chucking them at Ray, sadly I didn't hit him. I went into the house and started crying. I didn't want to. My Mama has see me freak out enough in her life but I was so shaken up I couldn't help it. I took off my coat, pulled up my shirt and asked my Mama to if there was a mark on my back. She said yes and I bent down to let Kiah's little puppy out of it's kennel. My sister asked me to take him out. She gave him to Kiah yesterday. He looks like a little bear. Kiah named him Prince Poo Follower.
My Mama told me not to let that puppy out to pee on her rug but I needed a sweet animal to restore my faith in the kindness of dogs. I took out the puppy, held him and cried. Then I got up and looked at my back in the mirror. I saw that Ray broke the skin, even through my wool coat. My mama came with some neosporean and bandages. I had turned on the barn lights because I wanted to take Ray out to his pin but when I opened the door he growled at me and Mama told me to leave him alone. I cussed at him and shut the door. My mama doctored my back and I asked
"What are you going to do when that dog attacks one of your babies?"
"he did attach one of my babies"
"I mean little babies"
Then I took Prince Poo Follower out onto the front porch. He went into the grass and took a poo. I was proud of him and gave him a treat. As I type this Prince Poo Follower is sleeping in my lap.

Permalink: damn_fucking_dog.html
Words: 623
Location: Buffalo, NY
03/18/06 05:28 - 30ºF - ID#33660
Happy Birthday Matthew

Permalink: Happy_Birthday_Matthew.html
Words: 16
Location: Buffalo, NY
03/17/06 09:54 - 26ºF - ID#33659
more crap and happy patty's day

I'm going to drive to Atlanta in a little bit. Let's see what kind of trouble I can get into there.

Permalink: more_crap_and_happy_patty_s_day.html
Words: 57
Location: Buffalo, NY
03/16/06 03:48 - 31ºF - ID#33658

The other night I was in a particular house on Linwood. I had ridden over there on my bike making only a short stop at Louie's hot dogs for a Cajun catfish sandwich. When I arrived the three occupants of the house were situated in front on the television. Two were avidly engaged in a show called Manor House whilst the other was splitting his interest between the show and his lap top.
We chatted about the social political connotations of the show. I sipped a Budweiser. Then went into the living room for a cheifing session. We stayed in this room for quite sometime. We played with the flying furry animals while the clock went, tick tick tick tick. One of the gentlemen fell asleep on the couch or rested his eyes.
Then I rode my bike back home. Along the way I spotted two rabbits courting each other. One would hop, wait, and the other would follow. Then try to hump the running one. They went on like this for a while. I stopped and watched but they never really got in on while I was there. It's a sure sign spring is coming.
Things I've learned/remembered (what's the difference?) in Adairsville
1. My sister turns undyed yarn into undyed carpets but use of a krill and tuftin machine.
2. Kiah knows that some dinosaurs were meat eaters whereas others were plant eaters.
3. My mawmaw's brother died.
4. My brother took a picture of two rattlesnakes on his last hunting trip.
5. Gracie had to go to the dentist to have cavities filled and she was a good girl.
6. In the Calhoun wal-mart today somebody said "happy birthday Clyde, woo" on the intercom.
7. My dad may be hired to fix up some old house that predates the civil war and has a cannonball stuck in a tree outside.
8. My parents painted the wood paneling in the hallway white.
9. My parents are broke since my dad retired a few weeks ago.
10. Lea, the baby can say "juice."
11. My sister dumped her last boyfriend because he always obeyed his ex wife.

Permalink: shhhhhhhhhh.html
Words: 395
Location: Buffalo, NY
03/14/06 09:27 - 33ºF - ID#33657
personal website

Permalink: personal_website.html
Words: 19
Location: Buffalo, NY
03/14/06 06:33 - 36ºF - ID#33656
sounds good

I am so for real.

Permalink: sounds_good.html
Words: 27
Location: Buffalo, NY
03/10/06 11:25 - 35ºF - ID#33655
ring my bell

Permalink: ring_my_bell.html
Words: 14
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: at 3 in the mornin
03/10/06 10:33 - 36ºF - ID#33654
the things one does

thanks leetee [inlink]leetee,142[/inlink] I could not resist sending in baby pictures of Poxy. She's actually 9 years old now safe and sound at my parents house. Everyone always made fun of her, lets see if she can reek her revenge through kitten wars.
Southernyankee and hodown, looks like we are doing something right. Maybe we should turn lesbian and really have it out. God knows I'm already queer.

Permalink: the_things_one_does.html
Words: 80
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: 2 hours later
03/09/06 11:09 - 55ºF - ID#33653
We can't destroy the inequities between men and women until we destroy marriage.
-Robin Morgan
I was riding back from the store on my bike (gotta love this weather) a few minutes ago when I remembered something. When I was a child I went to an elementary school that was missing most of the doors to the stalls in the bathroom. I think I was 9 or 10. My class was having a party and they passed out candy to all of us. I decided I had to go take take a leak and so I went to the restroom. I walked into the last door less stall and sat down on my throne. While I was sitting a little girl came to the back and looked at me. She immediately covered her mouth with her hand and exclaimed "ah ah ah." I was like, oh shit, "What?" and she said "you got candy, we ain't allowed" I said "my class is havin a party so we are allowed."
Other than that I went to okcupid and took their quiz. This is what they had to say about my answers.

Genghis Khunt
Random Brutal Sex Master (RBSMf)
But we figured you wouldn't understand, and rightly so. We don't understand either. So you are Genghis Khunt: master of man, bringer of pain--riding your way to conquest after conquest.
Your sexual avarice is legendary. You've already had an unusually high amount of experience, and, still you look for more. You intimidate many. You make no apologies.
Your exact opposite:
The Sonnet
Deliberate Gentle Love Dreamer
Personality-wise, you're carefree and relatively easy-going. You don't plan things out ahead of time; you tend to live in the moment. Of course, this can cause some damage when the moment happens to include a screaming orgasm with his younger brother. Hence the 'brutal' tag we've given you.
But you know what, take five seconds to lock the doors, and you'll be fine. There's nothing wrong with a little sex, or a whole lot.
note to Matthew- I'm going to miss your party. That bums me out but I gotta go to Georgia next week.
note to Terry- don't you want your plastic, honey? It's just sitting there

Permalink: RAM.html
Words: 387
Location: Buffalo, NY
03/03/06 04:23 - 15ºF - ID#33652
fer ajay
If yes, and knowing what you know today, would you change your answer?
Nope, even my newly "republican" grandma didn't like that one.
2. Do you think this Administration deliberately overstated the threat posed by Saddam in 2002 in making its claim to Congress? (ref. Gulf of Tonkin resolution, 1964).
Yeah, of course, rich politicians have their own agendas.
3. Almost as many people were killed by Katrina as were killed in 9/11. Do you think the reaction of this Administration has been even-handed to these two events? If not, why not?
No, it ain't the same. I hoped for a war on nature but that's a war that takes time. It's more immediate to wage a war on other people. Some says it's about the oil but I think it's about the people because they are the most valuable natural resource.
4. Do you think the enmasse wiretapping of phonecalls of American citizens by the Administration that has been revealed recently was illegal?
No, the patriot act made it legal, right? Yes, this is a fucked country where the government can do anything. Did I mention I work for the state? Why doesn't it apply to me as an individual? shit!
5. Do you think gays should have the right to marry?
No, nobody should. What the hell is marriage anyway? People should have the right to stay together if they want, no papers attached.
6. Do you support a woman's right to unhindered access to abortion?
Yes. If the world were a little less fucked up women might feel better bringing their kids into it, aka, destroy the patriarchy!
7. Do you support the idea of mandatory prayer in schools? If yes, would you support a Muslim Imam leading the prayers in your child(ren)'s school?
No, that should be a choice, at the same time there is little choice, you're kind of born into that religious shit. The first institution is family, then religion, school and govt. You can switch around the last three but the first is right on... unless you go to foster home.
8. Do you support the right of a person to grow a little bit of pot in
his/her home and consume it as s/he sees it fit? Assume the same
laws about DUI, DWI, etc. apply.
Come on. I support the right of meth users to kill themselves with the drug.
9. Do you support the idea of a national healthcare system? Why, or why not?
I don't know. Seeing as how I'm I debtor and not much of a moneymaker this rule doesn't matter so much. I don't have health insurance, at least not that I know of and I have to say it's a pain in my ass. I need to go to the dentist, you know? At the same time I don't want to take money from the proletariat who is wasting their life to put food on the table.
10.For self-identified Democrats/Republicans/Libertarians/Greens alike: would your answers to any of the questions 1-4 above be different if the President was (or was not, if you're Republican) from your party?
If yes, which ones and why?

Permalink: fer_ajay.html
Words: 534
Location: Buffalo, NY
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dogs can definately be scary and unpredictable. when I was young I had a paper route and I used to get bit by dogs all the time. for some reason they could sense when I was coming down the street on my bike and they would get lose from fences, tie downs and collars and come after me. they would bark and bite at my ankles (which hurt) and I would have to pedel my ass off to get away. my heart would race and I would be scared to go back to the area to deliver more papers. for years I was scared of dogs even though I have owned some of the sweetest dogs on the planet.
I hope the weather is nice where your at. Florida was beautiful...DT